Pokémon GO

My God, it is coming to the Apple Watch, too? I don't give shit about all the freedom on the other phones, I am buying an iPhone and an Apple Watch now!

(Edit : Seriously, this really made me upset as a Gear S2 and a Note 3 owner.)
Now people will have a reason to go running :D

You will now be able to catch underwater pokemons too !! :D
I'm sure it will eventually show up on android wear, just like Super Mario Run.
Gear S2 is Tizen, too bad :( I don't really know why I didn't go with Android Wear. I mean, you can run full android apps on it. (With adb, although on a much smaller screen)

So, is it dead yet?
In south corea is just born :D
What a clever business move, right? Still releasing worldwide, after all the hype is over. I mean, it still isn't out in some parts of the world yet. This is far from their only wrong movements, though.
According to the data collected by this site, as of the end of September it was still the leading game on Android with 15 million active weekly players, far surpassing everything else. It had an expected amount of churn, old users dropping as new ones came in, resulting in a perfectly normal decline. It just seems like it's dying because "perfectly normal" for such a huge player base is several million per week as opposed to several thousand for most other games.
It's probably come down in the last 3 months because winter and normal churn, but I honestly can't imagine it being so much to call it "dead". At worst, sleeping until spring.
We can't say it's "dead". But the hype is dead, and the subreddit is full of complaints. Still, that doesn't stop them from enjoying all the green :)