Psp 1.5 Exploit Released

It takes 333 MHz to run PC-Engine  :blink:   It runs full speed on the GP32 at 133.  I guess it is still early, it will get better.

As far as battery life the UMD being off will save power but the CPU at that speed takes exponentially more power.  I am curious to know how long the battery lasts at that speed.

Actually most games run full speed at 222mhz on the PCE emu, only a couple like I think Splatterhouse and Parodius were a little slow and had to be at like FS 3 to run full speed. Remember also that most games on GP Engine run full speed at 30 or even 20fps, and many games do NOT run full speed at 133, I ALWAYS have GP engine running at 156-166. And yes, it IS early, the first PSP PCE emu came out, what... two or three months ago?

Do you always HAVE to be so negative Dave???

I guarantee that the PSP battery will last at LEAST 2 more hours with it not accessing the UMD at all. That would put my PSP at 6-7 hours average. Either way, it's way more than the 3-4 hours I get out of my BLU+ at 166mhz. Add in an accesory like the Power Brick I have (external battery, adds roughly 8 hours to the PSP during normal play, can only imagine what it'd add for emulation, and no it still hasn't exploded!) and it goes up so much further. Sony have made it very clear that accessing the disc is a big draw on the battery. There's also the fact that you don't HAVE to run the PSP at 333, just like you dont' HAVE to OC the GP. Like I just said, many PCE games run fine at 222mhz. The NES emu runs great at 222 as well. Only on SNES do I crank every game up to 333. Face it Dave, at some point, the PSP WILL eclipse the GP in terms of emulation, it's not an if but a when. You'll have faster emus that support more features, and despite what you say few of the emu's on the GP are really 100% 'perfect' (high frame skip for many DrMD games, high frame skip, total lack of voice samples and any kind of saving on GP engine, for instance, by the way voice and saving is already in the PSP PCE emu). The better battery life, extra amount of buttons and the analog stick, larger available storage (memory sticks), more RAM, and a bigger brighter screen will top that off as well. I'm not saying the GP doesn't still have it's appeal, lord knows I won't be thinking of selling mine any time soon. But please, STOP trying to compare the two already.

You want a comparison? How about this. PSP launched in December in Japan. That's 6 months ago. And look how far along the the emulators for it have come already.

Compare that to where the GP32 emu scene was 6 months after IT'S release.

Nuff said.
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i wasn't negative at all, man!

just hammered with work(got home now..) and didn't have 2 sticks to test. seriously, i'm gonna pick up a 1gb stick this weekend as i've been waiting for this for SO long.

things will only get easier from this point on....
Have you tried Doom on the PSP yet - it kicks ass - the PSP screen makes it so much better than on Gp32 - although its not full screen yet, and the sound's a bit shitty...

Now we need someone to port Quake...
Even not being full screen doesn't it take up enough room to be comparable in size to the display on the GP?

I've found a few of the emulators, like the PCE emu, even when not stretched to full screen, are actually bigger than when I play them on the GP. GP Engine has just about become useless to me at this point, and will probably get taken off my SMC to make room for more DrMD roms.

And at the rate things are going I would expect screen stretching to be implemented on Doom VERY soon.

Anyways the only problem with Doom on the GP is that no one has fixed the gamma yet. Well and that my control stick sucks.
Even not being full screen doesn't it take up enough room to be comparable in size to the display on the GP?

I've found a few of the emulators, like the PCE emu, even when not stretched to full screen, are actually bigger than when I play them on the GP. GP Engine has just about become useless to me at this point, and will probably get taken off my SMC to make room for more DrMD roms.

And at the rate things are going I would expect screen stretching to be implemented on Doom VERY soon.

Anyways the only problem with Doom on the GP is that no one has fixed the gamma yet. Well and that my control stick sucks.

First I will just say that I have a PSP so I am not "negative" about the PSP. I was just surprised that the PC-Engine emu needed so much clock. It is just because the coder has not optimised it I am sure. I realize that the PSP is more powerful, duh. No need to be sensitive about the PSP, I wasn't intending to "bash" it. Plus I never said that emus on the GP32 are 100% perfect, I said some are NEAR perfect.

About the screen size. The GP32 is 4:3 (like all of the emulated consoles were) and the PSP 16:9. If you measure the vertical screen size the GP32 screen is actually a little taller that direction. The PSP screen is shorter but alot wider. The PSP is 16:9 wide screen so it does have a larger overall screen area when you do the math. The vertical res of the PSP is 272 pixels vs the GP32's 240 pixels. This means at 1:1 the image will always be smaller on the PSP screen as the pixels are finer. For PC-Engine the emu fills the screen vertically on the GP32 completely. Even if scaled vertically on the PSP the image size would be a bit smaller. If displayed at 1:1 it would be smaller yet on the PSP. I suppose they could stretch the whole image to fit the wide screen at the edges but then it would be "squished" as the aspect ratio is different. I am also not exited about stretching because that tends to distort the image. If antialiasing is done the image will have a "soft" look. It is preference I guess but I prefer 1:1 unfiltered pixel mapping if possible, or an even multiple like 2:1 etc. For stuff like GB/GG you need to stretch and it is worth it as the image would be too small otherwise.

In general I don't like scaling on fixed pixel devices, not limited to PSP. But that is just *me*. I am looking at HDTVs to get ready for Xbox 360, PS3 etc and the scaling on those LCDs has turned me off. I have tested them with an Xbox in HD and the scaling and smoothing just makes the image too soft for my liking.

For PSP Doom I would hope that they would actually do the display at 1:1 but add more information at the edges. That would be more work as the engine would need some changing but I wouldn't think it would be impossible. It would be much better that way as simple scaling would make it look pixely and squashed.

Eventually I will get into PSP emulation more (when they get a more user friendly FW crack) and I will like it. Having full speed SNES, NEO etc will be worth any shortcommings elsewhere. As for GP32 I can't say. I may still use it for stuff like DrMD as the emu fills the screen almost perfect at 1:1. I may use it for emus that are close to perfect as I don't want to get my PSP marred up (that glossy finish scratches easy) when outside etc, who knows. I know I won't sell it, it will be a good keepsake.

Wow how did this happen, my post was actually longer than yours :P
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it's a sad thing that sony is always right behind you creating a patched firmware everytime something close to this comes up. they don't want the PSP to be the next dreamcast.
Quoting Dave C:
"Eventually I will get into PSP emulation more (when they get a more user friendly FW crack)"

You've got to be kidding me. The swap trick IS user friendly. Come on guys is it really that hard????? I've been playing around with emus on my PSP almost constantly since yesterday and the swapping the MS doesn't bother me at all. As someone else said it's almost kind of a 'thing' with Sony game systems... I play backups and imports on my PS1 and PS2 as well, and have to do a disc swapping trick to do so.

I'll tell you what, doing the memory card swap trick is WAY less pain in the ass and takes only a few seconds to do, MUCH easier than disc swapping.

As far as hacking the software you want to use, for use with this exploit, it's quick and painless... some other guys already made a nice little program that does all the work for you! You simply tell it which file you want to hack, and give it a directory to put the hacked files. DONE! How much easier can it get????

For all you guys know, this swap trick for the PSP might be as easy as it gets. As vigorous as Sony is being about squashing ANY exploitability on their system, hackers might be hard pressed to come up with anything better. But you know what? I"m done trying to convince you guys, *I'M* enjoying SNES on my PSP right now, if you guys can't be bothered with the EXTREMELY complicated task of swapping a memory stick, then really it's your own loss.

By the way, for those that ARE interested I found some more SNES games that run full speed with sound at FS 2:

Super Punch Out (you have to turn transparencies off though so your character is no longer see thru, but it didn't hurt gameplay at all IMO)

Rtype 3 and Super R-type.

Legend of Zelda - well this one is inconsistent... I'd say it is fullspeed 80% of the time but sometimes when there are a lot of enemies on screen (more than 3) or there are transparency effects in use (unfortunately you usually can't turn them off as it will screw up the graphics and make it unplayable) it will slow down a little bit to maybe 80% of full speed. But still VERY playable!
i wouldnt woprry too much about the swapping cards as i know they will have a way soon that all psp`s will be able to play emulators and stuff without any problems. Dosnt matter what sony do they wont be able to stop it
Well, I just "ordered" my PSP, I've asked a local import store to put one aside for me.
It's a value pack, not sure where its from, but is £199.99, where as VGCA would have cost me, 150+30 p+p and play asia will not ship psp's to the uk anymore, at least this way I can just pick it up and not worry about shipping or returning the item. I hope its a version 1 but if its version 1.5 I have a MSPD with my phone so I can swap
ok so SNES is already pretty good, how is the Neo Geo CD, what settings are used to get the best out of the emu and is the compatability good?
what are teh chances of curropting the card?

my friend seemed worried about corrupting it

none at all, you remove the card at a point where it's not even accessing it... you swap it right BEFORE it starts accessing it (hence the pretty big window of time you have to swap them). You can tell when it's accessing when the little orange light is flashing.

I'm not even going to try the Neo Geo CD emulation because, quite honestly, I don't have and don't want to bother hunting down Neo Geo CD games. Maybe when the emu gets sound I'll give it a shot but I really don't enjoy emu's w/o sound.

Cabbages - you know something the rest of us don't or you just guessing?
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yes Bast i know everything B) . Nah its just that these people who do this sort of thing love it and no matter what sony do to stop it theres always goin to be someone to break whatever sony d oto stop it.
Do they seriously not know they're only where thery are today because of PS1 piracy? :S

You are joking, yes? Just cos you and a few pals got their ps1s chipped, I bet the majority didn't. The PSX sold in massive quantities, and so did the software-how does that have anything to do with piracy! Piracy costs the busines, and us that want to pay the people that make the games.

Think about the spectrum. Sinclair didn't make any money from the software, and piracy was bigger than anything EVER seen for the psx. So when sinclair had sold all their spectrums, (albeit after the C5 fiasco), they were broke! Amstrad bought them. So if sony made all their money selling PSXs, and NO money from software, how do they make money at all? Just doesn't add up

yes Bast i know everything B) . Nah its just that these people who do this sort of thing love it and no matter what sony do to stop it theres always goin to be someone to break whatever sony d oto stop it.

Sony is a very powerful beast. While the PSP is successful Sony will be after these guys. If it becomes unprofitable then it'll be different. The dreamcast was forgotten by Sega and became an emu paradise (i've heard). The GP32 wasn't originally open source!
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sorry if this has been bought up already but i read today that in newer releases for the psp the umd will have updated firmware, and when you boot the game up the firmware will be updated automaticaly, i have a v1.5 with the psp 32mb card and a sony 512mb card so im gonna give the swapping thing a go.

my only worry is if i happen to take the card out as the orange light is on, could that be serious??
Cupc4kes - don't worry about it... it's very easy to do the swap and you wont pull it out while the orange light is on.

Just pick the launcher for the emu you want to play, and as soon as you push the button the psp intro logo thing will pop up. As soon as that pops up (you have a second or two before it starts accessing) pop out the memory stick. After that you have roughly 8 seconds to put the other memory stick back in. If you take too long, the PSP will just shut off. The system is 'smart' enough to know the memory stick is out so it's not going to try to access it while it's ejected, or start accessing it while you're reinserting it.

I've done this swap thing like 25 times or more by now and never once had a problem. Don't be so worried it really is easy and foolproof.
Do they seriously not know they're only where thery are today because of PS1 piracy? :S

You are joking, yes? Just cos you and a few pals got their ps1s chipped, I bet the majority didn't. The PSX sold in massive quantities, and so did the software-how does that have anything to do with piracy! Piracy costs the busines, and us that want to pay the people that make the games.

Think about the spectrum. Sinclair didn't make any money from the software, and piracy was bigger than anything EVER seen for the psx. So when sinclair had sold all their spectrums, (albeit after the C5 fiasco), they were broke! Amstrad bought them. So if sony made all their money selling PSXs, and NO money from software, how do they make money at all? Just doesn't add up

yes Bast  i know everything  B) . Nah its just that these people who do this sort of thing love it and no matter what sony do to stop it theres always goin to be someone to break whatever sony d oto stop it.

Sony is a very powerful beast. While the PSP is successful Sony will be after these guys. If it becomes unprofitable then it'll be different. The dreamcast was forgotten by Sega and became an emu paradise (i've heard). The GP32 wasn't originally open source!

I cant think of anyone that didnt have there ps1 chipped or have some way of playing pirated games. I bought some real games even tho it was chipped and im sure alot of people did the same. It was good tho that if you werent sure about a game you could get it for a couple of £s to see what its like then buy the real one or if it was a us or jap game it was easier to get a copied one rather thsan improrting it as i didnt have a pc or interenet at that time.

Oh and about the psp it dosnt matter about the umd things auto updating the firmware as im sure someone will find away around this. i wouldnt be surprised to find writable umds very soon
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