Gp2x Value Pack Launched!

The stick isn't that bad with some type of games, but with other games it's useless.
I have to thank DaveC for his kit, really.

Anyway, I'm curious about the firmware additions that Craigx and ED plan to add...
Hey Dave, remember this?
Yono posted on Dec 18 2006 at 10:31 PM said:
DaveC posted on Dec 18 2006 at 10:25 PM said:
I agree with most of this but keep the crappy stick? ARE YOU CRAZY!!

That stick is probly the biggest reason so many projects have been abandoned and devs have left for other things like DS, PSP etc.

Get rid of that shitty stick!
Aw Dave, come on, don't let this turn into a flame war like that silly screen debate.
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DaveC was banned recently so try not to irritate him too much or he'll blow his top and get banned again, and with both him and Epicenter absent we'll have a totally boring forum.

BTW DaveC, since there are people that are happy with the stick it makes it a subjective issue. Therefore do not try and state your opinion as fact because it isn't. No matter how aggressively you state it.
Ryo posted on Dec 21 2006 at 08:20 PM said:
The stick isn't that bad with some type of games, but with other games it's useless.
I have to thank DaveC for his kit, really.

Anyway, I'm curious about the firmware additions that Craigx and ED plan to add...

Did you install the pad sucessfully then?

Also what ever the new FW does I hope your menu still works. Yours is much better than the GPH style of browsing 10 directories into a tree just to load an app ;)

subcon959 posted on Dec 21 2006 at 09:30 PM said:
DaveC was banned recently so try not to irritate him too much or he'll blow his top and get banned again.

BTW DaveC, since there are people that are happy with the stick it makes it a subjective issue. Therefore do not try and state your opinion as fact because it isn't. No matter how aggressively you state it.
That is probably the Fawny's intention, to attempt to get me to go mental and get suspended. I can't think of any other reason for insisting that I am doing some sort of dodgy "stealth marketing". Stealth marketing, gimme a fuckin' break :rolleyes:

Well the fact is that alot of us hate ,or at least don't care for, the stick that is not opinion. That can be verified by reading posts. There was a time where the most popular threads here were related to cap mods and d-pad replacements. The threads weren't just me posting to myself either, so there must be alot of us that were dissatisfied with it.
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DaveC posted on Dec 22 2006 at 12:17 AM said:
Also what ever the new FW does I hope your menu still works. Yours is much better than the GPH style of browsing 10 directories into a tree just to load an app ;)
I don't think there is much chance of gmenu2x not working on future firmware versions - I have been running it on a custom firmware with not a single file from the standard one with no problems (I just used the standard statically linked binary).
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DaveC posted on Dec 22 2006 at 01:17 AM said:
Did you install it sucessfully then?
Nope, it seems I don't have the right tools. I could have soldered anything with little problems (maybe big but who knows) but I really can't desolder the stick.
Anyway, ED is going to do it for me so I should be a dpad user soon (w00t!)

DaveC posted on Dec 22 2006 at 01:17 AM said:
Also what ever the new FW does I hope your menu still works. Yours is much better than the GPH style of browsing 10 directories into a tree just to load an app ;)
Thanks, I really don't care too much about the interface too, but maybe there will be some interesting changes in other sections of the firmware...

DaveC posted on Dec 22 2006 at 01:17 AM said:
Well the fact is that alot of us hate the stick, that is not opinion. That can be verified by reading posts.
I think most of the users hate the stick but there's a big number that is fine with it too, so good for them :)
I really can't play my beloved neogeo's beat 'em ups because of this stick. Having a MKI doesn't help, but a friend of mine also hates it (with a MKII)
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Ryo posted on Dec 22 2006 at 12:29 AM said:
Nope, it seems I don't have the right tools. I could have soldered anything with little problems (maybe big but who knows) but I really can't desolder the stick.
Anyway, ED is going to do it for me so I should be a dpad user soon (w00t!)

Ahhaaa I have converted you to a d-pad user Mmwahaahaaa. My eeevil "stealth marketing" plan is working *wrings hands together*. Soon you will ALL be assimilated, one by one. HaHa.. :P Obey or you will be exterminated, EXTERMINATE! EXTERMINAAAAATE!!
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ditto, im starting to notice problems with mine now! i was playing KoF (through GnGeo) and i moved it up to jump kick Terry (and i was low on health), and nothing happened, and i got pwned! the next round same thing, but i went to block and Andy landed one of those jumping spiny kick things and almost killed me! arg! (10 bucks says tthe only reason this is happening is cause im more aware of it!) oh well, atleast its still good wile playing metal slug.....

(btw, this has gone way off topic, mabey someone should start a new topic about it?)
Goemon4 posted on Dec 22 2006 at 11:56 AM said:
ditto, im starting to notice problems with mine now! i was playing KoF (through GnGeo) and i moved it up to jump kick Terry (and i was low on health), and nothing happened, and i got pwned! the next round same thing, but i went to block and Andy landed one of those jumping spiny kick things and almost killed me! arg! (10 bucks says tthe only reason this is happening is cause im more aware of it!) oh well, atleast its still good wile playing metal slug.....

(btw, this has gone way off topic, mabey someone should start a new topic about it?)

No, you are crazy and are imagining things. Remember Fawny says the stick is fine. It is just me putting thoughts in your head that the stick is dodgy. I do this as part of my "stealth marketing" :rolleyes:
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DaveC, the only reason I argue with you about this stick thing is to balance out your posts with my, luckily, opposite opinion. The reason being, I'm afraid your continuous, and rather aggressive, stick-bashing is turning potential buyers off and I don't see that as a good thing. Do you?
Sub, just wait till your stick breaks after not very much playing...

The stick is terrible, hence all the mods! Better new people know this, than come here afterwards slagging it off!

The rest of the machine is great, but I'm sure we all (including Dave C) know this.
Ooops! Seem to have hit a nerve there.

Nicely put subcon959. Also, you can't sell joypad mods to people who are put off from buying it.

I would just like to apologise to Cheezer for my part in turning his thread into another DaveC soapbox. Thanks for bringing the value pack to our attention. :)
man you are totally missing the point of this rant war doohickey! its DaveC saying he dosnt like the stick, so he made a D pad mod to fix his problem, and now hes sharing it with us who are having the same problem. you could get mad at him if he was like epicenter who just says this is stuff and dosnt do anything to improve it, i mean at least DaveC found a solution for what he was complaining about ( ;) ) also if someone says theres a problem with something it shouldnt put people off if there is a solution (unless their lazy consumers) either way it improves the product imo, so imo its good for 2x owners and future buyers least hes offering a solution instead of mindlessly criticising it... or do you just not like his "stealth marketing"? lol either way, it dosnt concern you cause it isnt like his selling of D pad mods is effecting you in any way.... or is it some how magically eating you alive and every sale causes it to eat you faster and outcasting you into an eternal oblivion into a firey hell in a retirement home in it?
There's enough people who do like the stick to put new buyers at ease. I'm very happy with mine, and prefer it to a D-pad. I *would* like a slightly smaller deadzone, but I don't let that bother me. Growing up with C64 joysticks, this is a luxury :)

Last week I let a friend play with mine for a while, and he went out and bought his own immediately. I had another friend have a "quick look" and he sat there for two hours playing various games. I warned both that some people hate the stick, but they said they didn't even notice.

I think it breaks down to this:

Group 1 - Mk1 sticks, which by most accounts are seriously flawed. Still usable, but with bias problems and larger deadzone.
Group 2 - people who have faulty sticks but don't realize it. The stick unit is admittedly poor quality and breaks easily. Mine has "come loose" twice, and while I managed to get it back into place, it is a worry.
Group 3 - people who are so used to D-pads, the stick just feels weird.
Group 4 - people who are genuinely bothered by the stick for whatever reason. Maybe it doesn't perform as well in their favorite style of game, or they just don't tolerate the flaws.

Then there's the silent majority (yes, majority), those who are quite content with the stick and feel no need to complain.

To put it into context, there is only one current handheld with better controls: the Nintendo DS. IMHO the GP2X has better controls than anything else, including the PSP, Zaurus, Gizmondo, mobile phones and all of the Pocket PC types I've seen. Does that only make it the best of a bad bunch? Maybe.

I still don't think the GP2X cap design has been perfected. My thumb slipped on the Mk2 cap, making fast side-to-side or up-down movements more difficult. I drilled out an old Xbox stick to make a cap, and now it plays brilliantly for me. Others have put a dab of hot glue on the four ordinal directions. Both give greater grip and allow your thumb to stay in the middle. People who don't like the stick could try these options if they don't want to resort to a D-Pad mod.

btw D-pads do have a "virtual deadzone", which is the distance your thumb needs to travel to change direction. The PSP's is massive because it's a discontinuous design. OTOH the GBA's was miniscule. Just having a D-pad doesn't eliminiate this--it has to be a GOOD D-pad.

And I absolutely applaud DaveC for supplying that option to people. It can only help sell GP2Xs if people know they can change things down the track if they don't like it.