Pocketsnes V6.5.0 Final Released


Staff member
Mar 4, 2003
HeadOverHeels worked hard to optimize PocketSNES for the WIZ - and here it is, a very good working SNES emulator which does even play Super Mario RPG in fullspeed!


The list of changes:

- Mode 7 optimizations (and various other tweaks)
- Horizontal scaling added
- pollux_set integrated

Fast version:
- Improved compatibility with some games: star ocean, Rendering Ranger ...
- More games compatible with the audio performance hack: Contra, Axelay ...

Normal Version:
- SuperFX and SA-1 emulation!
- Support file speedhacks using snesadvance.dat
- Two sound emulation modes: fast and compatible. To change from one to another you need to restart the game.

Download: PocketSNES v6.5.0

Thanks to HeadOverHeels at gp32spain.com for the news!
asks in a very low voice:
Any chance this would mean we can have a newer version for our GP2Xs Fx00?

...runs away
sehs33 said:
asks in a very low voice:
Any chance this would mean we can have a newer version for our GP2Xs Fx00?

...runs away
I'm not sure how the new optimizations for mode-7 and transparencies are being implemented, but the GP2X doesn't use pollux. So I'm not sure what could be added to the GP2X port. I'm sure the mode-7 and transparency optimizations could be added to the GP2X port.
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I think the readme just means it is using the pollux cpu speed options.

This mainly just adds support for the speedhack file from the GBA SNES emu to gain speed - so it should be possible to back port to the GP2X and GP32.
craigix said:
I think the readme just means it is using the pollux cpu speed options.

This mainly just adds support for the speedhack file from the GBA SNES emu to gain speed - so it should be possible to back port to the GP2X and GP32.

It would definitely be nice to get a new version for the gp2x.
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Anyone know any games that work well with this emulator? I know that the snes games are kinda pushing the wiz processor a bit hard, and was wondering if most games run at full speed. Perchance it is too early to tell.
aesir911 said:
Anyone know any games that work well with this emulator? I know that the snes games are kinda pushing the wiz processor a bit hard, and was wondering if most games run at full speed. Perchance it is too early to tell.
I would say many games are fullspeed pretty much. Some need a little overclock (700 or so). Only a few FX chip games like Starfox are unplayably slow.
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DaveC said:
aesir911 said:
Anyone know any games that work well with this emulator? I know that the snes games are kinda pushing the wiz processor a bit hard, and was wondering if most games run at full speed. Perchance it is too early to tell.
I would say many games are fullspeed pretty much. Some need a little overclock (700 or so). Only a few FX chip games like Starfox are unplayably slow.

Wow, that's impressive! Thank you very much HeadOverHeels!

(edit) hmm, i can't seem to find the mmuhack.o. does anyone know a link to where i can download it?
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The mmuhack.o file is for the GP2X. The mmuhack.ko is for the WIZ. The mmuhack.ko file should already be implemeted and come with the pocketsnes emulator.
geise69 said:
The mmuhack.o file is for the GP2X. The mmuhack.ko is for the WIZ. The mmuhack.ko file should already be implemeted and come with the pocketsnes emulator.

hmm, all i have is pocketsnes_fast.gpe, pocketsnes.gpe, snesadvance.dat, and warm_2.6.24.ko (not including the read me file). is the warm thingy the file i need?

(edit) @Rivroner thanks, just checking
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Great to see this major emulator get an update, best thing for me is the main menu doesn't flicker anymore. Oh yeah and Rendering Ranger works really well, which is brilliant news for Manfred Trenz fans like myself ;)
Good to see the menu fix and added support for the games that used the 3d chip.. although Star Ocean still doesn't seem to work.

Also.. is there a chance the dev will fix the diagonal-line problem? I don't notice it as much as the previous version, which is a good thing, but it's still there. This version says final so I'll guess no, and if so, then that sucks since more than half of the emulators don't have the problem anymore.
Star ocean is working, you need to do this the readme says:

11. SDD1 support (Star Ocean & Street Fighter Alpha 2)
SDD1 decompressed packs are supported. SDD1GFX.DAT & SDD1GFX.IDX must be copied to a subdirectory named socnsdd1 (for Star Ocean) and sfa2sdd1 (for Street Fighter 2 alpha). Create these subdirectories in the roms directory.
If no packs are found, the emulator uses realtime decompression (slower)