Quake And Doom For Dreamcast


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2003
How do I get Quake To work on my Dreamcast? I downloaded the Quake Port and put my Full Version .Pak Files in the correct place but when I burn it with Nero, it wont Load in the DC... It just says its a Audio Disc :(

I need help on how to Burn DC Games with Nero or Disc Juggler :D

Quake is not a Image

I can burn the Images like the .cdi images Easilly (They play First time)

Also, the DOOM Port (DOOMdc), how do I put my own DOOM Wad into that? Currently it has the Freeware Wad in, but I want to put my own Full Version wad in.

Thanks :D
wasn't there Quake and doom already on the dreamcast as a commercial game? Or is that the Saturn i'm thinking of.
I use alcohol 120 to burn dreamcast games and it seems to automatically self boot, the games I've burned have all self booted with A 120 and I didn't need to do anything else to them.

Goto www.dcemulation.com and click on the quake link, they explain it all. Why are you asking here. We are all gpiers.
mth411 posted on Aug 13 2004 at 03:44 PM said:

Goto www.dcemulation.com and click on the quake link, they explain it all. Why are you asking here. We are all gpiers.
not all of us are just GP32ers, I have around 26 consoles and handhelds in my collection at the moment, and thats why there is an other consoles section in the forums.
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Extremegamer-- you are right about that, just odd he didn't search on google, which is what I did, rather he asked other people.

Searching for quake dreamcast emu gave me this from google.com

and if you jump to the homepage, or wherever, it gives you more.

Not odd to ask a hard question here, but odd he asked here FIRST.

You know, just a tip not flaming but you'll get a faster and more educated response at a dreamcast site (not that the replies here aren't educated :D).

Just would make sense ;).

I just found a disk image of both games (warez though obviously) and burned those.
mth411 posted on Aug 13 2004 at 03:44 PM said:
Why are you asking here. We are all gpiers.

?????? Were All Gpiers?? I have 2 GP32's, 2 PSX's, PS2, DC, SNES, Master System, GB, Game Gear, Amiga, G7000, N64 and Most other people have similar

Im asking here because its In the "Other Consoles" Topic, or are we only allowed to post about GP32's in here??? <_< :P

I tried Google for Hours but still no luck

Ive been around all the DC Sites trying to find out how to burn it but no luck. its just wasting my cd's... I might do the CD Laser Mod to get my DC to read CDRW hhmmm..

Also, I didnt ask at a DC Board, Cos I cant Be Arsed signing up to another board :P
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Steve-O posted on Aug 13 2004 at 02:32 PM said:
How do I get Quake To work on my Dreamcast? I downloaded the Quake Port and put my Full Version .Pak Files in the correct place but when I burn it with Nero, it wont Load in the DC... It just says its a Audio Disc :(

I need help on how to Burn DC Games with Nero or Disc Juggler :D
Grab selfboot inducer v4 from http://www.consolevision.com/members/sbiffy/

It's at files under Current.zip

Extract Current.zip and install Selfboot Inducer.

Grab the nxDoom 2.2 sbi at Games under NxDoom_2.2_bO.sbi

Grab Bero's DCQuake at Games under Quake.sbi

Put both sbi files in c:\sbinducr\sbi

Run sbinducer.exe.

Now, you have two choices. You can either build an image with a menu, so that you can have both games on one disc, or you can burn each disc individually.

If you want the menu:
Make sure both SBIs are selected with a + sign in the right hand column (if not, highlight it and click select)

Choose Single Menu under Select a Menu Type.
Click the icon that looks like a barcode to extract the sbis and build the disc layout.

Now, we need to go to c:\sbinducr\inducer (through Windows Explorer, this part has nothing to do with the Selfboot Inducer GUI)

Create a directory named QUAKE.
Goto QUAKE and create a directory named ID1.
Put PAK0.PAK and PAK1.PAK in this directory

Go back to c:\sbinducr\inducer

Create a directory named DOOM.
Goto DOOM and place the wads in this directory.
You can use any Doom/Doom2/Ultimate Doom WAD that's supported by nxDoom (all of them can be put on one disc, as nxDoom has a modlist to select the version you want to play):
DOOM2F.WAD - Doom 2 - French Version
DOOM2.WAD - Doom 2 - Hell on Earth
TNT.WAD - Doom 2 - TNT Evilution (Final Doom)
PLUTONIA.WAD - Doom 2 - Plutonia Experiment (Final Doom)
DOOMU.WAD - Ultimate Doom
DOOM.WAD - Registered Doom
DOOM1.WAD - Shareware Doom

Now, go back to the Selfboot Inducer GUI. You can choose DiscJuggler, Nero TAO, or Nero DAO. I suggest using Alcohol 120% and the Discjuggler image.
Click on the snake logo, then open Alcohol 120%, and select Image Burning Wizard.
Browse to c:\sbinducr. Click on inducer.sbi, click next, then start. You now have successfully burnt a disc with Quake and Doom selectable using the Dream Inducer menu system.

Now, If you don't want the menu:
Make sure only one SBI is selected with a + sign in the right hand column (if not, highlight it and click select)
We'll start with Quake.sbi

Choose SBI2Boot under Select a Menu Type.
Click the icon that looks like a barcode to extract the sbi and build the disc layout.

Now, we need to go to c:\sbinducr\inducer (through Windows Explorer, this part has nothing to do with the Selfboot Inducer GUI)

Create a directory named QUAKE.
Goto QUAKE and create a directory named ID1.
Put PAK0.PAK and PAK1.PAK in this directory

Now, go back to the Selfboot Inducer GUI. You can choose DiscJuggler, Nero TAO, or Nero DAO. I suggest using Alcohol 120% and the Discjuggler image.
Click on the snake logo, then open Alcohol 120%, and select Image Burning Wizard.
Browse to c:\sbinducr. Click on inducer.sbi, click next, then start. You now have successfully burnt a disc with Quake.

Now, go back to the Selfboot Inducer GUI, and make sure only NxDoom_2.2_bO.sbi is selected with a + sign in the right hand column (if not, highlight it and click select)

Choose SBI2Boot under Select a Menu Type.
Click the icon that looks like a barcode to extract the sbi and build the disc layout.

Now, we need to go to c:\sbinducr\inducer (through Windows Explorer, this part has nothing to do with the Selfboot Inducer GUI)

Create a directory named DOOM.
Goto DOOM and place the wads in this directory.
You can use any Doom/Doom2/Ultimate Doom WAD that's supported by nxDoom (all of them can be put on one disc, as nxDoom has a modlist to select the version you want to play):
DOOM2F.WAD - Doom 2 - French Version
DOOM2.WAD - Doom 2 - Hell on Earth
TNT.WAD - Doom 2 - TNT Evilution (Final Doom)
PLUTONIA.WAD - Doom 2 - Plutonia Experiment (Final Doom)
DOOMU.WAD - Ultimate Doom
DOOM.WAD - Registered Doom
DOOM1.WAD - Shareware Doom

Now, go back to the Selfboot Inducer GUI. You can choose DiscJuggler, Nero TAO, or Nero DAO. I suggest using Alcohol 120% and the Discjuggler image.
Click on the snake logo, then open Alcohol 120%, and select Image Burning Wizard.
Browse to c:\sbinducr. Click on inducer.sbi, click next, then start. You now have successfully burnt a disc with Doom.
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MetaFox posted on Aug 14 2004 at 10:41 PM said:
Steve-O posted on Aug 13 2004 at 02:32 PM said:
How do I get Quake To work on my Dreamcast? I downloaded the Quake Port and put my Full Version .Pak Files in the correct place but when I burn it with Nero, it wont Load in the DC... It just says its a Audio Disc :(

I need help on how to Burn DC Games with Nero or Disc Juggler :D
Grab selfboot inducer v4 from http://www.consolevision.com/members/sbiffy/

It's at files under Current.zip

Extract Current.zip and install Selfboot Inducer.

Grab the nxDoom 2.2 sbi at Games under NxDoom_2.2_bO.sbi

Grab Bero's DCQuake at Games under Quake.sbi

Put both sbi files in c:\sbinducr\sbi

Run sbinducer.exe.

Now, you have two choices. You can either build an image with a menu, so that you can have both games on one disc, or you can burn each disc individually.

If you want the menu:
Make sure both SBIs are selected with a + sign in the right hand column (if not, highlight it and click select)

Choose Single Menu under Select a Menu Type.
Click the icon that looks like a barcode to extract the sbis and build the disc layout.

Now, we need to go to c:\sbinducr\inducer (through Windows Explorer, this part has nothing to do with the Selfboot Inducer GUI)

Create a directory named QUAKE.
Goto QUAKE and create a directory named ID1.
Put PAK0.PAK and PAK1.PAK in this directory

Go back to c:\sbinducr\inducer

Create a directory named DOOM.
Goto DOOM and place the wads in this directory.
You can use any Doom/Doom2/Ultimate Doom WAD that's supported by nxDoom (all of them can be put on one disc, as nxDoom has a modlist to select the version you want to play):
DOOM2F.WAD - Doom 2 - French Version
DOOM2.WAD - Doom 2 - Hell on Earth
TNT.WAD - Doom 2 - TNT Evilution (Final Doom)
PLUTONIA.WAD - Doom 2 - Plutonia Experiment (Final Doom)
DOOMU.WAD - Ultimate Doom
DOOM.WAD - Registered Doom
DOOM1.WAD - Shareware Doom

Now, go back to the Selfboot Inducer GUI. You can choose DiscJuggler, Nero TAO, or Nero DAO. I suggest using Alcohol 120% and the Discjuggler image.
Click on the snake logo, then open Alcohol 120%, and select Image Burning Wizard.
Browse to c:\sbinducr. Click on inducer.sbi, click next, then start. You now have successfully burnt a disc with Quake and Doom selectable using the Dream Inducer menu system.

Now, If you don't want the menu:
Make sure only one SBI is selected with a + sign in the right hand column (if not, highlight it and click select)
We'll start with Quake.sbi

Choose SBI2Boot under Select a Menu Type.
Click the icon that looks like a barcode to extract the sbi and build the disc layout.

Now, we need to go to c:\sbinducr\inducer (through Windows Explorer, this part has nothing to do with the Selfboot Inducer GUI)

Create a directory named QUAKE.
Goto QUAKE and create a directory named ID1.
Put PAK0.PAK and PAK1.PAK in this directory

Now, go back to the Selfboot Inducer GUI. You can choose DiscJuggler, Nero TAO, or Nero DAO. I suggest using Alcohol 120% and the Discjuggler image.
Click on the snake logo, then open Alcohol 120%, and select Image Burning Wizard.
Browse to c:\sbinducr. Click on inducer.sbi, click next, then start. You now have successfully burnt a disc with Quake.

Now, go back to the Selfboot Inducer GUI, and make sure only NxDoom_2.2_bO.sbi is selected with a + sign in the right hand column (if not, highlight it and click select)

Choose SBI2Boot under Select a Menu Type.
Click the icon that looks like a barcode to extract the sbi and build the disc layout.

Now, we need to go to c:\sbinducr\inducer (through Windows Explorer, this part has nothing to do with the Selfboot Inducer GUI)

Create a directory named DOOM.
Goto DOOM and place the wads in this directory.
You can use any Doom/Doom2/Ultimate Doom WAD that's supported by nxDoom (all of them can be put on one disc, as nxDoom has a modlist to select the version you want to play):
DOOM2F.WAD - Doom 2 - French Version
DOOM2.WAD - Doom 2 - Hell on Earth
TNT.WAD - Doom 2 - TNT Evilution (Final Doom)
PLUTONIA.WAD - Doom 2 - Plutonia Experiment (Final Doom)
DOOMU.WAD - Ultimate Doom
DOOM.WAD - Registered Doom
DOOM1.WAD - Shareware Doom

Now, go back to the Selfboot Inducer GUI. You can choose DiscJuggler, Nero TAO, or Nero DAO. I suggest using Alcohol 120% and the Discjuggler image.
Click on the snake logo, then open Alcohol 120%, and select Image Burning Wizard.
Browse to c:\sbinducr. Click on inducer.sbi, click next, then start. You now have successfully burnt a disc with Doom.
Thanks :D

How do I set up Quake2 like that??

So I have Doom, Quake and Quake 2 on the same Disc ??
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Steve-O posted on Aug 16 2004 at 10:14 AM said:
How do I set up Quake2 like that??

So I have Doom at Quake and Quake 2 on the same Disc ??
Grab Bero's Quake II at Games on Sbiffy under QuakeII.sbi

In Selfboot Inducer, make sure all three SBIs are selected with a + sign in the right hand column (if not, highlight it and click select)

Choose Single Menu under Select a Menu Type.
Click the icon that looks like a barcode to extract the sbis and build the disc layout.

First, follow the directions for Doom and Quake.

Now, we need to go to c:\sbinducr\inducer (through Windows Explorer, this part has nothing to do with the Selfboot Inducer GUI)

Create a directory named QUAKE2.
Goto QUAKE2 and place pak0.pak in this directory.
Still in QUAKE2, create a directory named PLAYERS.
Copy the entire players directory from the Quake 2 installation into this directory.
Go back to QUAKE2 and create a directory named VIDEO.
Copy the entire video directory from the Quake 2 installation into this directory.

Choose Single Menu under Select a Menu Type.
Click the icon that looks like a barcode to extract the sbis and build the disc layout.

Now, go back to the Selfboot Inducer GUI. You can choose DiscJuggler, Nero TAO, or Nero DAO. I suggest using Alcohol 120% and the Discjuggler image.
Click on the snake logo, then open Alcohol 120%, and select Image Burning Wizard.
Browse to c:\sbinducr. Click on inducer.sbi, click next, then start. You now have successfully burnt a disc with Quake, Quake 2, and Doom selectable using the Dream Inducer menu system.
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Thanks :D

One More Question Before I Burn Q2 -

Does QUAKE2 for the DC Support Mods and Bots ??? If So, How do I Install them on the Disc as well?
