Replace Postcounts With Helpfulness* Ratings.


Nov 29, 2004
Visit site
Instead of postcounts I think we should have a rating system where members can rate other Members on a 1-5 star Scale (the rating would come out allowing 0.5 marks).
Members should be rated on Helpfulness, Friendliness, how-much they have given to the community, wit, humour etc... Not by how many posts they have made.

People with high ratings already should have a greater effect when they rate somebody else, in order to prevent n00bs marking down Mods when they don't like what has been said about them, or general revenge ratings.

Instead of your Postcount under your name it should have your rating (and a clickable panel where you can rate them - this would have to be very small). Maybe with badges in order that people would be rewarded for being nice.

You would also have to make it so one member can only vote once for somebody per couple of days.

Apart from (Hando's) time to implement this, can anyone see any problems with this.

I think getting rid of post counts would be very good for this board, as would stop people spamming until they look like old-timers ie. Goity just for the sake of it.
Um, I do people care about post count anyway? That's amazingly lame if they do...
Yes they do that is why it exists.
Often people look at peoples post count when judging the validity of a piece of information.
And this is a logical way of doing things as someone who has been an active member of a community for a long time is going to have the answers to a lot of questions, however it can be easily be abused as people can spam a lot and look more important than they are.
Are you saying that If you asked a question you would treat the people who gave you the answers the same if one had 23 posts and the other had 7800 posts?

Many people get called a n00b just because of their post count.

see: A discussion partially relevant to mine

Post Counts are Penis extensions.
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who cares, its just a number :P... If a number makes you unhappy, then thats just wrong :P

BUT, Its a Good idea to keep Post counts because of the Market Place!! Personally I would not buy off someone that has 1 postcount and keeping postcounts allows us to see this :)
There's always 1 or 2 posts confirming what someone has said. Just because someone has posted a lot it doesn't mean that they know loads about the gp. Some people have most of their posts in off topic anyway.

I didn't realise that people cared about the count. Nobody seemed to care when it was removed for a while.
post count really isn't needed, you can tell who were acceptable by their ranking e.g. I knew to trust dozer on that gpcinema thing, even though i was a newb

grr... i went into war mode a few days ago so my post count was high. i don't usually make that many posts
I'm sure post counts aren't worth this much debating...people who are helpful are obvious by the style of their posts...people dont generally lie round here so 'post count' does not increase someones status as trustworthy necessarily...

this board is about a community, so I'm sure most people worth their salt won't need the 'pat on the back' that a usefulness counter would offer...I don't want to completely rag the idea I just dont think its much of an least it wasnt until about 2 hours ago :P
There are too many complications introducing all these ratings. I reckon there should be some kind of Spam limit. eg if a person is deemed to be spamming than a limit of say 3 posts a day or what ever could be introduced until they learn their lesson.
Why not just remove the post count from under the persons name like before?

TBH it is a bit sad that anyone even cares this much about the damn thing.
the people that are not helpful are the ones that say things like -

"F**king n00b, use the search" etc

TBH it is a bit sad that anyone even cares this much about the damn thing.

I only care about them when buying :)
Many people who joined much later than me have higher post counts. However many of those posts were unconstructive and generally spam. Go have a higher post count, see if I care.

Post Count +1 :P
many forums that have 'mod points' or 'karma points' also have people who post just to push their points up. There is usually some sort of reward for reaching certain levels of points, like the ability to mod peoples posts, or a stupid image under their avatar, or a free toaster or something. It usually becomes a bit of a competition.

This might not be a bad thing for a forum where people cant be bothered answering questions, huge amounts of people post to a thread, or where flame wars start easily. But for this site it would be a bit of a waste of time. Most questions are answered well and quickly and most of the active 'question answering' people are recognised by the mods and awarded guru status.

Having people compete for points takes something away from the community feel of the forum.

just my 2c please don't mod me down ;)
Yep. We have a Karma System on CNCForen currently, it IS a nice feedback feature but it definitely is not used in the way it should be. People get Bad Karma and Flame Wars sometime erupt because of that, or people refuse to talk to each other because one gave bad Karma to the other one.

Personally, I don't give a damn. We are not many frequent posters here, so we know each other and our personalities quite well, even after a short time. Post count, Karma, Feedback, Helpfulness, I don't look at any of these things. To be honest, I couldn't give a rough estimate of my current post count...

Helpfulness wil just become a rewarding competition. "You gave me a Rom link per pm, you rock!", "I like that music too" or "rofl lol that was so funny" are three examples that could take the sense out of the system. I say keep it as it is, remove or keep the post count, whatever. I'm not going to participate in any rating system that might come up anyway.
Mosch speaks the truth. Karma systems are usually abused, and encourage cliques of people who mod each other up and all that jazz. Now, rating topics would be good.

Personally I preferred it when the post count wasn't visible. In the marketplace, one can simply check a guy's profile before doing any business.

Finally, don't we have Guru avatars for this?
There are too many complications introducing all these ratings. I reckon there should be some kind of Spam limit. eg if a person is deemed to be spamming than a limit of say 3 posts a day or what ever could be introduced until they learn their lesson.

I completely agree with that. Is there any way to implement something like what BaDToaD mentioned?
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I think we're doing good enough. That's why I'm not suggesting anything.
Any measures wouldn't help because people are still people, and it'd just make more work for the moderators without actually really helping.


Change your sig Goity before you become the guinea pig for these suggested measures.