Rediscovering The Nintendo 64.


darkman unmasked!
Aug 16, 2005
Kentucky, USA
I found out this past week that all of the Gamestop and EB Games locally are selling out of their used N64 and PS1 games. They will not longer carry any of these games any more, nor will they buy any back. It is a buy one get one free thing until they are all gone, so I decided to add to my puny N64 game collection. I think my collection was small due to the time that the N64 was hot, the games were rather expensive compared to the PS1 and Saturn.

So this past week I have added 10 games to my N64. I am, sort of, rediscovering the N64, so to speak. It has been in my closet for a while. This system really was a good little game machine. I grabbed up a lot of games that were rather elusive and hard to find locally during the N64 heyday. F-Zero X, Battle for Naboo, Banji-Tooie, Rayman 2, XG2, and a bunch of racers. Enjoying immensely “automobili Lamborghini” right now. That is a very good racing game, and I love a good arcade racer.

It is true that the 3D graphics of that time period, for consoles, was a little crude. But it worked, especially if it complimented a decent game. According to Wikipedia's definition of “retro” the N64 falls right in there. I really don't see it as retro necessarily. I see it, along with the PS1 and the Saturn, as the pioneers or ground breakers, on home consoles, of the modern 3D gaming that we are enjoying on the PS2, PS3, Gamecube, Xbox, Xbox 360, and the Wii.

I have been pulling out old N64 games that I haven't played for years. I consider Starfox64 a classic. I just relived this week the section of that game that is my favorite, I have yet to find a game that gives me the same feeling as I first had when going into that area with the tower in the middle and having dogfights all around it. And then flying out of there as it blows up. It is still as fun as it ever was! It is the one game that I feel makes the N64 worth having! IMHO

I averaged $5.00 USD per game, so I might be going back soon to get some more. I don't think any one else is taking advantage of this opportunity to catch up on some missed fun locally. I seem to be the only one thumbing through and purchasing them.

Has anyone else had one of those moments, like I had with Starfox64, on a N64 game?

edit: Or has anyone had a similar “Wow” experience on any one of those three early systems?
No offence, but I dont understand the point of buying N64 games.

It is one situation where emulation is better. Nice graphics at higher resolutions and online play.

And no money wasted- unless of course you have no PC, then $5 is great!
I usually prefer playing on the original hardware. N64 has better controls, for a start.

However, the N64 is probably my least favorite console next to the 3DO. I had a Doctor V64 in the day, so I played every game released as they came out, and there really wasn't much worth bothering with IMHO.

There are still a handful of classics, as you're discovering, Darkman. My favorite was Space Station Silicon Valley!
The N64 is my favorite console. I played that thing from middle school through high school and into college. I didn't get a THEN next gen console until my roommates bought me a gamecube for Christmas. I must admit, I have recently been playing my SNES more than any of my 5 consoles.

Darkman, you need to get Beetle Adventure Racing! It is an awesome game!
I really liked the N64 version of Doom. Paper Mario was good. The Zelda games are considered by many to be the best in the series (though they run very well on GC, so no need for an N64 there). Also, THQ released some good wrestling games for the system under both the WWE and WCW banners. And, of course, Goldeneye should go without saying.

I listed mostly fairly well-known titles, though. I wasn't crazy about the N64 for the most part. There were some good games but it really lacked the variety of the PSX. The good titles were really good which is why I bought my brother's off him when he stepped up to a Dreamcast, but I just don't know of enough great games for the machine.
GunPei2X posted on Feb 3 2007 at 03:24 PM said:
I usually prefer playing on the original hardware. N64 has better controls, for a start.

However, the N64 is probably my least favorite console next to the 3DO. I had a Doctor V64 in the day, so I played every game released as they came out, and there really wasn't much worth bothering with IMHO.

There are still a handful of classics, as you're discovering, Darkman. My favorite was Space Station Silicon Valley!

Space Station Silicon Valley was one that I did pick up! Hadn't got into it yet. And I am one of those who would rather play on the original hardware too. I can emulate on my PC but I'd rather get the real thing. I have been scanning the net for reviews on games so that I do not make the same mistake years ago and buy another "Fighting Force." (spit, spit, yuck, just typing it leaves a bad taste in my mouth.) Thanks for the suggestions!!

Got Paper Mario "Ravnos" it is a very good game. "speedmike" I am going to look for "Beetle Adventure Racing" I keep reading that it is an awesome game! And I love racing games, especially rally off road type. Don't like the race tract sort. I will have to purchase the two Zelda games over ebay even though I have them on disc for the Gamecube. Want the originals!

"declaration" no offence taken. I really don't think that I am wasting my money. I love having and owning the stuff. Collectors are like that you know. I even own an Atari Jaguar. :o (Please do not throw any rotten tomatoes or eggs. It could poke someone's eye out) There are about five games on that system that causes me not to part with it. A couple of them are Tempest 2000 and Defender. I have tried Tempest 2000 on other systems, but it just feels and plays so much better on the Jag.

I know that the N64 was pretty much a failure, (Not as bad as the Jag) but it did have some stuff that was worth playing. And I know that the good stuff is rather limited. That is why I am doing my research over the net. The N64 was a good second or third system back when it came out, it just couldn't hold its own as a main one.

I really think that the main thing that held it back was the choice of carts rather than a CD-ROM. If it had been built with a CD-ROM drive I think Video game history would have been totally different than it is today.

I too have been playing a lot of SNES resently on my GP2X. I have a couple of nephews that come in to visit in the summer each year, they are 6 and 7 years. Out of all of my modern game systems vs the old classics. Guess which one they want to play? SNES. I will have to expose them to the Genesis this year. :)
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GunPei2X posted on Feb 3 2007 at 04:24 PM said:
I usually prefer playing on the original hardware. N64 has better controls, for a start.
I use a USB controller adapter. So I use the original controller on my PC.

So that ends that. Emulation is indeed better.
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daclassicgamingmaster posted on Feb 3 2007 at 10:21 PM said:
GunPei2X posted on Feb 3 2007 at 04:24 PM said:
I usually prefer playing on the original hardware. N64 has better controls, for a start.
I use a USB controller adapter. So I use the original controller on my PC.

So that ends that. Emulation is indeed better.

Oh snap!!

... you know, I never played any N64 games ... EVER :o

... well, I did play mario 64, but on a DS .. and it was a bit boring :unsure:
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TelcoLou posted on Feb 3 2007 at 10:27 PM said:
daclassicgamingmaster posted on Feb 3 2007 at 10:21 PM said:
GunPei2X posted on Feb 3 2007 at 04:24 PM said:
I usually prefer playing on the original hardware. N64 has better controls, for a start.
I use a USB controller adapter. So I use the original controller on my PC.

So that ends that. Emulation is indeed better.

Oh snap!!

... you know, I never played any N64 games ... EVER :o

... well, I did play mario 64, but on a DS .. and it was a bit boring :unsure:
I was never a huge n64 fan either. My friends had it, and I had a ps1. They played banjo kazooie, I played Crash bandicoot. They played mario 64, I played final fantasy. They played starfox....I played castlevania.

You can see where im going with this ;) God I'm such a Sony fanboy!

Edit: It's worth noting that 'daclassicgamingmaster' doesn't own one. And never has.
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I had the PS1, Saturn, and the N64 (still have all three) back then all hooked to the same TV. I played Crash, Mario, and NiGHTS. Had fun with all three systems. :D And feel that they all still have their fun games.
I think N64 is an underrated platform. Sure, everyone loves Zelda and Mario, but I think that a lot of people ignored much of its quality stuff. Having just bought a Saturn, I can say that N64 outshines Saturn by leaps and bounds (not that Saturn isn't fun, of course ;)).

I see N64 as a platform gamer's dream. Mario, Conker, Rocket: Robot on Wheels, Yoshi Story, Donkey Kong (and many more)--all excellent games. That is, if you like platformers...

Speaking of Rocket:Robot on Wheels, it's probably one of the most underrated game on the console. It was the first game from the devs of Sly Cooper, and it's a very clever, gorgeous platformer. Definitely pick that up.

Anything from Nintendo is a good call. The Rush games are excellent. Agree about Beetle Adventure Racing. Star Wars games are fun. There are more... kind of forget right now, though. :P
shinneri posted on Feb 4 2007 at 12:55 AM said:
Star Wars games are fun.

Oh, right. I forgot about Shadows of the Empire. That game was alright IIRC. Also, wasn't the first Rogue Squadron game on N64?
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darkman posted on Feb 4 2007 at 02:53 AM said:
I know that the N64 was pretty much a failure

Actually, that's a myth. The N64 was very successful worldwide. Not on the scale of the PS1, obviously, much Nintendo did quite handsomely from it.

A couple of others I enjoyed on it:

Blast Corps
Body Harvest
Diddy Kong Racing (frustratingly difficult at later levels!)
Glover (well, it was interesting, anyway)
Mario Golf & Tennis
Mischief Makers (altho' the PS1/Saturn versions were better)
Pokemon Puzzle League (same as Panel de Pon/Tetris Attack)
Scooby Doo (if I'm remembering it correctly)
one of the Top Gear games (can't recall which)

btw if you get Rogue Squadron, try to get a RAM expansion pack, as it will run much nicer (same with Zelda: Majora's Mask).
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I do have the RAM expansion pack. Had to have that for Starfox 64. A couple of games that I am looking into buying in the near future is "Sin & Punishment" and "Bangai-O." Both Japanese imports. Both are "Treasure made games." The US N64 is very easy to fix for imports. All you have to do is knock out a couple of plastic tabs.
darkman posted on Feb 5 2007 at 08:43 AM said:
A couple of games that I am looking into buying in the near future is "Sin & Punishment" and "Bangai-O." Both Japanese imports. Both are "Treasure made games." The US N64 is very easy to fix for imports. All you have to do is knock out a couple of plastic tabs.

Watch out, they're expensive :)

Sin & Punishment is way overhyped IMHO. There's a translation patch available if you play the emulated version.

Also, Bangai-O is much better on Dreamcast. Great game, anyway!

darkman posted on Feb 5 2007 at 08:43 AM said:
I do have the RAM expansion pack. Had to have that for Starfox 64.

Hm, are we talking about the same thing, because Starfox 64 doesn't benefit from the RAM pack (Starcraft 64 does though)?

This is what I mean:

Starfox 64 came with the Rumble Pak.
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GunPei2X posted on Feb 5 2007 at 04:53 AM said:
Hm, are we talking about the same thing, because Starfox 64 doesn't benefit from the RAM pack (Starcraft 64 does though)?

This is what I mean:

Starfox 64 came with the Rumble Pak.
Yoour right, Starfox 64 was the rumble pak game. I do have the RAM pak. I just can't remember what game it was that I purchased it for. :unsure: It has been a long time. A lot of the games that I have right now can see the RAM expansion. It could have been for Star Wars Episode 1 Racer, Rogue Squadron, or Perfect Dark that originally caused me to purchase it.

And I am a Big fan of Treasure games. "Sin & Punishment" can by picked up rather reasonable. It is the Banga-O that may concern me. I do have it on the Dreamcast. But it is really a port of the N64 version. Odd that it would be better on the Dreamcast. Is it the controls or feel that makes it better?
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Well, in a way it's a matter of taste, but I find the DC version faster and more exciting, in part because you fill up your bomb bar by shooting things instead of collecting fruit. A lot of other tweaks too, more bosses/enemies, etc. Superficially the biggest change is vastly improved sound and graphics.

Do you have Mischief Makers already? That's another Treasure one.
GunPei2X posted on Feb 5 2007 at 04:04 PM said:
Do you have Mischief Makers already? That's another Treasure one.
Yep! Got that one years ago. Just recently found out about the other two that I mentioned above.
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