Received It! Can't Get It To Work....

Monk said:
Haven't you?

It seems to me that 3/4 of your customer base don't even know when assembly of their units will start - or even when the cases will be ordered. After 18 months i'd have thought 3 hours of delay to ensure the Pandoras actually work on receipt would be time well spent. Don't you?

If you can't spare 3 hours to charge them well, how about 2 hours? 1 hour? Is 1 hour more than you can spare?

I agree. Setting up some units as chargers and change the battery once an hour wouldn't be that time consuming and it would safe a lot of hassle and problems for the users, IMO. People don't read the manual, that's a fact you have to live with.
Actually I don't even remember any device I bought recently that came with a flat battery.

Murff said:
I might be wrong though....
Yep :P
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Murff said:
- After a while, I put the battery back, green light turns on, then I plug the psu, red light turns on. After the boot, It says at the bottom right 91% - 00:00 (not the clock, what I'm guessing is the time left available on the battery?)

Yes, but if you're charging, you got unlimited time left, that's why it's 00:00 :)

Seeing your problems it definately COULD all be related to the battery... There are three pins on the battery - +, - and Temperature.
If the T-Pin is not properly aligned, WEIRD things happen to the battery (you can't charge for more then 81%, etc.). It could be that those pins aren't properly aligned - you could check if those pins match up the contacts in the battery compartment.

Also, if the unit doesn't switch on when the battery is inserted and you are connected to the PSU, it means the battery is flat.
It takes up to 10 minutes until it powers up then.
When the T-Pin is not properly aligned, the battery won't charge at all and that would lead to the exact problems you described here.

Maybe you should just ask for a new battery, as it seems the most likely listening to your reports :)
(Also, the units were tested, so they should be fine)
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Murff said:
I might be wrong -it's not like I'm an expert...- but I've got the feeling it's probably safer to send an empty battery rather than a half-charged one. Transportation can be tough!!
I might be wrong though....

An empty battery is not a good thing. I conceed that sending a FULLY charged battery has its downsides, but a 40% charge ought to be just fine - and it would take less time to reach 40% than 100%, and provide everyone with a unit "ready to use" as well as catch more failures before they leave the village hall.

I'm curious as to how many Pandoras they are making in an hour, or two ot three, that would miss a daily shipment (assuming they ship at the same time each day) and fall into the next days batch if they charged for an hour (or two, or three) that would otherwise have been sent. Because any Pandora made after "shipment time" has until that time the following day to receive a charge - it needn't slow down anything.
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It was on for 2 hours, on PSU only, then the screen went kind of reddish, I pressed a key, it went back to normal and then it froze... I restarted it and now it's working again. The battery gauge now says 88% (there's no battery in). If the battery is faulty, there's obviously another problem but it could be software related? Sorry to bore you with my issues, I'm just trying to understand what's going on here....
Alright, apart from a crash or 2, it seems to be working fine on psu only. I'll see if I can get a new battery.
Aside from that, this is a beautiful piece of engineering I've got here. Tested video, music, quake3, it's just brilliant.
Thumbs up to the devs :) The game controllers are a beauty.
@EvilDragon: do you know what the process is to get a new battery? is there a support email address I should send a mail to?
I think you just need to email and tell the girls, they will arange for a battery to be sent out
EvilDragon said:
If the charger says it's 0% suddenly, it sounds like the battery is not properly inserted.
Remove the battery, remove AC cable, wait for a minute, put battery in (like it is described in the manual), connect the AC Adaptor, let it charge for a few hours and wait.
First off let me say "Congratulations on the first shippments!"
Ok back on topic

How could anyone not put the battery in correctly? My 7yr old son has installed a CPU and RAM into a computer so surely the OP would be installing the battery correctly.
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Derek said:
EvilDragon said:
If the charger says it's 0% suddenly, it sounds like the battery is not properly inserted.
Remove the battery, remove AC cable, wait for a minute, put battery in (like it is described in the manual), connect the AC Adaptor, let it charge for a few hours and wait.
First off let me say "Congratulations on the first shippments!"
Ok back on topic

How could anyone not put the battery in correctly? My 7yr old son has installed a CPU and RAM into a computer so surely the OP would be installing the battery correctly.

To make it quite clear here: I did put the battery correctly. It turned out the battery is more likely to be faulty. Actually the whole just seems faulty! It's awesome when it's working. But most of the time mine just doesn't. It freezes, the screen changes color, when I start a pnd it doesn't do antyhing, (on mini menu when I click the icon of a pnd I've added it just goes back to "setting up menu" then to the mneu), the time just changes suddenly etc. All I'm trying to do here is to make it work!

Also, EvilDragon was saying that the Pandora works with a usb-mini cable. Mine doesn't. Does it need a battery + usb-mini to work or is it supposed to turn on with usb-mini only cable?
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