Pulsar 0.2c Is Out Now!

Mr. Anderson

Oct 17, 2005
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I fixed(at least I hope so) the scanline problem with a few backgrounds, and overall made them a bit brighter. The icons now have a bit transparency to them so they look less "active" when not marked. In contrary the marked Icons are brighter and have a stronger glow to them, still have to think of some Icons for the Settings-Screen. I changed the Battery icons, now a medium battery will not show up as "Midium" again ;)

I couldn't test the Skin on my GP2x so I will be glad for any feedback I can get, something to bright, to dark, please tell me.

I updated the file to the File Archive, however it'll take about 1-2 days until it's updated there(or so is my experience with it). If you want to check the skin then follow this link, click "free" wait aprox. 15 secs and scroll down to download the skin:


and again, please give me some feedback about the skin, I still can't test it with my gp2x until my Sandisk 512Meg Card arrives :(
that is one nice skin! where did you get the 3d nes controller and other icons? modeled it yourself?
anyway, good job, looks very nice.
you should include the install file for the skin, for the less knowledgeable.

just pull it from the default skin.


ps.- excellent skin btw. looks good on my gp2x too, lol
I put it on mine,

The movie player skin is breathtaking, a little more work and this could easily be THE skin to skin your GP2X with. :)

I notice a bit over overgamma in the main menu tho
this is the coolest skin i've seen to date. definately have to try this one out.
junker posted on Dec 5 2005 at 01:25 AM said:
that is one nice skin! where did you get the 3d nes controller and other icons? modeled it yourself?
anyway, good job, looks very nice.

I got most of the stuff from the web, with google's help, I am not that talented at creating stuff, however editing is something I really have fun with(cutting out, enhancing, colorize, disort, etc) :) I'm also thinking of creating a nother pulsar like skin once that one is finished, but themed in red(yeah I guess red will be the next one, red&orange, my second favorite colors), yellow or green, perhaps one in b/w too but then with colored icons, who knows what I mess with when I'm bored again ^^

nubi said:
The movie player skin is breathtaking, a little more work and this could easily be THE skin to skin your GP2X with. 

I notice a bit over overgamma in the main menu tho

So the menu is too bright, I thought so, the first version was too dark so I made it brighter, but I guess too much ^^ I'm thinking of redisigning the movie player from scratch, but with the same background, it looks quite nice yes.

Anyone noticed flickering or more scanlines than usual ? I want to make that one as flicker/scanline free as possible, since currently it looks like the gp2x only has problems with the gui and not with movies or games...

wyefye said:
you should include the install file for the skin, for the less knowledgeable.

good idea, I'll add it in the next release, the 1kb extra won't hurt anyone.
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Mr. Anderson posted on Dec 5 2005 at 04:24 AM said:
Anyone noticed flickering or more scanlines than usual ? I want to make that one as flicker/scanline free as possible, since currently it looks like the gp2x only has problems with the gui and not with movies or games...

You did fix the flickering problem, I see nary a flicker, which is actually pretty cool.

I look forward to seeing your skin on the tv screen if that works, it would blow every dvd player's wallpaper I have ever seen out of the water, and that includes some really kick ass ones from the bottom of this webpage DarrenK background mods

Are you planning on fixing the icons? I really do hope so, because I am having the hardest time with the stupid black is select, what with your skin being so dark.
Maybe I could switch the black-on-select to white-on-select for the original icons.
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nubie posted on Dec 5 2005 at 08:14 PM said:
Are you planning on fixing the icons? I really do hope so, because I am having the hardest time with the stupid black is select, what with your skin being so dark.
Maybe I could switch the black-on-select to white-on-select for the original icons.

Well you know I haven't had the chance to test it on my own gp2x, what icons do you mean? -If you mean the ones in settings, they will be changed by the next release, just need to find some nice fitting ones...
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Mr. Anderson posted on Dec 5 2005 at 12:24 PM said:
nubie posted on Dec 5 2005 at 08:14 PM said:
Are you planning on fixing the icons?  I really do hope so, because I am having the hardest time with the stupid black is select, what with your skin being so dark.
Maybe I could switch the black-on-select to white-on-select for the original icons.

Well you know I haven't had the chance to test it on my own gp2x, what icons do you mean? -If you mean the ones in settings, they will be changed by the next release, just need to find some nice fitting ones...

I forgot you don't have yours yet, my apologies. (damn Black Adder, I just thought "apple oh gees" for the "incon ween yentz")

I mean the icons in the select menus that have the file name and you use to select the program/file you are going to run.
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Well, it took a while to get through the download process, but I got it in the end - it's a very nice skin!

I can host it on my website for you if you'd like - would make for a much simpler download process! Let me know. . .
oneandoneis2 posted on Dec 6 2005 at 10:59 PM said:
Well, it took a while to get through the download process, but I got it in the end - it's a very nice skin!

I can host it on my website for you if you'd like - would make for a much simpler download process! Let me know. . .

thanks but as you read, it's 0.2c -very early release, it's just to try it out, there is much to fix and replace and I currently don't have the time for it, maybe later this week.

Also the File Archive should have it updated allready...
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evilsaywhat posted on Dec 6 2005 at 09:06 PM said:
I must be retarded because I can't seem to figure out how to put this on my gp2x!

Put the files anywhere of ur gp2x, and run bgchange.GPU

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