Psp Custom Firmwares


It Is Your Birthday.
Aug 31, 2005
Well it's been about 5 months since I touched my psp (around the time I had the RE3 save issue is anyone recalls that...). I've decided there are some psp games I'd like to try, so I dug the unit out and gave it a shot.

It seems Tactics: War of the Lions isn't running properly for me. While it's possible it's actually the .cso, I would like firmware help nonetheless.

My question is simple: What is the best of the new firmwares? By best I mean most feature packed, and MOST STABLE. I asked around and got the answer that the newest custom FW isn't all that stable yet, so I'm leaning toward the next best one. I'm running 3.10 OE A atm.

Any one have advice? I'll also need help upgrading as I've totally forgotten what to do!

Thanks fellas.
3.52MM-4 is the latest stable OE firmware for a phat PSP - 3.71MM-2 is available, but there are a few issues being reported with it still... I'm running 3.52MM-4 on my phat with no issues...
jimid2 said:
3.52MM-4 is the latest stable OE firmware for a phat PSP - 3.71MM-2 is available, but there are a few issues being reported with it still... I'm running 3.52MM-4 on my phat with no issues...
That sounds good to me. Where can I find it, and how would I install it on a 3.10 OE A Phat psp?
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daclassicgamingmaster said:
That sounds good to me. Where can I find it, and how would I install it on a 3.10 OE A Phat psp?
3.52 M33 files, 3.52 and 1.50 official firmware files also required.

The readme included with the download covers how to install it.
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daclassicgamingmaster said:
Well it's been about 5 months since I touched my psp (around the time I had the RE3 save issue is anyone recalls that...). I've decided there are some psp games I'd like to try, so I dug the unit out and gave it a shot.
It seems Tactics: War of the Lions isn't running properly for me. While it's possible it's actually the .cso, I would like firmware help nonetheless.

My question is simple: What is the best of the new firmwares? By best I mean most feature packed, and MOST STABLE. I asked around and got the answer that the newest custom FW isn't all that stable yet, so I'm leaning toward the next best one. I'm running 3.10 OE A atm.

Any one have advice? I'll also need help upgrading as I've totally forgotten what to do!

Thanks fellas.

I was in exactly the same position as you a couple weeks ago :)

I did loads of reading to get upto speed and decided the best option was to create a Jigkick battery and use Despertar Cementerio V3 to go straight from OE to 3.71-2 M33. The added advantage is that with that combination I can now unbrick my PSP if I ever mess up too.

If you don't want all that and just need to update firmware then I would go for 3.71-2 M33 (+1.50 kernel addon v2 - if you need to run older homebrew). I've not had any problems with it myself, although some people do think 3.52-4 M33 is more stable.
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daclassicgamingmaster said:
No idea what that jigkick stuff is about. Never heard of that combo either...

Which is easier/fastest/least risky?
The "jigkick" is basically a battery set up to put the PSP into "service mode" or whatever it's called. Combined with a memory stick with the right files, it will let you write to the PSP's internal memory even when the machine is bricked. The main purpose for it is unbricking, but it can also be used for downgrading and installing OE firmwares, if one were so inclined.

You'll need a PSP that's already been hacked to set it up, though, and the battery you use can no longer be used as a regular PSP battery, so if you go that route, you'll probably want to pick up a spare battery. On the upside, if you've set up the jigkick right, it will be pretty much impossible to brick your PSP with a botched upgrade.
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daclassicgamingmaster said:
No idea what that jigkick stuff is about. Never heard of that combo either...

Which is easier/fastest/least risky?
Upgrading to 3.52 M33 then 3.71 M33 is the easiest method however you don't get the brick protection of a pandora battery.

Ravnos said:
You'll need a PSP that's already been hacked to set it up, though, and the battery you use can no longer be used as a regular PSP battery
Both false. ;)

Use pandora as regular battery

Make pandora without hacked PSP
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This sounds pretty fun. My battery is on the verge of dying though (doesn't hold a charge for more than a month). I'll definitly give this a try when I get home (hopefully). All the instructions are noob proof and included with the pandora battery readme??

I'll be back here when I screw up :P
I have a psp phat and it's already hacked to play homebrew (running 3.10 OE A). Which guide addresses how to make a regular/pandora battery for a hacked psp phat?

lol info overload :ph34r:

Edit: decided against the pandora battery.Instead, I was able to successfully update to 3.52 M33!

Oh, and War of the Lions works! Woot!

Thanks for the help guys :D