Steve-O posted on Aug 13 2004 at 02:32 PM said:
How do I get Quake To work on my Dreamcast? I downloaded the Quake Port and put my Full Version .Pak Files in the correct place but when I burn it with Nero, it wont Load in the DC... It just says its a Audio Disc
I need help on how to Burn DC Games with Nero or Disc Juggler
Grab selfboot inducer v4 from
It's at files under
Extract and install Selfboot Inducer.
Grab the n

oom 2.2 sbi at Games under N
Grab Bero's DCQuake at Games under
Put both sbi files in c:\sbinducr\sbi
Run sbinducer.exe.
Now, you have two choices. You can either build an image with a menu, so that you can have both games on one disc, or you can burn each disc individually.
If you want the menu:
Make sure both SBIs are selected with a + sign in the right hand column (if not, highlight it and click select)
Choose Single Menu under Select a Menu Type.
Click the icon that looks like a barcode to extract the sbis and build the disc layout.
Now, we need to go to c:\sbinducr\inducer (through Windows Explorer, this part has nothing to do with the Selfboot Inducer GUI)
Create a directory named QUAKE.
Goto QUAKE and create a directory named ID1.
Put PAK0.PAK and PAK1.PAK in this directory
Go back to c:\sbinducr\inducer
Create a directory named DOOM.
Goto DOOM and place the wads in this directory.
You can use any Doom/Doom2/Ultimate Doom WAD that's supported by n

oom (all of them can be put on one disc, as n

oom has a modlist to select the version you want to play):
DOOM2F.WAD - Doom 2 - French Version
DOOM2.WAD - Doom 2 - Hell on Earth
TNT.WAD - Doom 2 - TNT Evilution (Final Doom)
PLUTONIA.WAD - Doom 2 - Plutonia Experiment (Final Doom)
DOOMU.WAD - Ultimate Doom
DOOM.WAD - Registered Doom
DOOM1.WAD - Shareware Doom
Now, go back to the Selfboot Inducer GUI. You can choose DiscJuggler, Nero TAO, or Nero DAO. I suggest using Alcohol 120% and the Discjuggler image.
Click on the snake logo, then open Alcohol 120%, and select Image Burning Wizard.
Browse to c:\sbinducr. Click on, click next, then start. You now have successfully burnt a disc with Quake and Doom selectable using the Dream Inducer menu system.
Now, If you don't want the menu:
Make sure only one SBI is selected with a + sign in the right hand column (if not, highlight it and click select)
We'll start with
Choose SBI2Boot under Select a Menu Type.
Click the icon that looks like a barcode to extract the sbi and build the disc layout.
Now, we need to go to c:\sbinducr\inducer (through Windows Explorer, this part has nothing to do with the Selfboot Inducer GUI)
Create a directory named QUAKE.
Goto QUAKE and create a directory named ID1.
Put PAK0.PAK and PAK1.PAK in this directory
Now, go back to the Selfboot Inducer GUI. You can choose DiscJuggler, Nero TAO, or Nero DAO. I suggest using Alcohol 120% and the Discjuggler image.
Click on the snake logo, then open Alcohol 120%, and select Image Burning Wizard.
Browse to c:\sbinducr. Click on, click next, then start. You now have successfully burnt a disc with Quake.
Now, go back to the Selfboot Inducer GUI, and make sure only N is selected with a + sign in the right hand column (if not, highlight it and click select)
Choose SBI2Boot under Select a Menu Type.
Click the icon that looks like a barcode to extract the sbi and build the disc layout.
Now, we need to go to c:\sbinducr\inducer (through Windows Explorer, this part has nothing to do with the Selfboot Inducer GUI)
Create a directory named DOOM.
Goto DOOM and place the wads in this directory.
You can use any Doom/Doom2/Ultimate Doom WAD that's supported by n

oom (all of them can be put on one disc, as n

oom has a modlist to select the version you want to play):
DOOM2F.WAD - Doom 2 - French Version
DOOM2.WAD - Doom 2 - Hell on Earth
TNT.WAD - Doom 2 - TNT Evilution (Final Doom)
PLUTONIA.WAD - Doom 2 - Plutonia Experiment (Final Doom)
DOOMU.WAD - Ultimate Doom
DOOM.WAD - Registered Doom
DOOM1.WAD - Shareware Doom
Now, go back to the Selfboot Inducer GUI. You can choose DiscJuggler, Nero TAO, or Nero DAO. I suggest using Alcohol 120% and the Discjuggler image.
Click on the snake logo, then open Alcohol 120%, and select Image Burning Wizard.
Browse to c:\sbinducr. Click on, click next, then start. You now have successfully burnt a disc with Doom.