Problems With Charging


Oct 29, 2009
Just got my pandora and I can't seem to get it to charge with an AC adapter. I don't live in the UK so I had to go buy a charger. If the Pandora is off and I plug in the ac adapter it turns itself on but won't charge. I can however charge through USB. What can I do to fix this?
Where do you live? Do I understand this correctly, the supplied charger isn't compatible with your wall socket und you bought a different one, which doesn't charge the Pandora?
In the US. The new wall charger I bought for the pandora won't charge it. Charging through a USB cable DOES work and the wall charger DOESN'T Work. The UK style one isn't part of the equation here.
Azuma said:
Just got my pandora and I can't seem to get it to charge with an AC adapter. I don't live in the UK so I had to go buy a charger. If the Pandora is off and I plug in the ac adapter it turns itself on but won't charge. I can however charge through USB. What can I do to fix this?
if it turns on, then power is being sent to the Pandora. How do you know it's not charging? Perhaps the charger you bought does not supply enough amps to charge. What does it say it's rated for?
The charger that comes with the Pandora is a smart charger: it can accept all voltages and frequencies from anywhere in the world and spit out a clean 5 volts DC (or is it 3.7 volts? whatever it is). All you need to do is change the prongs. The adapter should have come with a prong adapter. If not, send a letter to telling them it was missing. For faster service, find your nearest electronics store and just buy a cheap universal adapter. It doesn't need to be fancy adapter that regulates voltage, just needs to change the prongs. Shouldn't cost you more than a dollar or two.
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So the supplied charger didn't come with a proper adaptor? You should mail GBAX and ask them to send the adaptor. You would have to give more info about the alternative charger you have bought. Original PSP chargers are supported, other aftermarket chargers are not supported. Anyway, you should compare the voltage and amperage ratings printed on both of the chargers.

edit: :ph34r:
says the output is 3 - 12 volts. I guess I didn't get one of the adapters. All I got was the pandora, a charger, and the quick start guide. I do have an original PSP charger though so I'll just go find that. I have one more question actually. How do you apply the hotfix? I click on the .PND and nothing happens. I even tried right-clicking (if you would even call it that...) and clicked execute. Nothing happens.
You can't just click on PNDs (yet, that functionality is coming), you have to put them into the /pandora/desktop folder on your SD card and execute the shortcut that gets put on your desktop.
Azuma said:
I do have an original PSP charger though so I'll just go find that.
That should work.
Also check the online manual, PND usage is described there too :)
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Azuma said:
says the output is 3 - 12 volts.

Does it have a current rating (typically 500mA?). I would be very surprised if you have a variable voltage charger which can provide the 1.7A that Pandora requires to charge. This is why they say 'approved chargers only'.
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My pandora is also dodgy on the charging part
sofar, charging via usb only seems to work for 2-3 secs, then it stops (charging led goes off too)

Even with a stable 500mA socket usb charger (for gps's and stuff)

Even official psp charger is dodgy, if pandora is still, it charges
but if i grab the pandy to play, it stops? O_o

Only charger working reliably is the one supplied, and i kinda forgot it at my grandparents house >_>

Also! A charging station for the spare battery would be super nice!