Quick Note On The Chatboards


Apr 20, 2003
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Hi guys and gals just a quick note that i havent actally disappeared off the face of the planet and i still plan to sell the chatboards. However again i must apologise that it wont be for a couple of months, I have been very busy for the past months and have barely touch my GP32. I wil be busy until around mid June, after that ill get right onto the chatboards and they should be ready very quickly :)
This is just a quick reminder so you lot dont lose hope. I also noticed skimming through the forums today that theres been a bit of negativity about me not selling them and can i just reitterate that i have not and will not take any money until the chatboards are ready to ship.

Anyway till June you bid you farewell and thanks for the support. :P
do you have the Connectors now??? If u want Sell me the connectors and Ill get making them right now and then maybe delevopers will see that lots of people now have them and will be wanting Emulators / apps / games to support them.... All I need is the connectors :D..
I suggest giving one to a programer like Mr. Spiv, so he can fool around with it and make a app that uses it. ;) Your sales would probably go up too if their was a program that used it... Just a thought though. B)
I agree with both above posts. I bought a data-cable for samsung t100, and owing to my shaky and pretty much useless hands, the connector is now ruined. I shouldnt try. It seems really difficult to find connectors on their own, so if you could sell them on their own, itd help no-end!
Im no programer, so i cant contribute, but it surprises me that no-ones made a text editor for the chatboard yet. Itd help me out so much, as well as others?!
GPJosh posted on Apr 3 2004 at 03:34 PM said:
I suggest giving one to a programer like Mr. Spiv, so he can fool around with it and make a app that uses it. ;) Your sales would probably go up too if their was a program that used it... Just a thought though. B)
LOL, since it was mr. Spiv that pioneered the mod, I think he already has one. Plus, he also programmed some code to poll the keyboard and converts the keypresses into ASCII codes. The code is right there on his site if anyone wants to code support into their games but, so far, noone has bothered. Probably something to do with only a few other people actually owning the device.

On a side note.. I saw some other keyboards for palm devices down at radioshack.. they were on offer and dead cheap (like $2.99). Is there any way to mod these in the same way? Or is it likely the output totally different commands.
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LOL, since it was mr. Spiv that pioneered the mod, I think he already has one.
Knew their was a reason his name popped into my head when I thought of chatboards. :lol:

@ Diablo2: The last time I remember seeing gp32 chatboards being sold they were $30 I think... But if you use the new radioshack ones Daz_Genetic saw, I don't know.
diablo2 posted on Apr 3 2004 at 06:47 PM said:
how much would chatboards cost
I got my chatboard for £1 off ebay... Comes with a Nice chatboard carry case as well :D

So I would stick with the chatboard... Ebay has them cheap :D

Someone find me a site that has cheap connectors and I will be able to produce lots of GP32 Chatboards (or if Zen wants to sell me his connectors :D)
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Steve-O posted on Apr 3 2004 at 06:59 PM said:
Someone find me a site that has cheap connectors...
That is the big problem. I have no idea where to get the connectors for cheap. The only things I have found with the same connector are certain samsung phones, so accesories or data cables are likely the best source, but any I've seen are quite expensive. 20.99 for a data cable. (Radioshack)

I'm still on the look out though and I will post if I find a source.
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once there are any programs, i will get one off ebay, really cheap there....
(someone make a simple text editor for the board and for longer texts than kreader that supports saving txt files :unsure: )
Building on top of Mr Spivs drivers, wouldnt a text editor be one of the more simple apps for the gp?
i'm glad the chatboard thing hasn't been forgotten... i heard once that frodo is going to have chatboard support, and skeezix seems willing to implement it on castaway...

would be nice to play old text adventures on GP32 ;) :D
Sarien already has Chatboard support ;)
And Mike Dawson works on GPFrodo but couldn't get it to work yet...