I am received my Pandora recently and I am testing this firmware.
BTW thx you again Evildragon for helping me get my Pandora running. I had no bootloader... spoke to you on IRC
Just a few thing I noticed concerning the software.
Why does enabling the wiki takes so long.... it's not a big deal but it's a bit strange. I have the impression that connecting itself is fast but it takes a while for the Pandora to
Also, I am not 100% positive but I think I already had the wifi not come back on once after I've put the Pandora in low power mode.
Concerning XFCE, it seems the application menu (pandora menu) doesn't want to close sometime. Even though I click on the desktop it stays open and I need to launch something in the menu before it finally closes.
Midori is definitely crashing too much and has some issue with some website. Maybe it will be possible to switch to another browser in the future. I haven't tried them all extensively enough yet to make a definitive opinion though. I've actually been surprised by Fennec that runs quite well.
I've seen it's not possible to permanently delete a file / folder. There is a "fix" on the forum to add a custom action. This is ok but a bit dangerous. If you click an empty space and right click > delete permanently it will remove everything in the current folder recursively. So you really need to be careful.
I believe it would be great to have a fix for this. (Maybe change the default shortcut so that it can be used on the Pandora, or make the fault delete behave differently)
Finally, what is exactly X11VNCServer. It's a VNC Server I guess... but it doesn't seem to do anything when clicking on it (or maybe it does but it's silent). Definitely a bit puzzling.
I think it's fine to have removed some application for the firmware. Maybe it would be possible to have a pack of PND with the main application people would need. A bit in the same spirit as the unofficial codec pack.