Please Port 'the Gamemaker'


May 18, 2006
I make games quite a bit using various programs at home, none of which require programming knowledge :P Such as 'The Gamemaker'. It would be great if someone could port 'The Gamemaker' or a simular product which doesn't require code writing but instead uses an interface to the GP2X so I could make games on the move especially if it included an option to save them as a .gpe :D
Game Editor has been ported, and it's pretty similar to Game Maker. I've played around with it a little. The only down-side is it's a commercial program. You have to buy the full version to actually compile your game for the 2x.
Game Editor has been ported, and it's pretty similar to Game Maker. I've played around with it a little. The only down-side is it's a commercial program. You have to buy the full version to actually compile your game for the 2x.

Really? :D Could you please post a link to where I can download it?
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Oh, if you were talking about an actual game editor on gp2x, there isn't one (yet).
unless you like to create Sokoban levelpacks. Sokoban for gp2x by Joyrider has an in-built level editor.
Oh, if you were talking about an actual game editor on gp2x, there isn't one (yet).
unless you like to create Sokoban levelpacks. Sokoban for gp2x by Joyrider has an in-built level editor.

:huh: lol I think Ill pass on that :P OK that is now my request to developers then *begs* PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE *begs* create a program like 'The Gamemaker' ( for the GP2X!!! Think about it, it will also GREATLY benifit the GP2X community if people can create games on the move; I for one promise to create tonnes of games like the ones on my site ( for the GP2X if one is released... *begs again* :blink:
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One setback would be that the batteries might run out while your making the game. Isn't it easier to compile the game on the PC? You have a bigger screen, bigger controls etc. If anything there should be a free version of that game editor program, so you can create games for the GP2X on your PC for free :) Just my opinion though.
Not only is there no source, but GameMaker also uses DirectDraw/Direct3D so there'd be a pretty substantial porting effort there.

I thought someone had already ported SDLBasic and a few of the Lua runtime toys over -- they should work fine for on-the-go programming.
Not only is there no source, but GameMaker also uses DirectDraw/Direct3D so there'd be a pretty substantial porting effort there.

I thought someone had already ported SDLBasic and a few of the Lua runtime toys over -- they should work fine for on-the-go programming.

That still requires code writing though, I'm looking for a program that uses an interface :P
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Consider this a perfect opportunity to discover what we have to go through to port your requests. :)

But more seriously, it's unlikely there are many open-source click-and-play game makers that can be easily ported to a console interface. You might be better off trying to find one of the console RPG maker games and running it through an emulator (I'm pretty sure some exist for the SNES).

I also don't know if it's practical to make an interpreter for the GPE file format. It would be somewhat difficult as I bet it's undocumented and you'd be effectively re-implementing the Game Maker runtime engine.