Recommend Some Games For The Ds


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Jan 29, 2004
Scotland, UK
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^ topic title says it all really. I'm looking for stuff to play on my DS over the summer. Just finished playing Crystal Chronicles: Rings of Fate and that was alright. Got DQM:Joker to play through but not really really enjoying it. So can y'all recommend me some games to pass the summer away? Can be any type really. None of this Petz crap and no New Super Mario Bros. I'll list what I currently have so that they don't get recommended. I won't bother listing what I have had previously as the list would go on for ever but it includes Phantom Hourglass, Kirby's Cursed Canvas, Mario Kart DS, Yoshi's Island DS, etc.

Ouendan 1, Ridge Racer DS, AC: WW, MPH, Yoshi's Touch and Go, Crystal Chronicles and DQM: Joker.

Was thinking of getting the new Final Fantasy A2 on DS. Anyone tried it and if so what's it like? Besides that, feel free to recommend me some stuff otherwise I'll be selling the thing.

edit: Should say that if anyone has played any other decent RPGs on the system that they would recommend, feel free. The longer the game will last the better.
Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time
Lost In Blue 1 + 2
WarioWare Touched!
Final Fantasy XII: Revenant Wings
The Phoenix Wright series of games
Donkey Kong: Jungle Climber

Nanostray 2 (shootmuppy thingy with loads of extras to unlock)

Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow (my favourite since Symphony of the Night)

Sonic Rush Adventure (best Sonic game since Sonic & Knuckles!)

Kage Densetsu: The Legend of Kage 2 (ninja action thingy. Faster than Shinobi, although obviously not as good)

I liked Puzzle Quest Challenge: Warlords, it's sort of a hybrid RPG and Tetris style puzzle game
With the stuff that's been listed, I've been thinking about some of them. Sonic Rush Adventure was something I was looking into but the 3d jet ski bits were sort of putting me off of getting it. But I may well take a dive. Erm... lets see. I've completed Mario and Luigi although I really liked that but I've never seen another copy of the game since I got rid of it. Might give the Phoenix Wright games a go. Heard good stuff about them. Which one should I start with, as I know they sort of inter-link. Castlevania is another I was looking into. I can get both of the surrent DS ones pretty cheap so I might give them ago. I'll probably pass on Nanostray 2 though. I really didn't enjoy the first one. As much as I love Shmups, I just couldn't get into it.

Anyways, those are some good suggestions and greatly appreciated. I'll have a look into a few of them when I go to my local game stores tomorrow. Anymore suggestions would be great, especially on the FFTA2 front as I'm really interested in getting it.
Ganepark32 said:
Which one should I start with, as I know they sort of inter-link.
If you want to follow the story through from start to finish then play the games in order (1-3), however I played the second game before I played the first one and I didn't run into any problems, so the decision is up to you. :)
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Ganepark32 said:
Might give the Phoenix Wright games a go. Heard good stuff about them. Which one should I start with, as I know they sort of inter-link.
How about number one?
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FF4 is out on the 22nd; you must get that. You can buy it on eBay imported from the US.

FF3 is worth a look, but quite dated in its gameplay.
Super mario 64 DS if you haven't already played it, too.

and +1 to the phoenix wright series.
Lurkio said:
Ganepark32 said:
Which one should I start with, as I know they sort of inter-link.
If you want to follow the story through from start to finish then play the games in order (1-3), however I played the second game before I played the first one and I didn't run into any problems, so the decision is up to you. :)

^ I did the same. I'm sllllllllllooooowwww, so I'm almost done with PW1 now. Then off to 3. The series rocks, if you like that sorta stuff.
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Ouendan 2, Hotel Dusk, Kirby Mouse Attack, all the Phoenix Wright games (and Apollo Justice), Trauma Center, The World Ends With You.
Yeah, I hated the first NanoStray, but I still got the second one anyway (I can afford to gamble, I have an R4). It's an improvement in every conceivable way:

No touch-screen weapon changing, clearer graphics, none of this quasi-isometric stuff. Also, alternating vertical/horizontal sections, a challenge mode, unlockable games (weird versions of Breakout, Tempest, Asteroids and one more I haven't unlocked yet). Seriously, go for it, I can't get enough of it.

As for Sonic Rush Adventure, after a few levels you won't need to use the jet ski, cuz you'll have a galleon or a submarine instead, which are a lot of fun to drive. Exploring the whole map, collecting all the different decorations for your island, it's a fantastic game.

Just plussing them up, is all.
Anybody tried Elite Beat Agents? I realise that seeing as I have Ouendan it'll be very similar except for the tracklisting and I know the tracklisting isn't great but does it keep up with the intensity that you get in Ouendan (such as in the later levels and difficulties)?

Didn't get a chance to go out today so I'll have a check in the stores tomorrow for what I can get. Trying not to import at the moment. Trying to be light on the pocket but if push comes to shove, I'll just stick a huge order in at Play-Asia.

Thnx for the suggestions guys. Much appreciated. It may have given a new lease of life to my DS lite.
Bangioh Spirits is a nice little puzzle shooter. Currently 25% off at Playasia (Sale price ~£11)
Brain Age
SimCity DS
New Super Mario Bros (Although you will beat it very quickly)
Super Princess Peach (Yeah, I'm secure enough to say I love that game)
WarioWare Touched
Trauma Center
Super Mario 64 DS
Mario Kart DS
(Can you tell I like Mario games?)
I'm not a huge advocate of downloading games. Obviously, I did it with the GP32 but since I stoppped playing that ages ago (screen and front lit broke. Screen still displays images but its just messed up) I rarely download anything anymore. I think in the last year or so, I've bought everything (not just games but music wise). Whilst it'd be great to not have to spend £30 on a new ds game every now and again, I'm not really bothered.

Still haven't had a chance to go out and check stores for stuff yet. Trying to get out of University placements so I can study something else. I'm gonna try later in the week. On my list of gets are either of the Castlevania games, TWEWY (if I can find it :(), Sonic Rush Adventure and perhaps some of the Phoenix Wright games. Depends what I can get hold of and what they have in store.
Ganepark32 said:
I'm not a huge advocate of downloading games. Obviously, I did it with the GP32 but since I stoppped playing that ages ago (screen and front lit broke. Screen still displays images but its just messed up) I rarely download anything anymore. I think in the last year or so, I've bought everything (not just games but music wise). Whilst it'd be great to not have to spend £30 on a new ds game every now and again, I'm not really bothered.

Still haven't had a chance to go out and check stores for stuff yet. Trying to get out of University placements so I can study something else. I'm gonna try later in the week. On my list of gets are either of the Castlevania games, TWEWY (if I can find it :(), Sonic Rush Adventure and perhaps some of the Phoenix Wright games. Depends what I can get hold of and what they have in store.

i still have about 20 original ds games (most of them i keep on my micro sd mario kart, tetris etc..), if theres something i really want i'll buy it, but with an r4 you get a chance to try games that you probably wouldnt buy anyway, id consider it even if it was just for the harder to find games.
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chad78 said:
Brain Age
SimCity DS
New Super Mario Bros (Although you will beat it very quickly)
Super Princess Peach (Yeah, I'm secure enough to say I love that game)
WarioWare Touched
Trauma Center
Super Mario 64 DS
Mario Kart DS
(Can you tell I like Mario games?)

Bah, I still haven't finished New Super Mario Bros, and it's been over a year now. I'm up to that place with all the pumpkins and crows, and haven't figured out how to get to those other worlds, but I HAVE been getting all of the big coin thingies.
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