Porting PewPew


Still Fresh
Jun 15, 2012
Paris, France

I am the developer of PewPew 2, an iOS/Android/BB game ( http://pewpew.jfgeyelin.com/#home ).

Some people have expressed their interest in having PewPew ported to the Pandora. Unfortunately, I don't have a Pandora :)

I was wondering if somebody here was be interested in doing the port themselves: PewPew 2 would then be available freely for the Pandora.
What is it written in? If its Plain C++/SDL I can give it a try, but don't have much time myself.

Maybe someone else will chime in?
it's plain C++ (no Boost) with OpenGL ES 1 (and OpenAL if you want sound).

An other solution would be for someone (in the Paris area) to lend me their Pandora.
Yes, hopefully.

Apparently there are several people interested in porting it. I'll try to select the one that is most suited for the work.
Looks like a fantastic game. If it was a quick SDL control scheme change and recompile no problem.. but if I hit anything that was any bit more complicated I would be a little lost. So wouldn't be the first choice.
You will still need to implement eglport for the oglescontext, but it still should be simple :)
I liked both of these games on iOS, be great to see any of them on the Pandora!

I love that style of game. Look forward to trying it out when I get an Android phone next week and I hope that I get to play it on the Pandora someday too.

Thanks for trying to get it ported Jyaif and welcome to the community :)

EDIT: Just watched the video. This will play ace on the Pandora with the twin sticks :D
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I am the developer of PewPew 2, an iOS/Android/BB game ( http://pewpew.jfgeyelin.com/#home ).

Some people have expressed their interest in having PewPew ported to the Pandora. Unfortunately, I don't have a Pandora :)

I was wondering if somebody here was be interested in doing the port themselves: PewPew 2 would then be available freely for the Pandora.

This is awesome. I've already bought Pew Pew 2 on android or I would buy it right now. Love the game, it's awesome on the pandora. And thanks to Sebt3 for the port!
Hell yeah, nice one Sebt3! Going to have a lot of fun with this on the weekend .. reminds me a lot of WordWarVI, which is a good thing .. ;)
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I bet its the usual 1star rating, followed by a 5 star rating.
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Thanks for this Jyaif & sebt3, great game for Pandora, controls really nicely with the analogue nubs.

I'm getting quite a few lock ups (requiring hard reset of Pandora) on the level select screen, seems to happen when the level select list is scrolling down into place after completing a level.

I'm running PewPew, Hotfix 5a, Kernel 3.2, 256MB Pandora @ 850Mhz.

Also, does this game need a bit of an overclock? It's very jerky with stuttering music @ 600 Mhz for me.