Platformer tileset in search of a game dev:

Holy cheap & dirty parallax depth illusion, Batman!

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Nope, the way I generated that as one image means that they won't actually fit together. Its just designed to fit in with the bits that actually are tiled.

It doesn't have any diagonals because I couldn't work out a process to do lots at once.
yes, looks good ...

( I haven't done the test program for this yet, hopefully I can get to it soon! )
the gears look good too, I'm curious - how did you draw them?  (in brief)
  • Draw long rectangle (solid colour) 5 px wide, full height in the centre of the image.
  • Duplicate and rotate around the centre of the image repeatedly until you have enough in a sort of star shape.
  • Fill in bettween the spokes of the star with a centred circle to make a toothed wheel shape.
  • Manually tweak teeth, pixel-by-pixel to make them more rounded.
  • Remove parts of the centre of the wheel to form spokes
  • Fill with a grey grainy texture
  • Coulourise to a golden-brown
  • Select areas you want to appear sunken in, run a fuzzy black brush around the edge
  • Done
Cool, thanks for the explanation.  By the way, did you name yourself after Death's Horse in the Terry Pratchett books?
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Holy cheap & dirty parallax depth illusion, Batman!


Oldschool Parallax Scrolling rocks! :D So many great effects with such a simple technique, as more layers as better. ^^

I also made some Parallax-testes some time ago and made an own Tileset just for this, not good to see in the animation but besides the backgrounds, each cloud layer scrolls different.


fitting perfect in the "rule of 8", very nice. :)
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I did have sswam (=dredd) lined up to write a game using these, however he appears to be busy and unresponsive - I really would like to see something come of this. We've got most of a game plan worked out, but nothing's really decided upon, and any contributions are welcome.

Is there any dev out there feeling at a loose end who wants to have a crack at this? If so please PM me or reply below.

I attach a pygame script which shows off my pretty graphics and my poor coding abilities:

simply unzip and run :)

Sswam, if you read this, don't feel rejected or anything like that, I'm still more than happy to work with you - I just don't want to have put in so much work for nothing...


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hi Binky, it seems I can't find time to work on it. I'm sorry about that.

I hope you can find someone else to help with it.

Maybe I'll have time if my wife and kids go on a holiday and leave me home again! but don't know when that would be.
In reference to, does anyone think the day/night thing is worth putting in an actual game? Or is it just distracting?

I'd probably want to slow the effect down by quite a long way - maybe even until it was in sync with the real time...
Never been a fan of game time=real time in games.  I remember MSR on the Dreamcast used to do that, and after a while I ended up changing the system clock, as I got fed up of all the races being in the night time, as I only got chance to play in the evenings.

Less of a problem with a take-everywhere Pandora I guess, but still.