
heres FF7 info

FF7 = ps1

FF7 is being remade with nice graphics = Game Cube

FF7 The Dirge of cerberus = Ps2 , vincent as main character , supposedly a bit like a devil may cry game

FF7 Advent children = a MOVIE

FF7 Before crisis = set years before FF7 you play as the turks , PHONE ONLY

FF7 Crisis Core = im pretty sure this is the FF7 PSP exclusive
Had the oppportunity to physically compare a DS with a PSP (preversion) last week. I was fairly open to like both systems, even if I had a slight preference for the PSP in the first place.

But... Oooops! It's going to be tough for the DS.

- The DS didn't rock my boat really: it's big, fat, and much bulkier that I tought after seeing the pictures on the net, with a very plasticy feel. It looks and feel a little like the very first B&W Gameboy crossed with a Game&watch, weird... The dual screens idea seem pretty neat but I found it just annoying to zap up and down to look at both screen, cannot really see the point compared to a single (larger) screen with a SELECT button to swap between game and map screens temporarily. This said, the plus point is that the bottom one is touchscreen, and that should bring a few interesting twisty puzzle games like we all love on GB, so yeah: plus points for that. But this is the only real innovation on the DS I could find. Not sure it will enough. All the rest left me cold: the buttons are old school and cheap, the screens - even if okay - are pretty small and washed-out. And oh, did I mention the lack of analog pad?! Innovation?... Eeek.

- And... then, the PSP... W O W!!! this thing is soOOoo slick, incredibly nice to touch: smooth, shiny, with a REALLY amazing screen, large and wide taking the whole space... The unit feels like a slim expensive and sophisticated toy: I mean really impressive build quality and stuff, like to top of the range CLies, but for a fraction of the price. Side by side with the DS, there is NO WAY you'll hesitate to take a PSP: it just rocks! Moreover on paper it's a much more powerful machine... Obviously the key will be the games down the line, but hardware-wise, it's just a pure masterpiece. Well done Sony! Let's just hope the battery life stays reasonnable and we may well have THE perfect machine.

My choice is made: PSP!... alongside my GP32 BLU of course :-)
The fact that Sony will lose around 200% of money on each unit to match/beat the price of the DS also adds salt to the injury. :(
As much as I hate to admit it, the PSP will win out due to aggressive pricing and yeasrs of experience wooing the consumers...

EDIT: actually saying that, will Sony actually 'win'? They may sell more units and gain a higher profile but Nintendo can actually make a profit if they sell enough units where Sony has to sell A LOT of games just to break even.
In the end thats what really matters, the bottom line. Even between M$ and Sony, all the times the xbox came close Sony could still laugh because they werent spending as much money on getting people to buy the PS2. Nintendo is in a perfect position to practically print money with the DS because they arnt loosing any money (or atleast no where near as much as sony will per unit sold.)
the thing about sony's lower price , if they can lure in enough fools, when they releases there next handheld they might have a bit of a following, and if they get cocky a larger price tag ...

i think overall , the nintendo will come out better first, cus there actually making money , and then for games , you know when titles such as Pokemon , F-Zero , Mario Kart , Zelda , Animal Crossing , harvest Moon , Etc, etc , get released ninty will make ALOT on software, and sony has its aim to break even in 2 years...

sony arent planning on winning this handheld war
there on they are on their knees praying they will
I think that sony is just trying to get it's foot in the door so to speak. THey did the same with Psx. At the time the system didn't exactly beat out the N64, but it did give Sony a large fan base to launch the Ps2 on. I'm guessing that Sony's next handheld will clearly beat out Ninty's next system.

At this point and time though, I'm having ahard time choosing between the Psp and the Ds. I will probably get the Ds at X-mas then try to pick up a Psp over the summer or next X-mas.
Even if any of you order now from either Play Asia or Lik Sang now (as I have), I doubt whether any of us will get a PSP before Christmas. The shortages just seem to extreme.
Nintendo are doing it tight, whatever they are doing. They are getting all the great 3rd party developers to their system eg. Squaresoft and the people who make the spyro games. I think Ninty are on to a winner here...
- And... then, the PSP... W O W!!! this thing is soOOoo slick, incredibly nice to touch: smooth, shiny, with a REALLY amazing screen, large and wide taking the whole space... The unit feels like a slim expensive and sophisticated toy: I mean really impressive build quality and stuff, like to top of the range CLies, but for a fraction of the price. Side by side with the DS, there is NO WAY you'll hesitate to take a PSP: it just rocks! Moreover on paper it's a much more powerful machine... Obviously the key will be the games down the line, but hardware-wise, it's just a pure masterpiece. Well done Sony! Let's just hope the battery life stays reasonnable and we may well have THE perfect machine.

My choice is made: PSP!... alongside my GP32 BLU of course :-)
That was the most pleasurable piece of descriptive writing I think I've ever read. ;) :D

btw, how did you get the chance to feel a PSP?
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EDGE had an interesting little piece saying that SONY would have to shift 20 games per PSP hardare in order to make back the money they lose on selling the console

They PSP seems quite nice, but I am favouring DS (mostly since its in my hands and i KNOW its awesome, I have yet to find out how good the PSP is first hand)

I think SONY are getting arrogant and they are targeting the wrong markets

I know very few people in the target range that would be willing to carry round what is percieved as a Gameboy, and I know a lot of gamers
EDGE had an interesting little piece saying that SONY would have to shift 20 games per PSP hardare in order to make back the money they lose on selling the console

They PSP seems quite nice, but I am favouring DS (mostly since its in my hands and i KNOW its awesome, I have yet to find out how good the PSP is first hand)

I think SONY are getting arrogant and they are targeting the wrong markets

I know very few people in the target range that would be willing to carry round what is percieved as a Gameboy, and I know a lot of gamers
I'm not being a fanboy 9even though i am a great one :D) but what exactly do you mean by arrogant?

I think the PSP is going to cater best for old teenagers (16-20), the games are just seemingly for that generation. Even though the DS is look cool (I'm definatly going for a PSPS myself though :) it does look very childish and the games (in general) are looking like they're aimed for the ps2/GBA generation (10-12 year old kids).

By the way, to all ther DS owners...
What're the difficulties of the games you've played?
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mario 64 starts easy then gets quite taxing

it is an amzing game

the metroid demo has a final boss thing which is annoying

OK, so wow they are catering for 16-20 year olds but how many 20 year olds would be caught dead carrying around something that could easily be mistaken as a gameboy

not as many 16-20 year olds would be willing to buy a handheld than a home console, by a long shot

I said arrogant because they "conquered" the home console market and now feel it is possible to control the portable one too

If they drive MS and Nitny out of the console market as they did SEGA then the gaming world will become a very crap one (not saying PS Is crap, saying that games are good because they have competition)
I'm 30 years old an not affraid to be seen with both a GBA or the GP32 if you;re 16-20 and scared to play a video game in publich than you have a hell of a lot more problems than whether or not to buy a portable system.

The PSP is marketed more towards the collage age game player (19 and up) while the DS is more of the 16-18 set.