Advanced Member
I'm going to go ahead and admit that I haven't read all 10 pages of this thread, nor have I have I read the numerous other threads relating to the PND format, but I would like to go ahead and ask a quesiton anyway (how cheeky of me!)... Is there any support in the PND format to have video embedded, which a launcher would then have the option of displaying? You get this sort of thing on some of the main stream consoles, and although I'm sure some developers wouldn't be interested in providing video, and some users wouldn't be interested in seeing videos, if support was in the PND format, at least there would be an option.
On a simliar note, can there be a reasonable length description (text) in the PND format, so a launcher could display the icon/video of an application and provide a bunch of text about the application? Expanding from this, I personally think it would be quite cool if there was a bunch of fields that developers are encouraged to fill in, for example 'FAQ', 'Notes', 'Compatibility', 'Contact', 'Website' etc. - a lot of developers provide this information one way or other anyway (via README files, or notes scattered around) but once again it'd be handy if all the information was stored in the same place for each PND application, that way launchers/user interfaces will have a generic way to query this information and provide it to the user on demand. Windows kind of has this concept, when you right click on executables you get some information about it, but I very seldom find anything of use on Windows - which indicates that this kind of support would only be of benefit if developers decided to embrace it.
I've only just started to appreciate the benefits this PND stuff could bring us (outside of 'fixing' the linux dependency mess) and am quite excited at the possibility of having complete packages in a single, with all the information layed out in a generic way, ready to run, etc. it seems like the ideal way to combine simple console style gaming (put in disc and hit go) with a linux computer.
Just some thoughts anyway...
On a simliar note, can there be a reasonable length description (text) in the PND format, so a launcher could display the icon/video of an application and provide a bunch of text about the application? Expanding from this, I personally think it would be quite cool if there was a bunch of fields that developers are encouraged to fill in, for example 'FAQ', 'Notes', 'Compatibility', 'Contact', 'Website' etc. - a lot of developers provide this information one way or other anyway (via README files, or notes scattered around) but once again it'd be handy if all the information was stored in the same place for each PND application, that way launchers/user interfaces will have a generic way to query this information and provide it to the user on demand. Windows kind of has this concept, when you right click on executables you get some information about it, but I very seldom find anything of use on Windows - which indicates that this kind of support would only be of benefit if developers decided to embrace it.
I've only just started to appreciate the benefits this PND stuff could bring us (outside of 'fixing' the linux dependency mess) and am quite excited at the possibility of having complete packages in a single, with all the information layed out in a generic way, ready to run, etc. it seems like the ideal way to combine simple console style gaming (put in disc and hit go) with a linux computer.
Just some thoughts anyway...