

Oct 26, 2008
I ordered the Pandora back in 2008. Feels like a lifetime ago. And there have been some rough times, especially with communication before EvilDragon really took charge of letting us know what's going on. I don't come to the boards that often but I come lurking occasionally to find out if, you know, it exists. I'm seeing quite a few mentions of 'premium' orders, including the thread that seems to ask (or suggest) that premium supporters are getting their Pandora first. But what I can't quite find is what this premium thing is. I got no email about it, I can't find it on the main Pandora website and the board references seem pretty buried in long threads.

So what is it?

And, I guess the next question is - if this is something that's bumping peoples places, why wouldn't I have got a mail about it?

I ordered the Pandora back in 2008. Feels like a lifetime ago. And there have been some rough times, especially with communication before EvilDragon really took charge of letting us know what's going on. I don't come to the boards that often but I come lurking occasionally to find out if, you know, it exists. I'm seeing quite a few mentions of 'premium' orders, including the thread that seems to ask (or suggest) that premium supporters are getting their Pandora first. But what I can't quite find is what this premium thing is. I got no email about it, I can't find it on the main Pandora website and the board references seem pretty buried in long threads.

So what is it?

And, I guess the next question is - if this is something that's bumping peoples places, why wouldn't I have got a mail about it?


Premium = charging the right price to make a good profit and going straight to the front of the queue - problem is without it no more Pandoras.

The next issue is why have preorders not been told...hmmmm well this is a community project so read the forums...then again its a business to make a profit (eventually and iControlpad has also to be taken into account as it uses the dpad and nubs of the Pandora so r&d costs can be partly covered by it) so in that context we should have been told/given an immediate option to upgrade.

When I say given an option to upgrade I mean paying an amount that covers the cost - problem is if everyone upgraded then the wait would be exactly the same as CC cannot produce boards fast enough.

So is this a community project or a business? the information we expect after a 32 month wait differ according to the answer - introduction of the premium rather than saying to preorders look we need an extra $50 or so to cover costs means its more a business but at least the business is not folding.

Personally I do treat this as a community project (hence why I waited) but alot of money could be made in the next few years if dealt with correctly - so it would definatley be a business at that point.
1. US $500 Pandora, shipped out within 7 days.

2. It' not really bumping people's place per se.

Thanks for the explanation. On 2, well if there are a limited amount of Pandoras ready (and if there weren't I would assume I'd have mine by now), then for this to work it would HAVE to bump peoples places. It could only not do that if every Pandora was ready to go right now.

Thank for the extra info Andmaz. Really appreciate it. Out of curiosity, how was the announcement of this scheme made? Was it just here on the boards? I can't quite find where or when it began.
1. US $500 Pandora, shipped out within 7 days.

2. It' not really bumping people's place per se.

Thanks for the explanation. On 2, well if there are a limited amount of Pandoras ready (and if there weren't I would assume I'd have mine by now), then for this to work it would HAVE to bump peoples places. It could only not do that if every Pandora was ready to go right now.
Yes, of course it does - but they have sold less than 150 of them so far, if I remember the number right. So they earn enough money to keep shipping Pandoras, but it doesn't slow down the other orders too much. Additionally, a lot of these aren't new orders but just Upgrades, so the queue becomes shorter anyway.
Thanks for the explanation. On 2, well if there are a limited amount of Pandoras ready (and if there weren't I would assume I'd have mine by now), then for this to work it would HAVE to bump peoples places. It could only not do that if every Pandora was ready to go right now.
Yes, of course it does - but they have sold less than 150 of them so far, if I remember the number right. So they earn enough money to keep shipping Pandoras, but it doesn't slow down the other orders too much. Additionally, a lot of these aren't new orders but just Upgrades, so the queue becomes shorter anyway.
Exactly. People would be getting their units a lot slower if OP went under.

In reply to the OP, Craig is going to sned an email out about the Premiums *soon*, after the publicity from one of the youtube videos dies down.
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