Gp2x Value Pack Launched!

sbock posted on Dec 19 2006 at 04:17 PM said:

Will you offer the Value Pack in your shop?
I thing that the Gamers Pack and Developers Pack you offer are the better choice...


ED's Gamer Pack is a very good deal indeed, but he shoud offer a 4gig version of it. 1gig is just not enough and the four gig Ridata card he sells over his shop fits just perfectly to the gp2x
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EvilDragon posted on Dec 19 2006 at 10:06 AM said:
Well, don't expect too much with this release yet (nothing new for you guys, mostly made it better for new customers), the firmware itself hasn't changed THAT much yet, but we're working on more things that will make the FW much better... that takes time, however.
This was just a quick start :)
Excellent. I hope Craig plans on putting his MP3 player (though the skin should be made to look like the rest of the FW) in place of GPH's crappy player. :)

Regarding Epicenter: I've seen many bannable comments from him in other threads and they were never acted upon (like his many rampages against Craigix). This instance here was not worthy of banning at all, however. Be careful what you say, guys! :rolleyes:
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Think of it as a delayed response then.

WFUK: Being a mod is usually a no-win situation so don't let the angry mob get to you and keep doing what you think is the right thing. I tend to agree with a previous poster that 'hidden' bans are less likely to incite the peasants.
critical posted on Dec 19 2006 at 02:25 PM said:
ruckage posted on Dec 19 2006 at 02:21 PM said:
In fairness this thread is now way of topic and it's not really because of epicenter this time. WarmFluffyUK has explained her position and the reasons for why he was banned so this should really be put to rest now (unless you want another 20 page thread that is completely off topic, much like the ones Epicenter regularly fueled.)
Perhaps a lock is in order?
Yes, why not exercise a bit more abuse of power - lock away... my opinion (which is of no consequence) of some people in this place has plummeted enough for one day now anyway :(

Cheezer: yes, we're guests on this forum. We're also part of a community - this forum is nothing without that.
You think this was bad. This was justified. Rico banned me for posting an on topic message before, because he posted just before that the next poster would be banned :o
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I'd just like to point out that banning Epicenter for a week isn't really harsh, considering he keeps saying he's leaving and never coming back. And then doesn't.

Glad to see Craig finally managed to squeeze everything in. He had to tar.gz everything to get it all on there :)

P.S.: Can we get a list of included stuff (inc. videos etc.)?
nickspoon posted on Dec 19 2006 at 04:53 PM said:
Glad to see Craig finally managed to squeeze everything in. He had to tar.gz everything to get it all on there :)

P.S.: Can we get a list of included stuff (inc. videos etc.)?
I was wondering if ryleh's gpe compressor was being used... I suppose its usefulness depends on whether the games' data files are the biggest hogs or not...
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@ DaveC - i like joysticks, and i find no problem with this one, a d-pad would be great, but not for things like mame, gngeo and all the other consoled that need a joystick... mabey a new joystick with something that could make it a d-pad (like the neo geo pocket) would be great

@ the ban - good, i personally didnt have anything against epicenter at all, it was just his constant criticising of the 2x just made him really anoying! i cant say ive contributed anything to the 2x scene at all but atleast im not on here bashing the 2x 24/7... personally i dont get why all of you are defending him, the majority of his posts were all about how much he hates the 2x which is stupid to defend imo its like if someone makes fun of your best friend and you defend the kid after your friend beat him up! but lets just drop it or move it to another topic since this isnt the right place to argue about a ban....

@ ED - great to hear you guys are making a new firmware! cant wait for it! (also any idea on when we can get the new skin/firmware thats comming with the value pack?)
EvilDragon posted on Dec 19 2006 at 04:06 PM said:
Well, don't expect too much with this release yet (nothing new for you guys, mostly made it better for new customers), the firmware itself hasn't changed THAT much yet, but we're working on more things that will make the FW much better... that takes time, however.
This was just a quick start :)

Sonds very interesting! :) The Standard Firmware isn't that bad so I wonder, what you guys will put in, in the Future. ^^
The Idea with the Value Pack is great. Especialy for new GP2X users. ^^

DaveC posted on Dec 19 2006 at 04:17 PM said:
gaterooze posted on Dec 19 2006 at 04:23 AM said:
DaveC posted on Dec 19 2006 at 03:25 AM said:
That stick is probly the biggest reason so many projects have been abandoned and devs have left for other things like DS, PSP etc.

Apart from Epicenter (one among MANY reasons he gave), please name some others that left the scene *specifically* due to the GP2X's stick? Serious question.

And leaving for the PSP due to it? The PSP's controls (both rubbish D-pad and unsuitable-for-2D analogue stick) are far worse.

Well Telengard (XMESS) said the stick ruined the experience, so much so that he is not motivated to finish the emu. Reesy said that he prefered playing a different handheld (said elsewhere) because of the lame stick. Those are the ones that I KNOW for a fact but I am sure there are many more. If I asked all of the devs who don't come here any more or made a poll I would bet the stick was a big reason for them to not continue the work (another being real life). The fact is the stick is shit. Even if you don't mind the cavernous dead zone and can "get used to it" it is not very robust and is prone to breakage. If GPH switched to a d-pad I would bet that the scene would be much more active.
Strange. I like the Stick. never had problems with this thing. For me, It's easy to play all games with Stick, even Pad-Games for all the Console-Emulators. But in the opposite way, I couldn't play Stick-Games with a D-Pad *uurk* NeoRage with a Pad??????? No, Thanks or Good luck with all the KoF Special Moves. XD
I don't hate D-Pads but I like the famous STICK PUSH... and the D-Pads don't have a Stick-Button yet. Not good for games with many Input-Keys like Duke2X where EVERY Button is needed or Emulators where all Keys needed for the emulated System itself. So if you don't want to use cryptic Key-Combinations till your fingers bleed to go into the Emu-menus, you should take advantages of the 11. GP2X-Button. ;)
Many People have a Stick and like the thing. For D-Pad users, there should be always alternative key-Combinations in the Applications of course. MAME or GMU are D-Pad-Friendly, I know.
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The Value Pack looks interesting .. from an "at least they're doing *something*" perspective. Great to have a bunch of games ready to go as soon as you get it out of the box, that is for sure, and I hope that there's a way us current-users can stuff the same games in NAND.

But: what about the Breakout Box? To me, being able to buy a GP2X+Breakout Box is *the* most important form of "pack" arrangement GPH et al. could possibly make .. is there any news about this, ED/craig?
critical posted on Dec 19 2006 at 05:05 PM said:
I was wondering if ryleh's gpe compressor was being used... I suppose its usefulness depends on whether the games' data files are the biggest hogs or not...
I'm sure I recall him saying that he used it. But he still couldn't fit everything on, so he used dynamic ungzipping to /tmp :)
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Goemon4 posted on Dec 19 2006 at 06:15 PM said:
@ DaveC - i like joysticks, and i find no problem with this one, a d-pad would be great, but not for things like mame, gngeo and all the other consoled that need a joystick... mabey a new joystick with something that could make it a d-pad (like the neo geo pocket) would be great
To those that like the stick fine you are in luck then. The M2 stick is not terrible, although not the best, the dead zones are too big. It seems too prone to breakage. The stick push wears it even faster. The M1 stick because of the diagonal bias is borderline unuseable though. Many times you want to go left right etc and end up going diagonal. A *good* stick would be fine, this one just misses the mark. I would bet that there are more that dislike the stick than prefer it.

I play MAME and GNGeo all of the time with my QD d-pad mod and it is alot easier to play all games for me. I can now pull off hadokens or dragon punches at will, where before it was hit or miss. Everything else is more accurate as well. At no point do I miss the old stick.

Jackd posted on Dec 19 2006 at 04:05 AM said:
The stick is pretty bad but its not too bad... basically its like a dpad but feels better. I hate dpads oh so much... I HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!... unless they are used with another stick. What I want is a zodiac style full analog stick.
If you play emulators at all analog is absolutely the pits. I had a Z and dumped the thing after awhile because the analog stick was so miserably sloppy in emus. Analog is like the M1 GP2X stick only sloppier, ugh.
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hmmmm, QDd-pad mod you say (tut please) cause if its good then ill try it (but ive never suffered from any "dead zones" or anything) but im curious now about d-pad modding (geesh im so easily influenced lol)....
Goemon4 posted on Dec 19 2006 at 07:00 PM said:
hmmmm at QDd-pad mod you say (tut please) cause if its good then ill try it (but ive never suffered from any "dead zones" or anything) but im curious now about d-pad modding (geesh im so easily influenced lol)....

I have special PCBs that I designed made and some tactile switches etc. It is not really DIY (unless you have my pre-assembled kit). I am going to make some more up and a limited qty should be made available in ED's shop.
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anytime soon? (either way ill keep my out for them) cause i wouldnt mind trying it
I agree about the breakout box. As soon as the commercial interface board is released I'm buying at least 6 of them.
The MASTER posted on Dec 19 2006 at 05:21 PM said:
I agree about the breakout box. As soon as the commercial interface board is released I'm buying at least 6 of them.
I'll be the first to ask, why buy so many?

- Alex
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Alex. posted on Dec 19 2006 at 06:03 PM said:
The MASTER posted on Dec 19 2006 at 05:21 PM said:
I agree about the breakout box. As soon as the commercial interface board is released I'm buying at least 6 of them.
I'll be the first to ask, why buy so many?

- Alex
I guess so you can just dock your GP2X on any TV you own without having to move the BoB. Interesting idea, but that would be very expensive... I don't think there's an announced price yet, but I expect they'll be around $75USD-ish.
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The Voca Master Project (?) looks like a better pack.

Why does DaveC not get banned for continually harping on about the stick ? At least Epicentre's rantings are not motivated by the desire to sell people a d-pad mod.