
* There's a non existing option in the options menu under the Lookstrafe setting ( you can't select lookstrafe, by the way ). You can select it if you move the cursor up, but if you select it, it will crash the game.

* Sometimes the mods cause some wierd problems, like you can't strafe anymore or move back for whatever reason.

Other than that it seems to work just fine so far. Good job. :)
You can, hold L-Trigger and move left, right.

I have fix the bug and reupload the files...
Rikku2000 said:
You can, hold L-Trigger and move left, right.

I have fix the bug and reupload the files...
I prefer holding X to strafe ( with A and B for shooting/jumping ) and R for looking.
But anyhow, will be waiting for the update! :)
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Rikku2000 said:
why i need todo you can change the the keys in option menu :P

Well, obviously, but my point was that those keys sometimes would just suddenly stop working after using mods.
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Sorry for bad english .. Explain me please: I`m make folder, copy sdlquake.gpe on it, copy ID1 folder with pak0.pak & pak1.pak files in to same folder, make "ini" file ... When run quake on caanoo i have loading screen and that`s all :( what i do wrong ???

oh, btw: this version support USB mouse + keyboard ??

OOpsss seems i`m understood ... my bad ))) quake v9 like a patch to v8 right ? or no ?? :blink:
GreaG said:
Sorry for bad english .. Explain me please: I`m make folder, copy sdlquake.gpe on it, copy ID1 folder with pak0.pak & pak1.pak files in to same folder, make "ini" file ... When run quake on caanoo i have loading screen and that`s all :( what i do wrong ???

oh, btw: this version support USB mouse + keyboard ??

OOpsss seems i`m understood ... my bad ))) quake v9 like a patch to v8 right ? or no ?? :blink:

I think Rikku just made some sort of epic fail with the file extension here.

If I understand everything correctly, *.gpe files are pretty much sort of like shortcuts ( if you open any *.gpe file in a text editor, you'll see what I mean. ), and they use a file in the same directory that has no extension at all. In this case, you just have to remove the ".gpe" part of the file and replace the old "quake" file with it ( or if you're using glquake instead, then replace that. )

If you still have troubles, try to just download the V9 version and do what I just explained, it should work after that ( after putting the pak0 and pak1 files in the ID1 folder of course. ).

Also, I suggest using the GLQuake version, it seems to run faster.
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CloverGruff said:
If I understand everything correctly, *.gpe files are pretty much sort of like shortcuts ( if you open any *.gpe file in a text editor, you'll see what I mean. ), and they use a file in the same directory that has no extension at all. In this case, you just have to remove the ".gpe" part of the file and replace the old "quake" file with it ( or if you're using glquake instead, then replace that. )
Nope. there are no rule for file extention on linux (the caanoo OS). It's just a norm most dev gave themself to have the start-point as a *.gpe file. It isnt requiered that this gpe file is actually a bash script. Some does, some dont (hint have a look at AAAA...). There are many valid reason to make a *.gpe a launcher script, but there is no obligation nor rules ;)
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Came to home, download all again. Quake are launch and start play demo. that`s all. When select new game or create multiplayer - picture of menu frized :( if i move stick i`m hear the navigate sounds of caanoo d-menu... somebody have this problem ?? Help me please !!! From Russia with love :D
Dont use GPH Quake v9 longer it have a lot of bugs and i am tierd to fix it so i start new port on quake.

Quake Install:
---- pak0.pak
---- pak1.pak
-- sdlquake.gpe
- quake.ini
I was wondering, is it just me or is quake unable to run on GMenu2X?
I just recently decided to use it because I got kind of bored with the original Caanoo interface.