Queue Positions...


Still Fresh
Apr 23, 2010
Everyone says "Ed's list" or "Craigs list"... but I got my email from someone named Jacquelyn @ www.gp32x.de... anyone know which list this is? (I'm also worried due to not getting replies to my emails anymore...)
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Jacquelyn works for Craig. And for you not getting replies; it is probably due to the fact that Jacquelin has a large backlog of emails.
That's true for sure. If your question was about your queue position expect no answer. By ordering your are queued at the last position. There is no official position tracking information. Finding your position needs much time and is work without moving anything. Concerning EDs orders, the german community didn't want to keep ED away from working on the Pandora OS and started their own order tracking here.
Everyone says "Ed's list" or "Craigs list"... but I got my email from someone named Jacquelyn @ www.gp32x.de... anyone know which list this is? (I'm also worried due to not getting replies to my emails anymore...)
NB. Craig mentioned elsewhere that due to high winds, the telegraph poles in his area were blown down, so no phone or internet for a while = probably even bigger backlog than usual.
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I receive replies from openpandorasales@gmail.com Which store is that?

If I am number 850-950 in Craigs batch 2 queue, when will I receive my Pandora? I would estimate sometime around April of next year. How is the supply divided? I believe that most of the sales were from ED, but I could be wrong.
If I am number 850-950 in Craigs batch 2 queue, when will I receive my Pandora? I would estimate sometime around April of next year. How is the supply divided? I believe that most of the sales were from ED, but I could be wrong.
I'd say 2 Months is a reality. 1/4 were from EDs shop or go there after assembly.
Wonder where I am... Ordered about 14 months ago
The only thing I can say for sure is, behind me. :p

I've never asked my position and from various topics on the subject suspected I was about half way.

Wrong I'm further back than that. I fear you and I will be waiting in the new year for our Pandoras.
Iv not chased up my order position either but I know I'm laaaaate in first batch, so probably about 2 months

Santa can do one, craigs postie is getting the mince pies this year if they not too stale when he arrives
I'd say 2 Months is a reality. 1/4 were from EDs shop or go there after assembly.

2 months.......... Don't we all wish it was 2 months? One would think that with the 60 or so Pandoras that will be assembled soon, that the rest of the nubs would be completed as well. It was mentioned that 1 or 2 thousand nubs could be produced per day, so what are we waiting on? I thought that someone was keeping close watch on Mr.Carsalesman over at the board company. Any news on that front? So 1000 nubs per day,and a thousand boards per month are estimated? :-( That is quite the glacial pace. How many Pandoras has Craig and/or ED assembled per day? What I don't understand is why the nubs cannot be affixed to the boards in a single location. If a backup company was agreed upon to produce boards and nubs in unison, Pandora's would be assembled in half the time. Doesn't Foxconn do this? I know that working conditions may not be that great there, but they get the job done on time, every time. They manufacture and assemble electronic devices all of the time.
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2 months.......... Don't we all wish it was 2 months? One would think that with the 60 or so Pandoras that will be assembled soon, that the rest of the nubs would be completed as well. It was mentioned that 1 or 2 thousand nubs could be produced per day, so what are we waiting on? I thought that someone was keeping close watch on Mr.Carsalesman over at the board company. Any news on that front? So 1000 nubs per day,and a thousand boards per month are estimated? :-( That is quite the glacial pace. How many Pandoras has Craig and/or ED assembled per day? What I don't understand is why the nubs cannot be affixed to the boards in a single location. If a backup company was agreed upon to produce boards and nubs in unison, Pandora's would be assembled in half the time. Doesn't Foxconn do this? I know that working conditions may not be that great there, but they get the job done on time, every time. They manufacture and assemble electronic devices all of the time.
No its really Two Months™ at this point. Nubs are done testing, testing complete, 100% GO. Now we need them to mass produce and get them to Texas, then Texas needs to have a hot cattle prong nearby with the OP Logo on it for the manager failing to meet output quota meeting/surpassing QA/QC. The people making the nubs aren't making the boards, the boards have been good just not timely. A backup is in the works for boards, nubs ? Foxconn, really? I'd love some of whatever you are smoking.
well lets see what are some realistic scenarios in which would further delay the pandora? Almost every conceivable and inconceivable situation seems to have happened to delay this project. Here's a short list of things I think could *still* happen.

1)board company fails to produce and production is routed to this "new company"

2)new board company needs time to produce new boards

3)new boards from new company are faulty and need fixed

4)boat with remainder of cases gets hijacked by pirates

5)the plane with completed boards crashes

6)the van with ED's portion of the Pandoras gets into an accident all pandoras destroyed

7)someone discovers a latent patent on the Pandora design and someone sues OP

8)battery gets recalled due to exploding pandora risk

9)north korea/south korea go to war, somehow delays the pandora

10)zombie apocalypse
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well lets see what are some realistic scenarios in which would further delay the pandora? Almost every conceivable and inconceivable situation seems to have happened to delay this project. Here's a short list of things I think could *still* happen.

1)board company fails to produce and production is routed to this "new company"

2)new board company needs time to produce new boards

3)new boards from new company are faulty and need fixed

4)boat with remainder of cases gets hijacked by pirates

5)the plane with completed boards crashes

6)the van with ED's portion of the Pandoras gets into an accident all pandoras destroyed

7)someone discovers a latent patent on the Pandora design and someone sues OP

8)battery gets recalled due to exploding pandora risk

9)north korea/south korea go to war, somehow delays the pandora

10)zombie apocalypse
In a certain way, I'm kinda surprised that issues 1 to 3 haven't happend yet.

Issues 4 to 8 I actually consider to be quite likely to happen (don't leave your pandora plugged in for weeks).

I believe most cases have arrived, so I don't directly see how issues 9 is going to delay it yet (it's kinda "nearby" the cases factory).

I'm not too sure about issue 10 though. Maybe we will all turn into zombies after draining our brain of intelligence by repeated F5 presses.
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if each of those were to happen and they take 2 months™ a piece (give or take) then it's December 2012 and that's when the world's gonna end and it's all moot beyond that point anyway right?

this all fits into my theory on the delay, hold off until the apocalypse [zombie or other] and then they're off the hook with our pre-order money
Hi all,

I'm following Pandora since the beginning, here is my trip looking at my notifications mails from openpandorasales@gmail.com:

- 01 October 2008 13.45 received my order confirmation

- 28 November 2008 (after the bank mess)


Just to let you know that we have received your Bank Transfer and it has been matched with your original order.

Many thanks


- 12 July 2010


Your approximate queue position is 1150 - 1250.

Kind regards


Is this a good position?

Can someone give me an estimation on when I will get my Pandora?

Thank you all!
Your approximate queue position is 1150 - 1250.
There are about three separate queues (EvilDragon, Craigix, Fatih). This position is your estimated position in the queue of Craig.

If I remember correctly Craig had about 3000 orders and EvilDragon about 1000, Fatih queue is small enough to be negligible for this computation.

Given a local queue position of 1150-1250 I think you are about 1530 ~ 1660 in the (nonexistant) global queue. About a thousand units have already shipped. Remaining units will ship in three waves of about 1000 units each. This suggests that you might be part of the next wave of 1000 units, but some unknown number of people have jumped queue position by accepting units with broken nubs.

When will this wave be delivered? No one really knows. If all goes well, which has never happened in the last two years, you have reasonable odds to receive your unit in december.
When will this wave be delivered? No one really knows. If all goes well, which has never happened in the last two years, you have reasonable odds to receive your unit in december.

Thank you for your estimation I'll let you know if this will become true :)