Problematic center in preorder notice header


Advanced Member
May 5, 2013
The preorder notice contains a stray center tag. I've added a hack to dillo, so it is no longer confused, but - considering that center is old and obsolete - it is probably a good idea to nuke it.
Seriously, despite this page claiming to be HTML according to its DOCTYPE, it's clearly a dialect of XML since it uses self-closing tags aplenty. Center is a valid tag in XHTML 1.0, but I think it's gone from XHTML 1.1 (although I'm relying on secondary sources here, since the DTD seems to have been split into a nested series of includes, and I can't check all of them). I guess these days you're meant to use a span styling the text as a CSS style which is aligned to centre.

But of course what you really need in this day and age is a java applet embedded to align your images for you ;)
The imminent problem with the CENTER tag is that the closing tag is missing (according to HTML 3.2 - it has been removed from later versions - it requires the closing tag). Currently the browser is forced to guess where the CENTER is ending (and Dillo's guess - at the end of the page - is suboptimal).

To be compatible to current HTML/CSS you can replace CENTER by SPAN and center it using CSS text-align:center.

edit: thanks for looking into this!
edit2: changed = to : to make it look more like CSS
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