Questions/comments On Gp32


Mar 29, 2005
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Well i got my gp32 yay! Instantly had freelauncher on it :Pso i didnt have to install anything.

Started playing my sega games on it woot! I love Dr Md!!!

Got myself some anime and amazingly encoded them down to 20meg files each (from 200meg). They arent half bad, only sometimes there is some distortion.

I am completely satisfied with Nes emulation, Genesis Emulation, GpCinema.
I heard about people buying guaranteed 166mhz,160mhz and such of of sites and frankly why? My normal gp32 can clock up to 200mhz in drmd without freezing which makes it too fast though so i use 166mhz.

Only problem is the Snes emulation. I Love it alot. But i cant seem to find the mod that lets you go past 166mhz cause im sure my gp can handle more than that for snes. Anyone know where to get it/has it? If i can get it up to 180mhz then i can have it running at 25fps, currently i got it running at 20 average and it lags sometimes buti ts playable (with sound). And what versions of OSNES9X does it work with?

Drak posted on Apr 16 2005 at 04:56 AM said:
I am completely satisfied with Nes emulation, Genesis Emulation, GpCinema.
I heard about people buying guaranteed 166mhz,160mhz and such of of sites and frankly why? My normal gp32 can clock up to 200mhz in drmd without freezing which makes it too fast though so i use 166mhz.

Great, Glad you are happy with your purchase (there are very few that are not) and have many years of fun with it. :)

Btw, I would just like to comment on you quote above. You say you don`t know why people are buying guaranteed 160 or 166mhz units, Your system goes up to 200mhz, Which in the GP32 world is almost as rare as rocking horse shit :rolleyes: . The chances of getting a unit that goes that fast out of pure luck is very very slim to say the least. Most people that opt for non gauranteed units are lucky to go 156 mhz, There is even one poor guy (i forget his name) that is stuck with 133mhz and can go no higher. So you are very luck, And one of only a handful of people that can go to 200mhz or above.

Btw2, Can i have my GP back now. :D

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Yeah, I'd use 144mhz primarily with DrMD; very high quality and little choppiness at that speed. You'll notice the batteries get sucked dry very, very quickly at the higher speeds. The high speed would be very beneficial with things like OSNES or Quake, though. ;)

Is your GP a NLU or FLU(guessing it's not a BLU since you mentioned FreeLauncher)?

You made a great decision buying a GP32. This thing just gets more and more impressive with every new release. :D
My gamepark is a normal nlu with no special features or anything. :o
I dunno why it can go so high for overclocking but i think it will come in handy once i can get that os9xgp overclock mod thingy.. Any1 know where to get it?
Drak posted on Apr 16 2005 at 03:56 AM said:
My normal gp32 can clock up to 200mhz in drmd without freezing which makes it too fast though so i use 166mhz.

Wanna swap it for my 166 blu? Ill give ya some cash too :)
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fitzsteve posted on Apr 16 2005 at 12:05 PM said:
Drak posted on Apr 16 2005 at 03:56 AM said:
My normal gp32 can clock up to 200mhz in drmd without freezing which makes it too fast though so i use 166mhz.

Wanna swap it for my 166 blu? Ill give ya some cash too :)
Do not swap a 166 BLU for a 200 NLU.
That would be the biggest mistake ever.
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Link to the thread Horscht was talking about:

If your looking to play with sound, my experience is that osnes.2 is much better; without sound, however, .3 is superior and runs quite smooth. These are my settings for donkey kong country to help you out (in .2 for sound purposes):
video: fs 1 (2 depending on how slow the game runs) and 8bpp
Sound: stereo off, freq 11 khz, quality 8 bits
I only run snes at 166

and for ljgp, try these:
frameskip: 0, video: fast , VSync: off, 240 lines: on
I think you will be even more impressed when you play with these settings, esp w/ ljgp...
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Hanz™ posted on Apr 16 2005 at 12:48 PM said:
fitzsteve posted on Apr 16 2005 at 12:05 PM said:
Drak posted on Apr 16 2005 at 03:56 AM said:
My normal gp32 can clock up to 200mhz in drmd without freezing which makes it too fast though so i use 166mhz.

Wanna swap it for my 166 blu? Ill give ya some cash too :)
Do not swap a 166 BLU for a 200 NLU.
That would be the biggest mistake ever.

Yeah I like my back light too much to do it, ill stick with m,y 166 blu I just wish I could overclock mame more...
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trooper: I am pretty sure there are (were?) many people with units that go only up to 133MHz, me included (used to have a FLU). With a 166MHz guaranteed BLU+ its a totally different experience. Even the difference between 133 and 144MHz in DrMD is awesome, though its only 11MHz.

Hanz: True, I would not swap my 166 BLU+ even for a 250 NLU and if then only to sell it and buy a BLU again. The display is a far cry greater :) Eventhough its almost useless in direct sunlight and also in particular kind of artificial light.
I got a FLU unit, the light died on me. Screwed it open, nothing wrong their...
When I put it back together the light worked again :huh: Happy it works again.

My GP32 could run 252MHz in Quake, also 256MHz but that one crashed the first time and not after that (252 didnt do that so...)

Should get DrMD because I hear such great reactions on it.
Re-installed devkitadv yesterday, so I'm going to pratice my skills on that (again).
shinneri posted on Apr 16 2005 at 03:17 PM said:
I wouldn't say it would be the biggest mistake ever... but I don't think I'd do it.

I would. I almost soley use my gp32_console for drmd, so 166 would be more than suitable, if only my gp32_console o/c'd to more than 156 *sigh*
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Horscht my savior!
would you mind overclocking me a 180mhz 0snes9x to a GXB the fxbs dont work on my gp32 but the 200mhz GXB does but it a little bit too draining heh. Or does the setting 1XX = 180 in the 200mhz mod one?