Pyra Audio Driver - PulseAudio

Sounds like the Pyra will need to ship with a firewall configured to block most ports from the 3/4G interface if pulseaudio by default exposes ports.  Probably not a bad idea to restrict traffic to wifi as well, on a portable device.
what? who said anything about exposed ports? almost all debian distros come preconfigured with iptables to only allow traffic for http and certain other services by default. any port that is not part of this default standard will need to be opened by the user/root. no firewall needed at all as the system is a firewall of sorts.

anyway, I don't like pulse-audio either. had to remove it from a couple of my systems before to get working sound. lately I didn't have any problems with it anymore, though.

security wise I'd rather be worried about systemd. not that it does anything bad yet, but it's super overcomplex, manages way too many aspects while it should be doing a simple job. it's becoming a kraken.
security wise I'd rather be worried about systemd. not that it does anything bad yet, but it's super overcomplex, manages way too many aspects while it should be doing a simple job. it's becoming a kraken.
In terms of pure init, systemd is indeed overly complex. In terms of managing the system, it's almost certainly less complex than the two dozen of bash scripts sort of trying to do the same stuff.

Also, the crazy stuff (e.g. systemd-journal-gatewayd to have the logs in a http server) is optional actually not implemented in debian so far. 
PulseAudio can be configured to directly pass through the audio to an ALSA device without using its own mixer, and that's pretty much the only way I would like to see it being used. It really is a CPU hog.

security wise I'd rather be worried about systemd. not that it does anything bad yet, but it's super overcomplex, manages way too many aspects while it should be doing a simple job. it's becoming a kraken.
It's a shame that the uselessd project is effectively dead, it would have been a nice alternative.