Private Beta's - Discussion ?


Still Fresh
Jan 20, 2003

Top bods like Zardoz Jones and the such like are working on private beta's of emu's ect and they are not released to the public until they "are just right". what do peeps think - would they prefer to see unfinished betas being released like the snes9x emu or would peeps rather wait and hopefully "be amazed" when a finished artical comes out

Not that it really matters as its down to the coders perogitive in any event but a "little push" might be nice !!!

Opinions? ? ?
Weeeelll.... I really don't care if an emu doesn't do everything on first release (hence why you expect several), but I do know quite a few PC emu teams have fried hardware in emulation, and personally, I'd rather not have even the risk of that on GP32. Add to that that the reason popular emus earlier on closed down (I'm thinking of Psemu here) was because betas were continually leaked without the coder's permision, and that the attitude was "Why won't this game run - its my favourite and you're evil for not letting it run" as opposed to "This game won't run, here's what I suspect the reason is, and good luck with whatever you do with the emu in future". Now, given that this sort of thing from some people is inevitable, it makes sense from the developer's point of view to wait - it means they get far less hate mails from idiot users who take the above stated view. So whilst I'd love a couple of incomplete betas, I can wait.

After all, whilst the emu deving is going on, there's plenty to do in the mean-time - SMS/GG has hundreds of games, Scumm, Sarien, Wolfenstein, etc. Enjoy what you've got, and be patient.

Things will happen in the end.

Things always do.
Good points - i am patient, i really didnt realise that your machine can be fried. I personally wouldnt dream of emailing a developer if something wasnt to my exact specification - your getting it for free after all !!!

Im very happy with the snes9x emu but all i want to do is play the original Super Shinobi game on the move as its my all time favorite game !!! and for that ive got to wait for the MD emu
Become patient... you'll be far more likely t get a release that way... as long as no-one forgets about the emus, but I've continually gave this idea, and as a rule its a very good one to follow - DO NOT put pressure on the developers. Bug reports for current emu's are useful; beta leaks and continual questions as to when the emu will be out tend to do nothing but dissaude them from working on them...

Remember, there's no money involved, and the moment there is, the big companies crack down as fast as they can...
I dont want relest very fast. I just wanna developers to tell us (users) some news about progress so a can have a perspective aboute the emu,etc. :unsure: