Please port: YGOPRO (Yu-Gi-Oh client)

Looks better ? 
Much better.

The 20 pixels you cut on the bottom side of the screen aren't much of a problem.

It cuts some cards while making the deck (only he unused side deck) but while playing there should be some room below my  hand cards. We'll see.

I don't know how problematic it wold be to cut 10 pixels above and 10 below the screen. No must have.

Looks pretty good now.

Maybe make the big left card still little smaller. If it takes long leave it as it is now. I'm just interested who it would look like then. Some cards have pretty long texts to read. Again: If it takes long to do, leave it.
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Woah, looks interesting. It's too late for ygopro, I'm adjusting some mouse problem now, but I have to keep this trick in mind for other port.
So here's the list of updates:

They can be downloaded manually here.

I'd advice you to copy as much into the appdata folder as possible.

At least all folders should be there.

Best would be if there's everything except the 600MB folder.

This will allow to update nearly everything manually then (which is required, I think, as there are much updates).

If you release a new PND it doesn't help if not the new stuff is included in the new version already.

I it's not possible to make an auto updater than put as everything (except the 600MB) into the appdata folder, please.
Ok. scripts, decks, languages conf, carddb, will all be on the appdata folder. Only pics will be inside PND. Anyway, if the card is defined but there is no picture of it, the games does crash, it just fallback to a gray generic card. Also, I think you will be able to create the pics folder in the appdata, and put the new jpg of the new card, and the unionfs will work. What will not be possible with Fat32 SDCard is to have the PND having write access to pics folder, so will probably be able to update manualy.

As long as the game won't crash it's fine.

Would you update the PND from time to time if I'd send you a new pics folder when new cards come out? (Won't happen too often).

What will not be possible with Fat32 SDCard is to have the PND having write access to pics folder, so will probably be able to update manualy.

What can't I do with FAT32?

Update the pics folder with copying new stuff into the (empty) appdata>pics folder?

If everything else works it's fine for me.
Done with resizing stuff.. It seems good now.

Well, as I don't know the rules of the games, I have just tested a few "Duel Puzzle" games, where I fail quickly... But it works.

I have done some zenity progress bar and input (to choose language) at first start.

I'm packaging right now. Will take time to package, retest a bit, and upload to the repo.

That's for the good news.

For the bad news:

No sound. This version doesn't have sound code, so it will be silent.

Linuxbochs OpenGL doesn't work. Many functions missing.

So it will be software only. I have hacked the Direct3D setting to use Software renderer instead. So, in the appdata/ygopro/hom/system.conf if you choose "use_d3d = 1", you will have a faster but highly inacurate software renderer (I also tried Burningsvideo softawre renderer, and while a bit more accurate, especialy in the deck construction screen, there were many more missing graphics in actual game).
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Nice news.

So are card pictures missing or other graphics?

Don't worry about sound.
no pictures missing. But the pnd is 400 Mo of size ! And the initial setup takes some times also (the script are uncompressed to appdata, a few megs).