Pleng said:
Here's my video of one level (well, scene) almost complete. Just needs a bit of tweaking and a loving GFX artist to take care of it! Trouble is, without Clanlib being ported to OpenGLES, I can't really guarantee it'll ever make it to Pandora.
Oh you are KIDDING ME! Aren't you? I mean, seriosuly... this is among the list of games that I looked at people saying they wanted to develop and I went "Meh, so many people will want to jump on board that idea, I just don't have the TIME to spare competing with better artists!". Making pointed comments on a forum is a lot less time-intensive than creating all the graphics for a game. I've offered, within my limited ability (combo of both time and talent) to help out on a couple of games where they are missing one or two little things, but... hmmm...
OK, some thoughts.
1. I think the general pirate "vibe" (the music and the gameplay shown, on a pirate ship in the sea) distract/confuse from the suggested Indy theme.
2. I think I need to watch the film again! I loved the film AND the game (and ALL adaptations - from book to film to comic strip to game to t-shirt) tend to miss out fan-favourite aspects that just don't suit the new medium.
3. I'd love to see if you got any further storyboarding the game...
4. Your willingness to discuss how the graphics should be done - to the extent of whether it should look 2D or 2.5D even - should interest lots of graphic artists, or people who'd like to experiment in the area. Because you're giving them the opportunity to be more than a paintbrush for hire.
5. "Homage" games - "Mickey Mouse does Prince of Persia" and so on can be tremendous fun to play
OK - my usual level of bluntness out of the way, let's be coyer. I have commitments to two other games. I'm not that good, artistically, especially when it comes to low colour, low poly, low pixel count type things. On the other hand, if I can get you to do most of the work in doing things like specifying how many pixels high or wide you'd like to see X (background plate, figure sprite), how many frames to perform such-and-such an act in, and so on, and if we can work on the basis that I PROMISE nothing until after I've delivered it, I'd love to try and find the time to mess around in the Indy world graphically. Even if it's just providing some backgrounds that are ever so slightly more Indy-ish to use to fish for better artists. PM me if you think you can put up with my on/off offer AND personality flaws (no PM doesn't mean instant flame-on - it's not like I am short of stuff to do myself). And if you've got any kind of storyboard so far, that would be a great step forward.