Prerelease Os Snippet 1 (Video)

Very nice (and professionally done!) video. Much better than throwing handhelds of the roof.

I'd like to have a "back" option in this wizard though. I can already see myself typing my name wrong, click "Ok" and then "D'OH" having to reset the Pandora just for fixing this! Oh, and yeah, that X for PMenu is not so nice :)
Wolfsclaw said:
Very nice (and professionally done!) video. Much better than throwing handhelds of the roof.

I'd like to have a "back" option in this wizard though. I can already see myself typing my name wrong, click "Ok" and then "D'OH" having to reset the Pandora just for fixing this! Oh, and yeah, that X for PMenu is not so nice :)
I'm sure there has to be a way to change things later in the GUI, but a back button would be great none the less.
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Cliffhanger ending! I'd like to see it boot up into PMenu or xfce
borgqueenx said:
and there's a "black spot" on the screen.

That was dust ;)

gloom said:
offbow said:
why is there a random "n" on the second window
I think they wanted to have a new line with "/n", but it was just printed as a text in the box...

Exactly. Already fixed that in the script, will be changed with the next image :)
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EvilDragon said:
borgqueenx said:
and there's a "black spot" on the screen.

That was dust ;)

gloom said:
offbow said:
why is there a random "n" on the second window
I think they wanted to have a new line with "/n", but it was just printed as a text in the box...

Exactly. Already fixed that in the script, will be changed with the next image :)
I've never seen the "zenity" command being more abused :P (EDIT: or is that gdialog?)

It works out alright in the end I think, but the lack of a "Back" button might be problematic.

Another possibility would be to create a quick wizard in Qt (there are templates for that) or to use part of Anaconda (which is used in the Fedora installer) to create the wizard. It would look a lot more professional...
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Yesssssss, can't wait to put my hands on the pandora, so this is true, the pandora will be shipped before 21\12\2009 B)
More ideas:
* Setting up default Wifi Connection (with quick Connection test)
* Background music for a really pleasant first boot. Like the music that's in this video, that would be really smooth.
* Time/date/time zone setting (as borgqueenx suggested)
* Language setting for PMenu & xfce, if this is even possible yet. Or is it (will it stay) english only? I know for sure that for example some customers of are not that good in English, surely they will find their way, but it would be of course nicer to have it directly in German (or other languages)...
* Change "full name" to something like "long or real username". Full name asks for something like Max Mustermann, where I'd wonder what OP plans to do with this.
* Where one chooses between PMenu & xfce, it states that this can be changed later on. Doesn't this make the user wonder if this is not the case with the before mentioned details, like name etc. since there is no mention of that there!?
* Maybe add at the end something like: "If you need help, drop by at" or something. This could probably help people find their way to this fantastic forum easier, as you can't be sure that every future Pandora owner is automatically aware of this. Other option: Include default bookmarks at pre-installed Firefox like, etc.

Any thoughts on this?
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Awesome :)

I jumped out of my chair when I saw the wallpaper, hah.

Nice first boot wizard! Also, it might be a good idea for one of the last questions, to check if there is later versions of the firmware available from the internet. ;) Unless the factory is going to have the most up to date firmware when later Pandora's are made :)
Wolfsclaw said:
* Change "full name" to something like "long or real username". Full name asks for something like Max Mustermann, where I'd wonder what OP plans to do with this.

don´t you know the Pandora will be used as a tool for the new world order?
Thats because openpandora team sold their souls to goldman sachs, even Alex Jones mentioned it,
wake up! :lol:

No seriously, I am eagerly awaiting the next video snippet, or the pictures of the first fully assembled
Pandora. Both at the same time would be terrific!
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I am also wandering about setting the time, date and timezone. What about language ? English is fine for me but if the desktop environment is available in multiple language it might be a nice option.
Possibility of having Japanese input out of the box would be great but I guess that's asking too much. (probably easily available in angstron ??)

Great video BTW. I am looking forward to your next videos.
I'm pretty sure the full name just goes into /etc/passwd and has no special meaning.
On Linux (AFAIK), user accounts have a "full name" field. It can be used by applications to use your full name rather than your user name (if they'd want to do that). Probably useful for applications like OOo to be able to automatically generate headers/footers for you.
Vorporeal said:
On Linux (AFAIK), user accounts have a "full name" field. It can be used by applications to use your full name rather than your user name (if they'd want to do that). Probably useful for applications like OOo to be able to automatically generate headers/footers for you.

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