That's why I would like a "dislike" button.
you dislike it because the prototype is not all shiny and "bling bling" enough?
But "no binary blobs" doesn't mean what you think it does. Because it does need binary blobs in practice (GPU+W-LAN), it's just possible to go without them if your name is Richard Stallmann and you're okay living without Wifi and a graphics card.
There's an open source driver project for the Vivante GPUs called Etnaviv. Its far form beeing usable but they need to reverse engineer the whole thing. Recently its making progress a lot faster.
The wlan module is optional and WLAN chips without blobs exist. I'm sure you can have blob free WLAN somehow
it depends on what you need or want it for. I give you that. Its ceranly no good for anything that need GPU power. However I'd like to use it in combination with a Oixel Qi screen for reading, writing and so on, in broad daylight.