Refund Question


Still Fresh
Jun 27, 2008
Trieste, Italy
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I received the *email* for the refund yesterday, but I have a question.
How can craig send me money if he does not know my bank coordinates? He only knows my name my email and my address.
Even provided (doubtfully) with my credit card number it's worthless since the credit card only relies on a external bank account.
I had a look on my bank and credit card sites, in my personal account page, and in the forms for transferring money there are lotsa methods but not "select receiver by credit card number!!!"
Somone has the phone number or the address of the clearing bank where the money is supposed to be sent back from?
Thanks in advance
I'm pretty sure the money will just wind up wherever it started.
The original transaction will just be reversed.

It's entirely possible to "refund" a credit card transaction without knowing where the money originated. Amazon dot com does it occasionally, with no problem.

At least, that's my understanding. I haven't gotten my refund email yet.
It should return to your credit card and subtract the amount from your balance. And my experience with credit refunds is that if your balance is less than the refund you'll end up with a negative balance which is money the credit card company "owes" you. You can then either request a check or use the card for another purchase using the negative balance that they owe you.
VRAndy said:
I'm pretty sure the money will just wind up wherever it started.
The original transaction will just be reversed.

It's entirely possible to "refund" a credit card transaction without knowing where the money originated. Amazon dot com does it occasionally, with no problem.

At least, that's my understanding. I haven't gotten my refund email yet.
You are right - I've done it with an online store I used to run - we never had the card details and just refunded the account. The problem here is along the lines of openpandoras bank not simply letting go of the money, as I understand it.
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The refunds look like they have finally processed today.

I'm going to write up a post about exactly what happened, why the bank decided not to honour your payments to us etc. but we just want to get though all this first.

It's a pretty depressing story of a bank being a bunch of bankers and not really understanding how you guys would all want to order such a product so quickly.
craigix said:
The refunds look like they have finally processed today.

I'm going to write up a post about exactly what happened, why the bank decided not to honour your payments to us etc. but we just want to get though all this first.

It's a pretty depressing story of a bank being a bunch of bankers and not really understanding how you guys would all want to order such a product so quickly.
Thanks Craig. I had some of my own bank woes this summer, ultimately costing me over $500 in nonsense. Money that was to be used for the Pandora, actually. :o Nothing on the scale you were on, but after that frustration of mere hundreds of dollars, I can't even imagine what you were going through with a million.
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Any idea how the conversions go

will it be :

payment --exchange rate sept--> refund --exchange rate nov --> reorder -- exchange rate nov --> OpenPandora

or will it be :

payment --exchange rate sept--> refund --exchange rate sept --> reorder -- exchange rate nov --> OpenPandora

In the latter case I would pay less in the upper case I would pay the same? Any idea I am an economical n00b. (why doesnt real life never involve biochemistry :P )
EmuGuy said:
craigix said:
The refunds look like they have finally processed today.
Sweet, is this the "all clear!" we've been waiting for? :ph34r: :blink: :)

I don't think so. He might mean that the refunds he's already handled have finally been posted by the bank.
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I hadn't gotten an email (currently living in U.S.) but I ordered in the first few hours.

Either way, as long as I get my Pandora eventually I'm happy :D
Patrick R Ludvigsen said:
I hadn't gotten an email (currently living in U.S.) but I ordered in the first few hours.

Either way, as long as I get my Pandora eventually I'm happy :D
Well I'm not. My credit card is tied to my bank account and the next balance isn't due until december 12. That means I have to wait that long to find out if a refund was made and how much it is, with the added "bonus" that I'm leaving on the 15th, which leaves me preciously little time to reorder, should I want to.

Two things bug me in this scheme: I might lose money in the process and I end up paying more for my Pandora than those who didn't have to reorder. EvilDragon seems to think that the added RAM and NAND make up for this (in his post elsewhere), but the sad truth is that some of us will end up paying more than others. That just isn't fair.
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Karel Jansens said:
Patrick R Ludvigsen said:
I hadn't gotten an email (currently living in U.S.) but I ordered in the first few hours.

Either way, as long as I get my Pandora eventually I'm happy :D
Well I'm not. My credit card is tied to my bank account and the next balance isn't due until december 12. That means I have to wait that long to find out if a refund was made and how much it is, with the added "bonus" that I'm leaving on the 15th, which leaves me preciously little time to reorder, should I want to.

Two things bug me in this scheme: I might lose money in the process and I end up paying more for my Pandora than those who didn't have to reorder. EvilDragon seems to think that the added RAM and NAND make up for this (in his post elsewhere), but the sad truth is that some of us will end up paying more than others. That just isn't fair.

I dont get it? the pound is way down compared to the euro would that mean a bit of profit or at least no loss

sept €1 = 0,78 ; nov €1 = 0,85 (sept 1 pound = €1,25 ; nov 1 pound = €1,18) I think that makes it for the Europeans not that bad
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Bosbeetle said:
Karel Jansens said:
Patrick R Ludvigsen said:
I hadn't gotten an email (currently living in U.S.) but I ordered in the first few hours.

Either way, as long as I get my Pandora eventually I'm happy :D
Well I'm not. My credit card is tied to my bank account and the next balance isn't due until december 12. That means I have to wait that long to find out if a refund was made and how much it is, with the added "bonus" that I'm leaving on the 15th, which leaves me preciously little time to reorder, should I want to.

Two things bug me in this scheme: I might lose money in the process and I end up paying more for my Pandora than those who didn't have to reorder. EvilDragon seems to think that the added RAM and NAND make up for this (in his post elsewhere), but the sad truth is that some of us will end up paying more than others. That just isn't fair.

I dont get it? the pound is way down compared to the euro would that mean a bit of profit or at least no loss

sept €1 = 0,78 ; nov €1 = 0,85 I think that makes it for the Europeans not that bad

We'll see. Don't forget commissions on the transactions and the fact that I'll very likely won't see a refund for several weeks. A lot can happen in that time.
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Karel Jansens said:
We'll see. Don't forget commissions on the transactions and the fact that I'll very likely won't see a refund for several weeks. A lot can happen in that time.

true it probably doesnt really do much it depends a bit on the coversions but I dont think well lose as much as the pandora team :ph34r: (upgrading and bank hassles isnt going to earn money for them)
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Karel Jansens said:
Patrick R Ludvigsen said:
I hadn't gotten an email (currently living in U.S.) but I ordered in the first few hours.

Either way, as long as I get my Pandora eventually I'm happy :D
Well I'm not. My credit card is tied to my bank account and the next balance isn't due until december 12. That means I have to wait that long to find out if a refund was made and how much it is, with the added "bonus" that I'm leaving on the 15th, which leaves me preciously little time to reorder, should I want to.

Two things bug me in this scheme: I might lose money in the process and I end up paying more for my Pandora than those who didn't have to reorder. EvilDragon seems to think that the added RAM and NAND make up for this (in his post elsewhere), but the sad truth is that some of us will end up paying more than others. That just isn't fair.

Call the number on the back of your credit card to get information about your account. And the fact that this happened isn't about "fairness" if you want to cancel your order, so be it. Why do you have to make it about fairness? That's ridiculous. There was a problem at the bank, would it make you happier if EVERYONE had to pay? Why would you want to punish the few won't have to reorder? I don't mean to be rude but you seem to just be complaining to complain.
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Karel Jansens said:
That just isn't fair.
In a fair and just world, these problems wouldn't have happened in the first place. We're all getting screwed over by events and decisions beyond our control. Your options are to either get upset over things you cannot change, or make the best of it and carry on.
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Karel Jansens said:
Well I'm not. My credit card is tied to my bank account and the next balance isn't due until december 12. That
If your card is tied to your bank account, then it's not a credit card, it's a debit card. Credit cards give you a credit account, and thus have nothing to do with your bank account. In which case, you can visit the bank and ask if a deposit has been made.
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I'm not going to answer every reply, but basically it comes down to this:

I am not complaining, merely voicing a concern over money lost. In the Pandora Status Update thread someone already stated that they lost a substantial amount of money in the reordering process, so it's not as if this is some paranoid fantasy.

What worried me mostly is that in that same thread (which has -- conveniently? -- been un-stickied now) EvilDragon stated that that loss was the price this person had to pay for the RAM and NAND upgrade. To me this means that some people (those who got left out of the reordering mess) get their upgrade for free, while others pay for it by poneying up the reorder losses.

I think it's time things were made clear: Either this is a community, in which case it's only fair that everyone gets treated equally and unexpected fuckups are shared by all, or we are simply OpenPandora's customers, in which case the reordering costs -- all of them -- are to be covered by the supplier. You can't call it a community when members are losing money and switch to supplier-customer mode when everything is rosy.

I'm pretty sure none of this was done on purpose, but that's how it's looking to me. A big clarification might be in order, and not the kind that says: "We've refunded your money. Happy, happy, joy, joy".
Karel Jansens said:
I think it's time things were made clear: Either this is a community, in which case it's only fair that everyone gets treated equally and unexpected fuckups are shared by all, or we are simply OpenPandora's customers, in which case the reordering costs -- all of them -- are to be covered by the supplier. You can't call it a community when members are losing money and switch to supplier-customer mode when everything is rosy.
I've been critical of goings on here in the past, and there are some things to be rightly miffed about in terms of process and communication, but to say that OpenPandora Ltd is responsible for compensating for the wild currency fluctuations that have happened in the past month, or the extra bite credit card companies take out of currency conversion is extreme.

I'm saying this as someone who stands to lose a fair chunk of money if there is a refund/repay... The British Pound has dropped sharply in the past month against the USD, even moreso than the Canadian Dollar. I'd guess I'd lose about $20-30CAD in such a transaction. I paid ~200GBP for my Pandora, if I saw a refund I'd expect to see ~200GBP back, no more, no less.
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