Retro Gamer Magazine.. Dead?

daclassicgamingmaster posted on Oct 2 2005 at 03:11 PM said:
WTF WTF WTF :angry:

A classic gamer like me DIDNT even KNOW this EXISTED :angry: :angry: :angry:

now i'll never get to read up on the sw33tn3ss of retro gaming :(

Wow, you missed out. Seriously, it was a great magazine. Probably my favourite Games mag since Crash (and Zzap!). It had the normal news sections, reviews (new games for old platforms), a very lively letters/forum page, etc. But it also had long articles about systems, games, software houses, developers etc. And I mean long articles. They had an excellent 'short' history of gaming that spanned three issues and each instalment was pages long. You could read it from cover to cover, and most of us did.

The writers were active on the forum boards, and would discuss their project articles. They were so well written. A lot of focus on UK systems sure, but they covered Sega, Nintendo, commodore, atari etc very well.

It was just a great read. And though I am sad to see my money go down the drain, I am sadder to lose the mag (and for the writers too!). It seems to have been mismanagement and other mags not performing that was it's downfall, not Retro Gamer itself.

Just doesn't seem right without it, somehow. I bought my GP32 cos of Craigs advert in Retro gamer, and now it's gone.
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To be honest even though I have every issue besides issue 1 and 2, it had waaaaaay too much focus on the spectrum and not enough on other great retro computers. For example they did a four page article on the Atari 8 bit range of computers that barely scratched the surface and 2 four page articles on skool daze... wtf??? I kept buying it in the hope they would focus some attention on the C64, Atari ST and Amiga but it seems sadly that never happened. The articles they did have on the Amiga were flawed with mistakes like crap photos of some motherboard and arrows pointing to chips that never existed on the same motherboard. Sad that it is dead but some part of me says good riddance as they were obviously biased towards the Spectrum and NES systems in my opinion.
Yep GamesTM is the closest you will get.

Not as good though.

I think they were saving the amiga/ST articles for further issues, they just never got there.

I wish another publisher would pick up the magazine.

We were going to advertise the 2X in there.

Yes, we're all hoping that someone else buys the magazine and continues with it, especially us subscribers in the forlorn hope that the new guys would honour our subscriptions. :-(

Stranger things have happened though, perhaps a big company like Future would like to challenge Games™'s niche - what about a staff buyout?

A choker. I didn't subscribe, but had purchased every issue.

I guess my issues 1-3 with coverdiscs might be worth a bit more now though :-)
daclassicgamingmaster posted on Oct 5 2005 at 12:51 AM said:
sorry to be kinda annoying, but can anyone post pics? i'd like to see the first retro gamer magazines if possible

Can do.

Scans of issue one

Set up by the nice boys behind THE DEF TRIBUTE TO ZZAP!64 that some people may have received with issue 18.

You can also get the scans of the Def tribute from this site too.
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They did do an Atari ST segment in one issue, I forget which; ie: A good 5 page spread or somesuch. I think they did Amiga one issue, and then the ST in the next? Been awhile since I read those ones, but it did chuff me up ;)

It is ssad to see something die, that started something elses life- for me that is. This was the magazine in which I first found out about the lovely GP32. Maybe RetroBytes will be worthy of advertising the GPX2.