Can These Games Be Ported Easily?


Sep 7, 2005
Philadelphia, PA
I don't know how many of you have heard about this, but there's a nifty little program out there called Game Maker, that allows people with limited to no programming knowledge to create their own games with relative ease. Since you don't need to know anything about computer languages like C or C++, there are a lot of fun and original homebrew games made with it.

So anyway, I was wondering if these games are games that could easily be ported to the GP32, or the GP2X for that matter. I know that the Game Maker program itself was made in C++, so perhaps all the games made with it are essentially written in C++ as well, thus, making it possible to port to GamePark 32?

Here are the links to the Gamemaker site so you can all see what I'm talking about:


Be sure to check out the forums... every month there's a "cagematch" where two new games are pitted against each other and members can vote on which one they think is best.

So yeah, would it be possible to port these? Thanks to all who answer.
I last looked at that when it was at v4 - he's up to v6 now! :o

Maybe you could ask for an older engine source so that could be converted?
i think the website is quite clear^_^

"Game Maker is written in Delphi (version 7 at the moment). Almost all the code was written by me except for a few freeware components to read different image formats and to compress the data. The Game Maker source code is over 40.000 lines of code. The source code for the runner part is similar in size.

The maker part is heavily based on the Windows API. This makes it rather difficult to port it to a different platform. The runner part is based on DirectX (version 8.0 at the moment to keep it compatible with most older computers). Again, this makes it difficult to port it to other platforms. Don't expect versions that can make games for e.g. hand-held devices because of the many incomptibilities. "

I could have sworn that Gamemaker was written in C++, but I guess not. It's a shame we'll probably never see these on a Gamepark system, cause most of these games are good fun.

Oh well... thanks everyone.
I recently contacted Clickteam about the proposed GP32 runtime for Multimedia Fusion, and also asked about GPX2 support. They replied:

"We will look into adding support for GamePark and other systems after MMF2
is released.
It won't happen very soon after MMF2 is released but we will look into it in
the future

If anyone doesn't know who Clickteam are - they're the guys who made KliknPlay & The Games Factory. Multimedia Fusion is basically the big daddy version of those great old game creation programs.

If/when MMF supports GP32/GP2X, it will revolutionize homebrew. I used to make some nifty games in KliknPlay, so I'm sure MMF is far better (I don't have it, yet).

So keep your fingers crossed for MMF to support GP systems ASAP.

You might also want to email the Gamemaker folks and ask if they would be interested in creating a runtime interpreter for Gamemaker games. A whole lot of GP32/GPX2 users would buy Gamemaker, or any similar program, if you could play the games on GP32 and GPX2.

In fact, especially mention GPX2's Linux support and 64MB RAM. GP32's 8MB RAM will probably be a hindrance in supporting stuff like this, but 64MB is pretty damn good.
"We will look into adding support for GamePark and other systems after MMF2
is released.
It won't happen very soon after MMF2 is released but we will look into it in
the future."

Good, at least they're still thinking about it :D
I gave them the suggestion a while back, but I forgot to tell them the specs, all I told them was that is was opensource and a handheld.

P.S. I recommend that you guys send in that suggestion too(maybe If a bunch of us ask they'll finally agree :huh: ). I have used Gamemaker before(I'm currently working on MGS :P ).