Pydiskusage V1.1.1 Released


Staff member
Mar 4, 2003
Carlos Galisteo released a small, practical tool which graphically shows how full your NAND and SD-Card is.


Download: pyDiskUsage v1.1.1
nice, but it would be good if it somehow showed up on the settings menu as an icon rather than something you gotta run

I got it to work, but it took tweak(s) before I got it. I'm glad that pygame gave an initial script where output was spat out in the program directory! If it didn't I would have been stuck.


Got "Access Denied" by python file in /mnt/sd/python directory, so I had to telnet into my gp2x and chmod a+rwx. But I guess that issue had nothing to do with this simple program. Simple is best! Thanks!

I'm not a programmer, and I never will be... but I have to say that examples like this will be great for people to learn from. This program is by no means a waste of time to play around with. I just got my gp2x yesterday (sadly, it was only yesterday) and I already figured out how to access my gp2x via USB Server (and therefore web server, ftp/telnet, and samba), learned the hierarchy of the gp2x OS, and figured out the basic underpinnings of aesthetic modifications. Asking other people is the key.

Thanks for an excellent resource, EvilDragon. I hope you will definitely continue to code increasingly complex programs for the gp2x. :D
Can someone either post step by step directions or point me somewhere, because it isn't working for me. I've tried several times. And no such luck. Doesn't even boot.
I think if GPH are going to implement this, it needs to be written in C/C++
I'm not knocking python (I can actually code python :p), but GPH aren't going to put python on the NAND for something as simple as this.

I know GPH should do this themselves, but nevertheless, they're even more likely to put it in if there's less work for them.
Actually, it would be nice if they included Python and PyGame on the NAND. It's very useful and a lot easier to start with than C/C++ so it would probably get a lot more people interested in homebrew.
Ninja please, it's a better use of space than the commercial demos being crammed on there now, and the OS is not taking up THAT much space on the NAND. If PyGame gets even a handful of novices contributing to "the scene" then it's a worthwhile addition to the NAND.