Porting My Games To Caanoo

i just want to say a big thanks ruckage for any games you bring to the caanoo , all very much welcome :-)

Clare said:
Hey Ruck,

Did you find a good dev environment for Bennu like FBMX?

Unfortunately not, at the minute I'm using notepad++ which was bundled and already setup in one of the Bennu packs. This isn't ideal though. It's not so bad when porting existing code but if I was writing a game from scratch it would be far less productive I think. I may have another go at setting up context but I had trouble with it before and it just isn't a patch on FBMX.

Fingers crossed someone picks up FBMX again and fixes the bugs as a Bennu port was started.
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I'd also like to thank Ruckage and all the other active devs.
Without the few dudes (and gals I guess) who really put time and effort into it the GPH-Line would long be dead.
I am absolutely amazed every day, that there still are people left who develop open source, simply because they like it.

Thanks for all the games, the emulators (Donkey Kong still fucking rocks), the media apps and all the toys :)
Animatch was the first game I played on the Wiz and loved it from the start. Sadly, my sister did also :P
I'll get my Caanoo within the next 3-5 days, but it wont be complete until I get that time-wasting-addictive-piece of gaming on it.
I hope that one of the best homebrew developers he's still active on the Caanoo scene...
Ruckage... if you're there, knock once! ;)