DanSolo said:
I need this for PSX4GP2x... can anybody help me out? I can only find 2.0 by Google.
under the cat dude you will see it. its winzip
I found that link. It's .RAR and it downloads as 2kb. Nope!
holy crap ur right it was working a month ago when i got it but unfortuantely i deleteted from my pc and i have only 2.0 now when i use to have 2.1 and 2.2. I dont why its corrupted now.
sorry should have checked first
ask zod i know he has it along with a few other people on this form
someone should load this into the archives if possible.
great idea......
i wanna try some psx 2d strategy games too......
/couldnt find 2.2 anywere