Psp 1.5 Exploit Released


Sep 24, 2003
1.5 "Exploit" (or SwapLoit as described in the PDF) is OUT!!!!

Requires 2 MS's and swapping the sticks at the right time, as well as some "jiggery pokery" - get it here:

Good luck everybody!

Sorry to post this for the third time here.....
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That's a bit long winded, isn't it?

All credit to them but still glad I've got a 1.0 (but for how long?!).
A bit long winded, but it does mean that would could theoretically run an unsigned flasher program on a 1.5 PSP and downgrade it to 1.0, or keep the 1.5 and just remove the signing requirements :)

After all, look at the Nintendo DS, it has the same kind of signing system, but once it was possible to run unsigned code, people hacked the bios and made there own flasher to make it a lot easier from then onwards, and I must admit, uploading homebrew code to a NDS via Wifi is pretty damn cool :)
seems to me you guys aren't reading it right. You dont' HAVE to do the WHOLE THING to get homebrew running. You can use "A Method" using their little frontend/app, which is very short and sounds quite easy, but they also present "B Method" which is apparently the manual way to take your files and edit/hack them so as to make them usable. That's how it seems when I read it. I'll be trying "A Method" when I get home.
A bit long winded, but it does mean that would could theoretically run an unsigned flasher program on a 1.5 PSP and downgrade it to 1.0, or keep the 1.5 and just remove the signing requirements :)

After all, look at the Nintendo DS, it has the same kind of signing system, but once it was possible to run unsigned code, people hacked the bios and made there own flasher to make it a lot easier from then onwards, and I must admit, uploading homebrew code to a NDS via Wifi is pretty damn cool :)
how can that be done?
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It seems to me that what they are doing is creating a signed application which WOULD Launch IF it had any usable data in it, and before it starts running the first bit of code in the "launcher" you are replacing it with some "fresh" unsigned code.

So why not just use the prog to "sign" the apps in the first place...???

Re-reading "Method B", it implies they have created a small piece of "signed" code which acts as a "shell"....

So if they've worked out how to create signed code why not sign homebrew code...
seems to me you guys aren't reading it right. You dont' HAVE to do the WHOLE THING to get homebrew running. You can use "A Method" using their little frontend/app, which is very short and sounds quite easy, but they also present "B Method" which is apparently the manual way to take your files and edit/hack them so as to make them usable. That's how it seems when I read it. I'll be trying "A Method" when I get home.

Long winded relative to what we do now.
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seems to me you guys aren't reading it right. You dont' HAVE to do the WHOLE THING to get homebrew running. You can use "A Method" using their little frontend/app, which is very short and sounds quite easy, but they also present "B Method" which is apparently the manual way to take your files and edit/hack them so as to make them usable. That's how it seems when I read it. I'll be trying "A Method" when I get home.

Long winded relative to what we do now.

We as in, the lucky few we who have a v 1.0 and didn't update? I'd think everyone else would be thrilled.
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seems to me you guys aren't reading it right. You dont' HAVE to do the WHOLE THING to get homebrew running. You can use "A Method" using their little frontend/app, which is very short and sounds quite easy, but they also present "B Method" which is apparently the manual way to take your files and edit/hack them so as to make them usable. That's how it seems when I read it. I'll be trying "A Method" when I get home.

Long winded relative to what we do now.

We as in, the lucky few we who have a v 1.0 and didn't update?

That' us.
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i woke up for this??!
j/k :D
damn you 1.0 bastards ;)
i'll play around with this, then head back to sleep...
It really AINT that much work. I've been playing around with it for a little bit. A couple things to note:

1. You DON"T have to swap the cards very fast. I've been doing it at a very leisurely pace... PSP logo comes up, and I clock myself at about 7-10 seconds to swap... not rushing at all, and it works fine.

2. I'm sure you guys have/would figure this out on your own, but just in case since it doesn't mention or make it clear in the tutorial. You can have more than one app on your memory stick at a time. I threw three emus on there at once, and they all ran fine. Of course, you have to do the swap trick every time you want to change apps.

3. I can't get SNES to work for some reason :(

Using their frontend/hacker program is a breeze, and all in all I can do the whole process of hacking an app and loading it onto both cards in like 2 minutes if not less... it's really, really easy. I can't believe this is getting such a mediocre response after all the wailing we got when emu's started popping up and most of you guys had 1.5's. This is SO easy I mean... damn it's better than trying to chip your PSP.
any playstation will always have a damn swap method :P
as soon as i get another mem stick i'll try it out.

also, there is a way to get the snes emulator to boot up..did you use "b" method?
nope SNES not working I tried three different versions... PCE and GB working fine, both on the card at the same time.

You know what pisses me off is that the readme's with all these emu's are garbled. Are they supposed to be in Japanese or what? Or is there some way to un-garble them??

I seem to remember there were special instructions for the SNES emu, and I remember for a FACT that one of the readme's had the instructions in ENGLISH but I can't find it.

And I'm not doing method b screw that it's a pain in the ass. Anyways doing method b is the same as method a except for you're doign it all manually....
i think method B works with the snes emulator, i'm not sure, though.

and yeah, they're garbled because they're in japanese
this is all very cool stuff, but its completely failed to excite me

i consider myself to be what the average american or jap psp user is like, has a few games, plays the PSP maybe nightly if not more, gets a lot of fun from it.

as such i have one memory card. i'm not gonna bother shelling out for another one when my future game purchases will render this second card pointless.

its a great achievement and its something that the scene needs to move it on, but for your average 1.5 user i can see this being a bit of a hassle.
a LOT of people have two cards already... the 32 that came with the value pack and a big one we bought for movies and such...

still REALLY surprised at the utter lack of excitement for this.