Questions about Movies


Still Fresh
Apr 11, 2003

I have a few questions about movie playing capabilities on the gp32 (even though I have already ordered it, so it's really too late :P ).

Ok first of all. What is all this jazz about divx 4.12 or whatever? I don't know much about the movie aspect of computers, so I don't know what that means.

Does that mean that I will have to search/download movies and clips that are encoded specially like that, or am I the one that encodes the divx? Ahhhhh so confusing!!!! :blink:

Because I have a lot of little clips that I watch on my windows media player on my comp (mainly skateboarding and.....well.....irrelevant :rolleyes: ) So would I be able to watch these on my gp32?

Once again, you guys are very helpful.

Thanks a bunch
yeah so as the post and the totorials above state you will have to take any movie files that you have and convert them ti a format that the gp32 can play. For this you will need the divx 4.12 codec which you can download from as well as virtual dub which is mentioned in both of the links above. To make things easier on this site you will beable to find a virtual dub settings file. For the most part all you need to do once installing the codec and virtual dub is open virtual dub then under file click load processing settings that will set up virtal dub to conver the movie file to the format that movie park needs to play correctly. Then just click file again and hit open video file and pick the clip you want to encode. Then click cave as .avi and save the file. The program will doits thing and then you will have a filethat can be played on your gp32. It sounds like alot of work but once you do it once or twice its a breeze. Beleave me get the file from this site to set up the settings it makes life alot easier until you understand how the program works then you can tweak it however you want.
You say it's quite a breeze... I wonder how long does virtualdub take,
to encode a standard DivX file, let's say about 700MB, to GP32
format? Noone ever mentions this when talking about GP32 movie
convertion. I remember, I once tried to encode a DVD to DivX format
and let it run over night (P2, 600MHZ,192MB) , and in the morning
it was still not nearly finished.
It's most probably not the same as to convert a DivX for GP32, but
I thought it would take at least some hours to do it for a whole
movie like LotR:TTT...?
Someone just posted a guide on how to take movies from DVD to GP32 format, so check that thread out. As far as compressing movies goes, it greatly depends on the speed of your PC. My old p200 laptop did a movie in 36 hours once (just as a test). My 2.0ghz workstation does them in around an hour.

The GP32 is never going to replace your home DVD player as a multimedia machine, but throwing some missed television episodes on there or a movie for a road trip is not bad.

From the DVD-2-GP32 thread:
"Everything else stays exactly the same as GP32emu's guide, this part does not take much longer than if you were running from an already compressed avi file, i found it took around 70 mins to do a 2 hour film."

So, if it takes only somewhat longer to convert an uncompressed file, it probably takes around 60 mins for 2 hours DivX movie...?
Can someone approve that?
Something i should have stated on my guide ill say here... im running from a 2.4Ghz machine, will be longer on slower machines, ill test this on a 1.2Ghz when i get my other machine fixed and give timings

50 mins movie on that machine takes 25mins to compress from full DVD vob files