Preordering: Money Back If We Want To Cancel The Preorder?


Aug 31, 2008
I'm not sure why the devs want the money upfront, and it's probably due to having to order the parts with the preorder money, but what happens if this is the case and we want to cancel our preorder for whatever reason (e.g lack of progress/delays/no new info)?
mazza558 said:
I'm not sure why the devs want the money upfront, and it's probably due to having to order the parts with the preorder money, but what happens if this is the case and we want to cancel our preorder for whatever reason (e.g lack of progress/delays/no new info)?
If you are unsure, then don't preorder and wait. Preorders are for those who are 100% sure they want one and can wait.
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i hear what he's saying though. if it gets to february and we still havent got it then id be tempted to get my money back too tbh.
gibberish said:
i hear what he's saying though. if it gets to february and we still havent got it then id be tempted to get my money back too tbh.
If it gets past December I will cancel ! If it takes that long i'll just wait for the second batch.
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Craig has stated many times that the pandora pre-order date was delayed until September 30th to specifically avoid those issues. It is occurring at the time where they are sure they can proceed on schedule.
gibberish said:
i hear what he's saying though. if it gets to february and we still havent got it then id be tempted to get my money back too tbh.
Thats why Craigix said he'd only start accepting pre-orders when he's got a firm date that he knows all the parts will be here and assembled.

Don't forget that you'll be covered by the distance trading laws
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cherrycyanide said:
Why not just wait for the second batch...

Because he wants one now? :rolleyes:
Squidge said:
Thats why Craigix said he'd only start accepting pre-orders when he's got a firm date that he knows all the parts will be here and assembled.
That's great, and I'm sure that the crew is trying hard to get a kink-free release, but you can't deny the history of delays and botched updates the project has had up to this point. It's 100% human to remain apprehensive at this point.
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I really really want one as soon as they come out but I simply don't have enough faith to pre-order without knowing a solid release ! Plus the fact I havent even seen a 100% complete console yet.
I refuse to preorder when they havent even got a console to show us themselves.

Hopefully I will be able to pinch one off of ebay !
CronoTriggerfan said:
That's great, and I'm sure that the crew is trying hard to get a kink-free release, but you can't deny the history of delays and botched updates the project has had up to this point. It's 100% human to remain apprehensive at this point.
I agree. You can't be sure whether or not delays will happen until you have the thing in your hands. After all, it could even disappear in the post on its way to you, or take several weeks to arrive.

When Craigix says "I have 3,000 Pandora's in front of me, we are plugging them in and testing now." It should settle peoples minds a bit however :)
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Squidge said:
When Craigix says "I have 3,000 Pandora's in front of me, we are plugging them in and testing now." It should settle peoples minds a bit however :)
It wouldn't settle my mind though - it would mean he didn't send me the Pandoras I have to ship to MY customers :D

Don't worry folks: After ordering the parts, there's not much that can delay the release, as it means we have a fixed date the factory will produce anything.

You haven't seen much because we don't have very interesting stuff to show you at the moment.
You've seen the devboard, quite a few emulators, Linux booting up, etc.
At the moment we're working on all of the drivers (you've seen USB working in a video and sound drivers are now also working... I hope I can find some time to record a video with audio soon). The rest of the drivers don't show much.
For example: Input drivers for the DPad and keypad. We can code them, but you won't see much as long as we don't have any CNC case and can't press any button at all ;)

Ryo is currently porting gmenu (and has a working version already, but there's a lot of stuff still to optimize like graphic sizes, etc.). Efegea is also coding on a new GUI :)

I for myself have defined some standards so that each GUI works straight away with everything on your SD Card. I'll post the information about that probably later tonight :)

So, not much to show right now, but we are all working. Everything's in time at the moment.

And, yes, you CAN get your preorder money back by law. But please only do this if there's no other chance. So: Only order if you really want one :)
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Squidge said:
Don't forget that you'll be covered by the distance trading laws

New title:

Paul The Hammer
Pandora Attorney at Law

It's hard enough getting $200 in small claims court in the US. good luck trying to hunt down Craig from overseas... Besides, Craig's young and can run fast.
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Fat Agnus said:
New title:

Paul The Hammer
Pandora Attorney at Law
Does this mean that the Pandora is getting its own Ace Attorney clone? :P

Couldn't resist, sorry. :lol: All I can say aside from that is; @ED, thanks for that info - nice to hear more word on how things are progressing. Also, GUI standards are good. :)
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EvilDragon said:
I for myself have defined some standards so that each GUI works straight away with everything on your SD Card. I'll post the information about that probably later tonight :)
That's great! I can't wait to see what you've come up with! :D
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I'm definitely going to preorder - the only thing I want to know is if I'll be one of the first 3000, or if I'm gonna have to wait for the second batch!
G189 said:
I'm definitely going to preorder - the only thing I want to know is if I'll be one of the first 3000, or if I'm gonna have to wait for the second batch!
Well you're find out tuesday cause I take it only the first 3000 orders will go through, if you are 3001 the system will hopefully! tell you and wont process payment if it gets that far.
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EvilDragon said:
For example: Input drivers for the DPad and keypad. We can code them, but you won't see much as long as we don't have any CNC case and can't press any button at all ;)
I have a good solution, but it involves a single button, some glue, and your finger! :)

No seriously, if I had working drivers and a board in front of me I would use some glue and stick a membrane to my finger.

Really. :ph34r:

(and then make a video ;) )

thanks for all the great work btw B)
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