sam fisher
Well-Known Member
in a plastic tank with a smallish heat pad under neath it. basicaly just vermaculite and something to climb on liek a stick. it eats anything but preferes cricket but now it is big it eats adult locusts. eats one usually every day but some times only once every few days so it is pretty cheap plus we breed them sometimes(locusts) so very cheap for us. For water they drink droplets of the edge of the tank so we spray some water on every day. They also seem to derive some moisture from their pray. usually bites the first time you handle it. I did not think it had a brain that remembered things but seems to not be worried by being held by us anymore. i have not let anyone hold it incase they decided to try and crush it.bringoutthegimp posted on Mar 8 2005 at 03:14 PM said:haha this is surprisingly interesting. answer me a few questions:
where do you keep it? does it need an incubated cage or can you keep it in a plastic fish tank? what does it need in the cage? what food does it eat and how much is the food? how long do they live for? are they safe to handle or do they bite a lot? how often do they eat? do they actually recognize you i.e. they would attack someone else but not you?
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