Praying Mantis

You sound like you want your brother to get bitten, or are you being caring and think of his welfare?
No, I'm thinking about his welfare :lol: . A couple of sites for gecko care are: (This is for Tokay Gecko's) (This is for leopard Gecko's)

There's a book called 'Reptile keeper's guides: Leopard and fat-tailed gecko's' that I've got and it's really good. (I'd advise you get it if you're interested, and if you can find it) You'll probably find it in a local petshop!
i had a girbil but i lost her sad.gif
poor Nova :(
killbarney posted on Mar 6 2005 at 11:58 AM said:
Don't get fat tailed get leopard gecko. I have one to. he eats a few locusts over a few day. mantis was very cheap and his food is cheap. gecko cost much more in the £100-£200 range. Mantis was is £15-£30 range.
I'm doing my GCSE's in the summer and as a kinda reward for finishing school I'm allowed a present, so I asked if there was any chance of getting a gecko or something like that and I'm allowed, yey :D .Just for extra information do Mantis bite much?, just wondering. (I've got a little brother who might like to handle it)
thye don't bite much. only ever tryed to eat me once. But realsied it was too small. couldn't even brake the skin back then(was very small). Plus care pretty hard to crush. it can fly though when they enter their final stages.
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sam fisher posted on Mar 6 2005 at 02:33 PM said:
killbarney posted on Mar 6 2005 at 11:58 AM said:
Don't get fat tailed get leopard gecko. I have one to. he eats a few locusts over a few day. mantis was very cheap and his food is cheap. gecko cost much more in the £100-£200 range. Mantis was is £15-£30 range.
I'm doing my GCSE's in the summer and as a kinda reward for finishing school I'm allowed a present, so I asked if there was any chance of getting a gecko or something like that and I'm allowed, yey :D .Just for extra information do Mantis bite much?, just wondering. (I've got a little brother who might like to handle it)
thye don't bite much. only ever tryed to eat me once. But realsied it was too small. couldn't even brake the skin back then(was very small). Plus care pretty hard to crush. it can fly though when they enter their final stages.
holy crap now my fear of them is doubled, if they flew I'd shit myself.
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they only fly to get pray if they can't catch it by pretending to be a leaf and crushing it with its arms which have spikes on them.

P.S. they enjoy biting people called tom who frequent the gp32x board.
sam fisher posted on Mar 6 2005 at 05:01 PM said:
they only fly to get pray if they can't catch it by pretending to be a leaf and crushing it with its arms which have spikes on them.

P.S. they enjoy biting people called tom who frequent the gp32x board.
Holy shit, I'm not going to get any sleep tonight.
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I had some cool roberobvski (sp) hamsters once, they kept breeding so we had about 20, but they ate some bad bedding and died
killbarney posted on Mar 6 2005 at 08:32 PM said:
they only fly to get pray if they can't catch it by pretending to be a leaf and crushing it with its arms which have spikes on them.
Whoa that would be fun to watch! Watch out kknd_cf! :lol:

:EUGH: i feel queezy, is there a sam fisher related sickbay
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if its a male mantis


its got a brain in its arse so it carries on humping

hmmm, how is it possible to make a profit breeding mantis

in order to make a new mantis the male has to die

so u can never increase the amount of manti you have
mattmagoo posted on Mar 6 2005 at 09:53 PM said:
if its a male mantis


its got a brain in its arse so it carries on humping

hmmm, how is it possible to make a profit breeding mantis

in order to make a new mantis the male has to die

so u can never increase the amount of manti you have
Good point! :lol:
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mattmagoo posted on Mar 6 2005 at 10:53 PM said:
if its a male mantis


its got a brain in its arse so it carries on humping

hmmm, how is it possible to make a profit breeding mantis

in order to make a new mantis the male has to die

so u can never increase the amount of manti you have
actually the female creates a egg sack thing which has hundreds in it. And the do not neccicerily die. It can excape alive but usually by the time its done it is dead.
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haha this is surprisingly interesting. answer me a few questions:

where do you keep it? does it need an incubated cage or can you keep it in a plastic fish tank? what does it need in the cage? what food does it eat and how much is the food? how long do they live for? are they safe to handle or do they bite a lot? how often do they eat? do they actually recognize you i.e. they would attack someone else but not you?
finty101 posted on Mar 6 2005 at 01:26 PM said:
I had 4 hamsters, 3 rabbits, a cat and a dog. Currently only the dog is living.
Lol, currently? Are you expecting the others to maybe start living again?
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