Funny you should mention Linux games, and games that doesn't really on hardware based copy protection... You do know the CD key is a hardware based protection, yes? Since the Pandora is somewhat limited in it's CD/DVD capabilities, and SD memories aren't really designed to be uniquely identifiable, hardware based protection isn't going to be around on the Panda, and commercial gaming on the Linux platform seams kinda limited... It hasn't really taken of, has it? Now, i admit, my knowledge of commercial Linux games are limited, but, how many of these games still require the disc to play? Yes, you might get away with a burnt copy, without a cracked executable, just as there are a few games for the Windows, and OSX platforms that let you do that. But they are few, and far apart, pretty much ass the whole Linux commercial gaming scene. For someone to spend a bundle of cash bringing there software to a new, niche market, they have to see a way to make revenue. This simply isn't going to happen on the Panda. We'll be lucky if there are a few "Indie" development houses that do put some serious effort in. Most what we will get will be enthusiasts hacking away on there own, or in groups. And that, may very well be for the best. The most enjoyable games usually come from people who genuinely enjoy what they do.