[Rec] Best adventure games

OMG - These are my favourite type of games ever

Here is my list in no particular order

-Full throttle, this game is far too short IMO, probably because I enjoyed it so much, I wish there could be a sequel

-Beneath a steel sky

-Blade runner (4 CD's) Epic game, took me a long time to finish this one, back in the day I had to upgrade my hard drive as was the first game to have a 1GB install LOL good old days eh

-The entire Monkey Island franchise except monkey 4 as I'm not into it's 3d nature. NOTE just completed Monkey island 2 Special edition remake for the PC and would recommend to any monkey fan. it is a true tribute to the game and brought back great memories 10/10

-Discworld 1 (never played the sequel)

-Neverhood as mentioned above a classic but often overlooked game. never completed it as is very difficult in parts and I refuse cheats/help on these types of games.. (they made a spin off called skullmonkeys for the ps1 it's a platform game also overlooked and very good)

-broken sword, 1, 2, 3, 4, the third one was the first adventure game I accepted to be 3D because I was waiting for it for so long, I did enjoy the game to bits but wish it could have kept it's point and click aspects, it was refreshing to see that the 4th iteration managed to combine the 3D controls with point and click style game play, Very nice!

-still life, very good game a little bit different, it's solving brutal crimes ETC.. way better than CSI IMO

-Sam & Max hit the road. need I say any more I'm sure all adventure fans know this one.

-Gobliins 2 never played the other 2 in the series but will probably soon on the Panda, This was one of my all time fav Amiga games although it didn't get great reviews at the time

-Lesure suite Larry 3, for some reason it's the only one I have played. great game

-Indiana Jones, fantastic title played the fate of Atlantis only

-day of the tentacle, another classic adventure game, bringing the aspect of more than 1 person to complete the puzzles, 3 intact.

nearly missed this one

-Simon the sorcerer, I remember the version on floppy disk but never bothered to play until the talkie version came on CD, great game. not played any sequels as of yet.

Would love to find more adventure games, and hear about peoples favs, Please add more titles to this thread

I'm sure there are more I have forgotten but yeah.. I can't get enough of these.

I'll be sure to check Loom, The Dig and Toonstruck out as not even looked at those yet.


Just thought I'd add, I will check out Future wars too, was this a text only or did it have speech? looking at the pics it was text only


How could I forget this one.. my first ever point and click adventure game

- Lure of the temptress, Brilliant game. took me about 2 weeks to finish on the Amiga
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Just thought I'd add, I will check out Future wars too, was this a text only or did it have speech? looking at the pics it was text only

Text only, it definitely deserves a good remake though :)

Anyways has anyone played The adventures of Fatman, Sanitarium or The Whispered World? I think they're quit good but haven't played them myself.

Previously mentioned by B-Zar but worthy of more recommendation:

Space Quest 6: Roger Wilco in the Spinal Frontier

More toilethumor from the trekkies at Sierra!

Text adventures! I recommend bureaucracy written by Douglas Adams (writer of hitchhikers guide to the galaxy) it's game were you as protagonist just moved to another city however you still have to change your address at the bank, and that is an almost impossible task! Its full of great humor!

I'll certainly give this a go someday! Is it playable in Gargoyle?

Here's some more enjoyable games that haven't been mentioned yet.

Indiana Jones and The Last Crusade

Grab your whip, it's treasurehunting time!

EGA demo


I can offer input on Sanitarium. I bought it when it came out. Most of the game is very good. The levels with the alien controlling the kids and the carnival are very creepy. They also have a great musical score. Some of the "levels" are annoying like the sewers and the Bee Hive thing when you are playing as the creature. It would be worth a buy cheap.

Others on MY list

- Quest for Glory 4 - Shadows of Darkness

- Kings Quest 6

- Curse of Monkey Island - probably the last good Monkey Island game made minus the special editions
I loved every bit of Sanitarium :) The mutated-children arc was creepy :o

Now that we are on subject, do you remember one of the most twisted, extreme, sick, creepy (and somewhat buggy xDD) stuff ever developed?




An underrated gem
Zak McKracken wasn't mentioned yet.

(Personal favorites are DotT and Indy IV.)
Yes, Hitchhikers Guide is playable in Gargoyle (its an Infocom ZMachine game; all Infocom games pretty much are playable.)

Also check out The Guild of Thieves and The Pawn (MAgnetic Scrolls) in Kronos or Gargoyle.. very sophisticated parse, and some still-image artwork to go with the text adventure :)

I'm going to drop this here:

Sadly, there are a whole slew of text only and early graphical adventure games for the Color Computer that very few people remember, let alone got to play. Let me preface this with the fact that I'm sure some if not all of the text adventure titles were released on other platforms as well - To my knowledge the graphical adventures were only available on the CoCo.

  • Adventure in Mythology - graphical - I never complete this one, so I can't say it's good or not.
  • Adventure in Wonderland - text - based on the Lewis Carroll. Has a fairly advanced parser based on "Eliza".
  • Bedlam - text - Escape an insane asylum - short but good IF title
  • Blackbeard's Island - graphical - I never completed this one either - so I can't attest to it's quality, but it looks good.
  • Black Sanctum - text or graphical - This game came in both text and graphical flavors. The graphical one had some minor changes, as I recall. But the story is awesome!
  • Dallas Quest - graphical - based (loosely) on the 80's TV series. It even has a tobacco chewing monkey.
  • Lansford Mansion - graphical - Simple plot, I didn't enjoy it as much as some of the others, but the art is nice.
  • Major Istar: Under the Doomed Sea - graphical - This one is tough. The story is good, worth a play if you like IF.
  • Martian Crypt - graphical - I never got around to playing this one, but supposedly has impressive visuals (for a CoCo)
  • Plateau of the Past - graphical - D&D like adventure, with fairly advanced interface and inventory system.
  • Raaka-Tu - text - steal treasure from a dangerous temple. One of the original CoCo titles.
  • Sands of Egypt - graphical - Fun and challenging - bordering on edutainment. Nicely done game.
  • Sea Stalker - text - I never beat this one either. Sadly I don't remember anything about it either.
  • Sea Quest - Graphical - Now where did I leave that shark repellant?
  • Syzygy - graphical - Different from the rest in that it is a first person 3D adventure with some arcade elements thrown in there (including a light-saber battle). Quite a good game.
  • To Preserve Quandic - graphical - I remember this game being really hard to complete. I also remembering being very big - taking up two disks!
Anyways has anyone played The adventures of Fatman, Sanitarium or The Whispered World? I think they're quit good but haven't played them myself.

The whispered world is absolutly gorgeous however I find some of the puzzles very counter intuitive (when spot turns into a ball he lookes like a inflated ballon however he is (apparently) very heavy :blink: )

But a lot is made up by the absolutely beautiful artwork and imaginative story :)
OK, one more. Haven't played this one yet either, but the reviews everywhere are so enthousiastic that I dare recommend it anyway...

Eric the Unready

Monty Python meets medieval interactive fiction!


As a 12 year old, I didn't fully comprehend why the banana was used to solve that particular part of the game, but I certainly wasn't complaining about the scene. B)
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Once you open the Text Adventure door, don't forget that people are still writing them--in quantity! The annual Interactive Fiction competition has put out some really great stuff, from the adorable ("Lost Pig (and Place Under Ground)") to emotionally affective (Photopia) to steampunk (Slouching Towards Bedlam) to Just Plain Evil Puzzly (All Things Devours). Lots of stinkers in there, but if you play the winners and runners-up and read reviews to see which of the rest are worth checking out, there are some real gems available (and all free).
more space quests need to be mentioned!!!! honestly the humor in those games is just awesome from 1 all the way to (insert last SQ game number here) definately worth a play!