Race! (as In Koyote-land) For Gp32 Updated!


Mar 19, 2003
Thor has just released a new binary of RACE! for the GP32.

It has the following features included.

1) File Selector
2) CPU Speed Setting
3) Turbo Mode on/off (This should speed up emulation, but it may introduce problems)
4) Sound on/off
Thanks, ED, for linking it. I knew that I forgot to add the URLs, but since the forum is moderated I couldn't do it right away and then I wasn't online for a while.

Quiest, I dunno why you hadn't heard of it. :P
Run like a dream at 180Mhz - no frameskip ^^
Close to fullspeed at 166Mhz frameskip 1 ^^

There's that old bug that split the screen in 4 parts after some minutes in the latest(?) beta, wish it won't be hard to solve :]

Really great work Thor :] Thanx you! :)
thank you so much...........

the file selector was all i needed (well a better video strech mode would be nice)

thanks a lot.... ngp emu was the missing piece on gp 32 :)
yeah this emu is great. But a couple questions.

Full screen mode is too large for the GP32, on Metal slug, when you change to full screen it cuts the bottom part off so you can't see your energy level or ammo. I also get the bug that splits the screen into 4, same problem that Rylehs emulators have.

Also, any plans to add zip support?

Again, great emulator.
Zoom : you can "slide" the zoom window press L + up or down
new zoom options soon.
Zip support : yes (soon, I hope)
Bug : I don't know why this bug happen, I'll do some test with differents screen initialization/management.
I'll need beta testers for that. Feel free to subscribe.

About the four-screen bug, it occured on certain Fenix games, so that may be a SDL4GP32 bug.

- Alex
New GP32 version available on sourceforge (http://sourceforge.net/projects/koyote-land/).

Fixes : Split screen bug (fix by reesy on mirko's sdk) and problems with tiles/sprites on the screen sides.

After testing this emu out some more with my good friend gp32 and his boy Cardfighters Clash, I have come to the conclusion that this emulator is fucking awesome. Thor, Flavor- you guys rock, thanks so much for this!!!