Typhoon22 said:
Well I can safely say - Yes add it to the archive!
I am currently working on a top down racer - but more of a rally game.
You have managed to answer two of my questions which I was going to post later about level design and control. Only move the car along x axis and I think I am going to go with tiling too. then you can set the collision to the tile.
Your text files describe the entire course - so for a long course your text file will be bigger? or have you got a fixed file size with "junk" data in?
I may add it to the archive later once i've got it more the way I like...

..I decided to host the file myself for now (trying to make a few bob from flogging gp2x's) ...
I look forward to hearing more about your rally game. Let me know if I can be of any help testing.
If you try out my new build you may see that I move the car around 20 pixels over the y axis. This helps create the illusion of speed when you 'gas' it. When you take your foot off the gas you then shift the car back over the y axis. Thats what I ended up doing otherwise it looks abit static and locked.
Yeah the tiling system is what allowed me to do collision with x tile etc and the level designer. If you hold L-trigger on my game you can see the debug var's output to the screen. There I'm tracking what tile the car is touching etc. It gets more hard when you want to say 'is the right tire over a right invalid tile (skidding)?', but its doable...
At the moment i've found that for a 60 second level it takes around 4700 tiles or about 1200 rows of actual real tile data. That takes around 7 sec's to load... The faster you scroll the display (very fast in my case) then the more data you'll plough through. I'm looking at having 3 60 second stages so loading or memory shouldn't be an issue.
Its going ok - I'm using glbasic which isn't the best for graphics handling but its real easy to learn on!
I see what you mean with the y axis - Its in a similar vane to other games I used to play in the atari st days
(god I miss those

) I have a bit of track at the moment, and I'm trying to get the "camara" to go around it at the moment, just to get a feel of how to load the track and memory usage/speed, the usual stuff, once I've got a semi workable solution/ and a car on the track! I wouldn't mind throwing a copy over to you for any pointers/advice.
My collision detection won't be as good as yours! It'll literally be if the car is on a puddle tile do something, hit a fence tile, rotosprite 360, speed to 5 kind of thing - I'm sure you know what I mean, I'm not going to try an individual wheel just yet!
I'm off to work - when I've got something worth showing I'll message you!
I'm looking forward to this. Yeah bung us a build once you get going and i'll check it out for you.
I've put up a new build of Monaco GP2x (v0.9.6) for those who are following along. I've finally put in a crash reset mechanic that I’ve been meaning to-do for ages. The cool thing is all this ‘just works’ because of the tile level system and best of all it will fully work with any user defined levels. Good stuff....