Powkiddy A13

For your information, I tried these on my TV. The h254 version being encoded in h254 (high) surprisingly did play on my TV although it only showed a couple of frames. The h265 version didn't play at all and the TV complained.

I've replaced the videos in my last post with mp4 versions, except for the h265 one which for some reason my transcoder wasn't willing to stuff into an mp4 file.
@levi all your files worked fine as far as I could tell (hard to compare because it is a still image, but sound didn't stutter or lagging with startup) Also tried a few from https://test-videos.co.uk/ and the smaller 360 movies worked fine, but the larger 1080 stutter and can even hang)
Added a mkv file as well but that is not recognized as movie file by the movieplayer or filebrowser.
Yeah, the only motion in that video is a small fade from black at the start. Possibly not the best example, but it's what I had to hand at the time. I could produce different ones, but I feel you've got closer to the truth about what the device can handle already.
Noticed the fade and appeared to be handled fine but I would need to see two versions playing at the same time to spot any lag. It is a cheap device and not really suited for playing movies but with the tests you should have an idea what the current hardware is capable of. Personally I wouldn't bother with it due to the limitations of the software (even when you upgrade to RetroArch 1.9.0).

A very nice hardware upgrade is possible to raspberry Pi 4 though. Too bad they don't sell it like that. The procedure is far from plug and play but for someone that has some experience with a soldering iron it shouldn't be too hard. Great video explaining the upgrade in detail, so could be followed step by step.

First of two parts

It looks like there is an upgrade motherboard available but that looks like the same motherboard but only with more games. The 'upgrade' is basically only an additional sd card (unless you need a replacement motherboard). So don't buy this.
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