I think it highly unlikely that you are going to want to do much typing of that kind on the Pandora keyboard. Using any small keyboard is a bit of a pain as it has to be done with one finger and you will make more typing mistakes than you would on a normal keyboard. I think the eee PC keyboard is about the limit for keyboard sizes and anything smaller is awkward.
you won't do much typing, but many of us will. About a quarter of my posts on these forums were sent from my HTC Apache phone, and that has an even smaller keyboard than Pandora. Once you get used to thumb typing, it is just as comfortable as regular typing, if a bit slower. I can still hit about 3 cps with minimal spelling mistakes.
WhizzBang said:
I also think the tone of both your replies was a bit aggressive. To me they read as if you were saying "You are a tw*t for not loving the Pandora like what I do. How dare you say you are not interested in a keyboard on a handheld games console."
If people get aggressive in response to your arguement, it's because your argument is kind of absurd. You're basically asking to have a popular feature removed because you don't like the way it looks. It is not like the presence of the keyboard affects any other functions of the Pandora.
If you have a keyboard, the pro-KB people can use it and the anti-KB people can ignore it. If don't have the keyboard, the pro-KB people are severely inconvenienced and the anti-KB people are in the exact same position as if it was there. There is really no reason not to have it.
If it bothers you that much, just tape a piece of paper over it or something.