Release Printrun - 3D Printer driver


Serial Porter
Aug 15, 2012
France, near Lyon
Here is Printrun, a 3D Printer "driver".

Include in the PND is "skeinforge", a slicer that will transform 3D files into G-Code (3D Printer language).

A big thanks to TrashyMG for the testing.

Note that you will need the wxPython PND to run this.

History log


Build 01


  • Initial build
  • skeinforge included
  • Entry for the Alive and Kicking Coding Competition 2013/2014
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^ well you don't really, some people may just want to take STL model files and convert them to gcode for the fun of it...
Interesting, I always wondered how such a 3D printer actualy converts a 3D Model to something printable. Do you have to hollow your objects manualy and add stuff like supporting structures or internal armatures to make a Model more rigid? Or is such Software smart enough to do this automaticly? Because I have seen 3D Prints with complex supporting structures extenal and internal but not sure if this was made by hand or the printer just added this for the real model.
Usually the slicing software handles all the supporting structures and such, I just need to make a model it likes (.stl file). The printer itself is pretty dumb it takes raw commands like move this far in this direction, extrude this amount of material.. etc.. that is done with the gcode generated by the slicer program.

Slic3r is the best opensource slicing program out there now(but has some issues building right now on the Pandora).. Skeinforge bundled with this PND is a bit complicated, With hours of tweaking I may get it working right with my printer..

@ptitseb, Despite the errors that slic3r has on tests after compiling.. it does seem to generate proper gcode for everything I throw at it.. maybe bundle it as experimental?
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@ptitseb, Despite the errors that slic3r has on tests after compiling.. it does seem to generate proper gcode for everything I throw at it.. maybe bundle it as experimental?
Yes, I'm working on it. The perl dependencies are not easy to package, but I'll find something.
@ptitseb, Despite the errors that slic3r has on tests after compiling.. it does seem to generate proper gcode for everything I throw at it.. maybe bundle it as experimental?
Yes, I'm working on it. The perl dependencies are not easy to package, but I'll find something.
Awesome!, I know your busy.. so I do appreciate it..
I much prefer slic3r, skeinforge sometimes does some weird things and takes a very long time to do them. If this works out and I can use my Pandora for printing so I could put my printer somewhere not in the middle of my desk that'd be awesome!
I much prefer slic3r, skeinforge sometimes does some weird things and takes a very long time to do them. If this works out and I can use my Pandora for printing so I could put my printer somewhere not in the middle of my desk that'd be awesome!
Skeinforge should crawl back to the depths it came from.. spent 6 hours trying to get it to slice something properly.. No luck.. luckily I got Slic3r working on my pandebian setup.. hopefully Ptitseb can bundle it..
@PtitSeb: Something odd I noticed the version of Slic3r that's bundled in the Linux version of Repetier Host(Similar program to Pronterface) builds and tests fine on my Pandora(version 0.95f)..

I actually got Repetier Host to compile with Pandebian even with the Mono requirements, however it complains about the lack of OpenGL. Well Repetier Host doesn't do much more than Pronterface does, so I don't see it as a priority to get working...

Just some quick google foo, it looks like you may be able to set a perl module install path to isolate the required Perl modules...
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Oh, interesting! In fact, I have a Mono RunTime in the make, like the wxPython RunTime. So I can make a Repetier PND also maybe. I'll look at the link you provided thanks.

But, about Slic3r, it may depend on the version of Slic3r, because all version prior to v1.0.something don't have the "hollow vase" thingy where the tests failed...
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Ah good timing on your Mono Runtime development..

But, about Slic3r, it may depend on the version of Slic3r, because all version prior to v1.0.something don't have the "hollow vase" thingy where the tests failed...
Ah that explains somethings.